[每日一题] OCP1z0-047 :2013-07-15 drop column



gyj@OCM> Create table emp(

  2    Empno     number(4)    not null,

  3    First_name  varchar2(20),

  4    Last_name  varchar2(20),

  5    Salary      number(10,2),

  6    Deptno     number(2)

  7  );



Table created.


gyj@OCM> insertinto emp values(100,'yijun','guo',35000,1);


1 row created.




Commit complete.



gyj@OCM> altertable emp drop column first_name; --有数据也能被删除!排除答案A


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> altertable emp drop column Empno;


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> altertable emp drop column last_name;


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> altertable emp drop column salary;


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> altertable emp drop column deptno;

alter table empdrop column deptno


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-12983: cannotdrop all columns in a table  ----验证了答案B是对的


SET UNUSED Clause   ---官方解释,排除答案C

Specify SET UNUSED to mark one or more columns asunused. Specifying this clause does not actually remove the target columns fromeach row in the table. That is, it does not restore the disk space used bythese columns. Therefore, the response time is faster than when you execute theDROP clause.


不要马上drop column,应该先setunusedcolumn无法使用,避开系统尖峰时间再来处理删除栏位里的资料,要注意的是一但你set unused column,这个栏位是无法再回复使用的。

gyj@OCM> altertable emp add first_name varchar2(10);


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> select *from emp;



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gyj@OCM> updateemp set first_name='yijun';


1 row updated.


gyj@OCM> commit;


Commit complete.


gyj@OCM> ALTERTABLE emp SET UNUSED (first_name);


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> altertable emp drop unused column;


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> select *from emp;






gyj@OCM> alter table emp add first_name varchar2(10);


Table altered.


gyj@OCM> select * from emp

  2 ;



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gyj@OCM> update emp set first_name='yijun';


1 row updated.


gyj@OCM> commit;


Commit complete.


gyj@OCM> alter table emp add primary key(deptno,first_name);


Table altered.


yj@OCM> alter table emp drop column first_name;

alter table emp drop column first_name


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-12991: column is referenced in a multi-column constraint



gyj@OCM> alter table emp drop column first_name cascade constraints;


Table altered.







posted @ 2013-07-15 21:30  坚固66  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报