sql server 2008语言基础: 子查询习题
not in () 的null值处理.
--返回由拥有订单数目最多的客户下过的所有订单. 注意, 多个客户可能下过的订单数目是一样的 --因此用到了with ties子句 --select o.custid, o.orderid, o.orderdate, o.empid from Sales.Orders o where custid in --( -- select top 1 with ties custid from Sales.Orders group by custid order by COUNT(*) desc --) --返回'2008-05-01'之后就没有处理过订单的员工 --select * from HR.Employees e --where not exists(select * from Sales.Orders o where orderdate>='2008-05-01' and o.empid=e.empid) --返回在客户表中出现过, 但是没有在员工表中出现过的国家 --select distinct country from Sales.Customers where country not in --(select country from hr.Employees where country is not null) --为每个客户返回在他参加活动的最后一天下过的所有订单. --select * from Sales.Orders o inner join --( -- select max(orderdate) dt, custid from Sales.Orders group by custid --) t on o.custid=t.custid and o.orderdate=t.dt --返回2007年下过订单, 但是08年没有下过订单的客户 --select * from Sales.Orders o where YEAR(orderdate)=2007 --and not exists(select custid from Sales.Orders o2 where o.custid=o2.custid and YEAR(orderdate)=2008) --返回订购了第12号产品的客户. --select distinct c.custid,companyname from Sales.Orders o inner join Sales.OrderDetails od on o.orderid=od.orderid --inner join Sales.Customers c on o.custid=c.custid where od.productid=12 --计算每个客户在每个月的连续总订货量 select c.custid,c.ordermonth,c.qty, (select SUM(qty) from Sales.CustOrders co2 where co2.ordermonth<=c.ordermonth and co2.custid=c.custid ) from Sales.CustOrders c order by custid
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