MEMORY | INTERRUPT | TIMER | 并发与同步 | 进程管理 | 调度 | uboot | DTB | ARMV8 | ATF | Kernel Data Structure | PHY | LINUX2.6 | 驱动合集 | UART子系统 | USB专题 |

PHY驱动调试之 ---PHY设备驱动(三)

1. 前言

 内核版本:linux 4.9.225,以freescale为例。(部分内容待修改和补充,不一定准确)

2. 概述



  • 总线 - sturct mii_bus (mii stand for media independent interface)
  • 设备 - struct phy_device
  • 驱动 - struct phy_driver


3. mdio_bus总线

3.1 总线注册的入口函数

# linux-4.9.225\drivers\net\phy\phy_device.c
static int __init phy_init(void)
int rc;
rc = mdio_bus_init(); //mdio_bus总线的注册
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = phy_drivers_register(genphy_driver,ARRAY_SIZE(genphy_driver), THIS_MODULE); //通用PHY驱动
if (rc)
return rc;

subsys_initcall(phy_init) 这行的作用非常重要,这一行就决定了内核在启动的时候会调用该函数,注册完了之后紧接着又注册一个通用的PHY驱动。关于intcall的机制请参见我之前写的专题:linux内核链接脚本vmlinux.lds分析续篇之 --- initcall机制(十三)

3.2 总线注册函数--- mdio_bus_init解析

# linux-4.9.225\drivers\net\phy\mdio_bus.c
static struct class mdio_bus_class = {
.name = "mdio_bus",
.dev_release = mdiobus_release,
static int mdio_bus_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)
struct mdio_device *mdio = to_mdio_device(dev);
if (of_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
return 1;
if (mdio->bus_match)
return mdio->bus_match(dev, drv);
return 0;
struct bus_type mdio_bus_type = {
.name = "mdio_bus", //总线名称
.match = mdio_bus_match, //用来匹配总线上设备和驱动的函数
int __init mdio_bus_init(void)
int ret;
ret = class_register(&mdio_bus_class); //注册设备类 (在linux设备模型中,我再仔细讲这个类的概念)
if (!ret) {
ret = bus_register(&mdio_bus_type);//总线注册
if (ret)
return ret;

(1) class_register(&mdio_bus_class)执行后会有以下设备类:

  • /sys/class/mdio_bus


  • /sys/bus/mdio_bus

3.3 总线中的match函数解析

* mdio_bus_match - determine if given MDIO driver supports the given
* MDIO device
* @dev: target MDIO device
* @drv: given MDIO driver
* Description: Given a MDIO device, and a MDIO driver, return 1 if
* the driver supports the device. Otherwise, return 0. This may
* require calling the devices own match function, since different classes
* of MDIO devices have different match criteria.
static int mdio_bus_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)
struct mdio_device *mdio = to_mdio_device(dev);
if (of_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
return 1;
if (mdio->bus_match) //实现匹配的函数
return mdio->bus_match(dev, drv);
return 0;

4. 设备驱动的注册


对于市场上存在的主流PHY品牌,一般在内核源码 drivers\net\phy目录下都有对应的驱动。本节主要以realtek RTL8211F为例,讲述PHY的驱动,代码如下:

# linux-4.9.225\drivers\net\phy\realtek.c
static struct phy_driver realtek_drvs[] = {
, {
.phy_id = 0x001cc916,
.name = "RTL8211F Gigabit Ethernet",
.phy_id_mask = 0x001fffff,
.features = PHY_GBIT_FEATURES,
.config_aneg = &genphy_config_aneg,
.config_init = &rtl8211f_config_init,
.read_status = &genphy_read_status,
.ack_interrupt = &rtl8211f_ack_interrupt,
.config_intr = &rtl8211f_config_intr,
.suspend = genphy_suspend,
.resume = genphy_resume,
module_phy_driver(realtek_drvs); //注册PHY驱动
static struct mdio_device_id __maybe_unused realtek_tbl[] = {
{ 0x001cc912, 0x001fffff },
{ 0x001cc914, 0x001fffff },
{ 0x001cc915, 0x001fffff },
{ 0x001cc916, 0x001fffff },
{ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(mdio, realtek_tbl);

4.1 phy驱动的注册


# linux-4.9.225\include\linux\phy.h
#define phy_module_driver(__phy_drivers, __count) \
static int __init phy_module_init(void) \
{ \
return phy_drivers_register(__phy_drivers, __count, THIS_MODULE); \
#define module_phy_driver(__phy_drivers) \
phy_module_driver(__phy_drivers, ARRAY_SIZE(__phy_drivers))


