Game Theory

Class 1

lesson 1:Do not play a strictly dominated strategy.

lesson 2:Rational choice can lead to outcomes that “suck”

lesson 3:You can not get what you want,till you know that what you want.

lesson 4:Put yourself in other’s shoes and try to figure out what they will do.

lesson 5:Yale students are evil.(laughing)

(附:coordination problems 协和谬误



Class 2


A game include:





weakly dominated strategy

definition:(s-i means player)

player i’s strategy s’i is weakly dominated by her strategy si

if player i’s payoff from choosing si against s-i is always as big as or equal to her payoff from choosing s’i against s-i and this has to be ture for all things that anyone else could do.

And in addition,player i’s payoff from choosing si against s-i is strictly better that her payoff from choosing s’i against s-i for at least one thing that everyone else could do.


An number guessing game:




common knowledage

i know something and you know that i know!~

and you know it and i know that you know!~

(Mutual Knowledge doesn't imply common knowledge)


Class 3

Median Voter Theorem(中间选民定理)

they will crowding that center space.


in fact,the model miss many things:

  • the voter are not evenly distributed in the real world
  • we have many candidates(more than just two)
  • we have not voting,which is related to that actually
  • your position may be not believed.
  • primaries,and we have other dimensions


Best respone(最佳对策)

posted on 2010-12-14 17:03  小影帆  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
