


创建密码 mysqladmin -u root password '123456'
修改密码 命令行 1、mysqladmin -u root -p'123456' password 'oldboy'
sql语句 2、set password=password('123123'); flush privileges;
sql语句 3、update mysql.user set authentication_string=PASSWORD('123456') where user ="root" and host ="localhost";


基本命令 命令格式
切换进入库 use oldboy;
刷新 flush privileges;
授权新建用户 show grants for 'wordpress'@'172.16.1.%';
授权远程连接 create user jyt@'172.16.1.%' identified by '123456';
修改用户密码 alter user jjj@'172.16.1.%' identified by '123123';
查看当前数据库的字符集 show charset;
收回oldboy用户的drop权限 revoke drop on oldboy.* from oldboy@'lolcation';
向表中插入数据 INSERT INTO stu(name,age) VALUE('oldguo','18');


删除 命令格式
删除无用的库 drop database oldboy;
删除用户 drop user root@'oldboy';
删除一张表 drop table jyt;
删除表中的列 alter table oldguo drop state;
\(删除所有用户\) delete from mysql.user;


添加 命令格式
创建库 create detabase jyt;
建库 create database oldguo charset utf8mb4;
增加用户并将用户设为超级管理员 grant all privileges on . to jyt@'localhost' identified by '123456' with grant option;
创建表 create table oldguo ()charset=utf8mb4 engine=innodb;
添加一列到最后 alter table jyt add num char(11) not null unique comment '手机号';
添加一列到指定列后 alter table jyt add qq varchar(255) not null unique comment 'qq' after name;
添加一列到第一列 alter table oldguo add sid varchar(255) not null unique comment '学生号' first;


修改 命令格式
修改库的格式 alter database oldguo charset utf8mb4;
修改列的属性 alter table oldguo modify name varchar(128) not null ;


show语句 命令格式
show databases; 查看所有库
show tables; 查看当前库下的表名
show tables from world; 查看world库下的所有表
show create table; 查看建表语句
show grants for root@% 查看用户权限
show charset 查看所有字符集
show collation 查看校对规则
show full processlist 查看数据库的连接情况
show status 查看数据库整体状态
show variables 查看数据库所有变化情况
show variables 查看数据库所有变化情况
show engines 查看所有存储引擎
show engine innodb status 查看存储引擎状态情况
show binary logs 查看二进制日志情况
show binlog events in 查看二进制日志事件
show relalog events in 查看relay日志事件
show slave status 查看从库状态
show master status 查看数据库binlog位置信息
show index from 查看表的所有情况
查看所有库 show databases;
查看当前库中的表 show tables;
查看特定库中的表 show tables from jyt;
查看stu表中数据 show create table stu;
查看用户权限 show grants for 'wordpress'@'172.16.1.%';
查看链接线程 show processlist;
匹配查询库 show databases like 'oldboy';
匹配查询库以xx开头的所有 show databases like 'oldboy';
查看创建的用户oldboy拥有哪些权限 show grants for oldboy@'localhost';


基本命令(select) 命令格式
查看当前所在库 select database();
查看当前登录用户 select user();
查看表名对应主机 select user,host from mysql.user;
查看表名对应主机和密码 select user,host ,authentication_string from mysql.user;
查看表 select user,host from mysql.user where user="jyt";
在db表里查看权限 select * from mysql.db where user='wordpress' and host='172.16.1.%'\G
表相关 -
order by 排序
查询统计总数 select district,sum(population) from city where countrycode='chn' group by district;
查询统计总数并排序降序 SELECT district,sum(population) FROM city WHERE countrycode='chn' GROUP BY district ORDER BY SUM(Population) DESC;
查询中国所有的城市,并以人口数降序输出 select*from city where countrycode='chn' order by population desc;
limit m,n 跳过m行显示n行 limit x offset y 跳过y行显示x行
前5行 SELECT*FROM city WHERE countrycode='chn' ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 5;
显示6-10行 SELECT*FROM city WHERE countrycode='chn' ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 5,5;
显示6-10行 select*from city where countrycode='chn' order by population desc limit 5 offset 5;
avg()平均数 select district,avg(population) from city where countrycode='chn' group by district;
count()计数 select countrycode,count(name) from city group by countrycode;
sum()求和 select countrycode,sum(population) from city group by countrycode ;
max()最大值 -
min()最小值 -
group_concat()聚合 select countrycode,group_concat(district) from city group by countrycode;
where 相当于grep 说明
where配合等值查询 select * from world.city where countrycode='chn'; 查询表中的中国城市信息
where配合不等值查询 select * from world.city where Population<100; 人口小于100人的城市 (>,<,<=,>=,<>)
where配合模糊查询 select * from world.city where CountryCode like 'c%'; 国家以c开头 禁止%开头
where配合逻辑连接符(AND or) select * from world.city where Population > 10000 AND Population < 20000; select * from world.city where population between 10000 and 20000;
select * from world.city where CountryCode='chn' OR CountryCode='usa'; select * from world.city where countrycode in ('chn','usa');
SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE CountryCode='chn' UNION ALL SELECT*FROM world.city WHERE CountryCode='usa'; 推荐 union 去重 加all不去重 默认去重
posted @ 2019-06-09 11:11  小疯紫  阅读(579)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报