* phy_driver_register - register a phy_driver with the PHY layer
* @new_driver: new phy_driver to register
* @owner: module owning this PHY
int phy_driver_register(struct phy_driver *new_driver, struct module *owner)
int retval;
new_driver->mdiodrv.flags |= MDIO_DEVICE_IS_PHY;
new_driver-> = new_driver->name;//驱动名称
new_driver->mdiodrv.driver.bus = &mdio_bus_type; //驱动挂载的总线
new_driver->mdiodrv.driver.probe = phy_probe; //PHY设备和驱动匹配后调用的probe函数
new_driver->mdiodrv.driver.remove = phy_remove;
new_driver->mdiodrv.driver.owner = owner;
retval = driver_register(&new_driver->mdiodrv.driver); //向linux设备模型框架中注册device_driver驱动
if (retval) {
pr_err("%s: Error %d in registering driver\n",
new_driver->name, retval);
return retval;
pr_debug("%s: Registered new driver\n", new_driver->name);
return 0;
int phy_drivers_register(struct phy_driver *new_driver, int n,
struct module *owner)
int i, ret = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ret = phy_driver_register(new_driver + i, owner);//注册数组中所有的phy驱动
if (ret) {
while (i-- > 0)
phy_driver_unregister(new_driver + i);
return ret;


4.2.1 C语言宏定义##连接符和#符的使用

1 . ## 连接符号
"##" 连接符号其功能是在带参数的宏定义中将两个子串(token)联接起来,从而形成一个新的子串。但它不可以是第一个或者最后一个子串。所谓的子串(token)就是指编译器能够识别的最小语法单元。


我们知道在普通的宏定义中,预处理器一般把空格解释成分段标志,并把分隔后的每一段和前面的定义比较,相同的就被替换。如果采用空格来分隔,被替换后段与段之间存在一些空格。如果我们不希望出现这些空格,就可以通过添加一些 “##”来替代空格。例如:

#define example(name, type) name_##type##_type

"name"和第一个 " "之间,以及第2个""和第二个 "type" 之间没有被分隔,所以预处理器会把name_##type##type解释成3段:"name"、"type"、以及"_type",其中只有"type"是在宏前面出现过的,所以它可以被宏替换。

2 . # 符号
单独的一个 "#" 则表示: 替换这个变量后,再加双引号引起来。例如,宏定义 __stringify_1(x) :

# linux-4.9.225\include\linux\stringify.h
#define __stringify_1(x) #x

那么 __stringify_1(realtek_tbl) <=等价于=> ”realtek_tbl"

4.2.2 alias函数

gcc官方的说明部分内容如下:5.24 Declaring Attributes of Functions:

alias (“target”)
The alias attribute causes the declaration to be emitted as an alias for another symbol, which must be specified. For instance,

void __f () { /* Do something. */; }
void f () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__f")));

declares f' to be a weak alias for __f'. In C++, the mangled name for the target must be used. It is an error if `__f' is not defined in the same translation unit.

4.2.3 指定变量的属性 - - - unused的用法

unused 表示该函数或变量可能不使用,这个属性可以避免编译器产生警告信息。在gcc官方的说明部分内容如下:5.31 Specifying Attributes of Variables
This attribute, attached to a variable, means that the variable is meant to be possibly unused. GCC will not produce a warning for this variable.


MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE宏定义在 /include/linux/module.h中,如下:

/* Creates an alias so file2alias.c can find device table. */
#define MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(type, name) \
extern const typeof(name) __mod_##type##__##name##_device_table \
__attribute__ ((unused, alias(__stringify(name))))

生成了一个 _mod_type__name_device_table 的符号表,其中type为类型,name是这个驱动的名称。在内核编译的时候将这部分符号单独放置在一个区域。当内核运行的时,用户可以通过类型(tpye)和类型对应的设备表中名称(name)中动态的加载驱动,在表中查找到了这个符号之后可以迅速的加载驱动。


4.2.5 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(mdio, realtek_tbl)解析(待验证,后续再来修改)

1. 定义

* struct mdio_device_id - identifies PHY devices on an MDIO/MII bus
* @phy_id: The result of
* (mdio_read(&MII_PHYSID1) << 16 | mdio_read(&PHYSID2)) & @phy_id_mask
* for this PHY type
* @phy_id_mask: Defines the significant bits of @phy_id. A value of 0
* is used to terminate an array of struct mdio_device_id.
struct mdio_device_id {
__u32 phy_id;
__u32 phy_id_mask;
static struct mdio_device_id __maybe_unused realtek_tbl[] = {
{ 0x001cc912, 0x001fffff },
{ 0x001cc914, 0x001fffff },
{ 0x001cc915, 0x001fffff },
{ 0x001cc916, 0x001fffff },
{ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(mdio, realtek_tbl);

2 . 展开

#define MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(mdio, realtek_tbl) \
extern const struct mdio_device_id __mod_mdio__realtek_tbl_device_table \
__attribute__ ((unused, "realtek_tbl")))

生成一个名为__mod_mdio__realtek_tbl_device_table,内核构建时,depmod程序会在所有模块中搜索符号__mod_mdio__realtek_tbl_device_table,把数据(设备列表)从模块中抽出,添加到映射文件 /lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION/modules.mdiomap 中,当depmod结束之后,所有的MDIO设备连同他们的模块名字都被该文件列出。在需要驱动的时候,由modules.mdiomap 文件来找寻恰当的驱动程序。

5. 设备驱动与控制器驱动之间的关系图


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