

qacct 记录与总结说明SGE的使用情况

 acct= account for



usage: qacct [options]  

[-ar [ar_id]]                     list [matching] advance reservations  

[-A account_string]               jobs accounted to the given account

[-b begin_time]                   jobs started after

[-d days]                         jobs started during the last d days  

[-D [department]]                 list [matching] department

[-e end_time]                     jobs started before

[-g [groupid|groupname]]          list [matching] group

[-h [host]]                       list [matching] host

[-help]                           display this message 

[-j [job_id|job_name|pattern]]    list all [matching] jobs

[-l attr=val,...]                 request given complex attributes  

[-o [owner]]                      list [matching] owner  

[-pe [pe_name]]                   list [matching] parallel environment

[-P [project]]                    list [matching] project  

[-q [queue]]                      list [matching] queue  

[-slots [slots]]                  list [matching] job slots  

[-t taskid[-taskid[:step]]]       list all [matching] tasks (requires -j option)  

[[-f] acctfile]                   use alternate accounting file

begin_time, end_time              [[CC]YYMMDDhhmm[.SS]  

queue                             [cluster_queue|queue_instance|queue_domain|pattern]

posted @ 2011-07-15 11:53  lalalalalalalalala  阅读(454)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报