hive 不同用户 权限设置 出错处理




>show tables;

Error in metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask



Nested Throwables StackTrace:
org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Could not create a validated object, cause: A read-only user or a user in a read-only database is not permitted to disable read-only mode on a connection.



I had the same issue and resolved it by the following way. The issue is because of two possible reasons.

  • Either, the user you logged in as (do 'whoami' ) does not havewrite access to the derby metastore database directory used by Hive.So, go to /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db (this is the defaultin most cases) and verify if your user id has permissions by doing anls. In case your userid does not have permissions, you should ask the owner of the directory to grant write permissions to you. So,login as the owner/the super user and execute

cd /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db

chmod a+rwx . --recursive

Be warned that this will give permissions to all users. Tweak r-w-x bits accordingly though.

  • The other possible reason is that derby is a single user database. So, please clear the lock files by going to

cd /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db

rm *.lck





posted @ 2013-07-18 19:56  坚固66  阅读(946)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报