android fragment addToBackStack bug

In FragmentActivity。First, I add two fragment by FragmentTransaction。
See the flowing code :
MyFragmentManager manager;
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction;
FragmentManager fragmentManager;
MainBottomFragment bottom;
fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
manager = new MyFragmentManager(this);
Fragment bottomFragment =  new MainBottomFragment(this);
Fragment homePageFragment= new HomePageFragment(this);
fragmentTransaction.add(, bottomFragment);
fragmentTransaction.add(, homePageFragment= );
Second,In homePageFragment fragment,I need to deal with one button click event to next fragment(A),
then in Fragment,I processing then:
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().addToBackStack(null).replace(, A);
Third,In A fragment,I need to deal with one button click event to next fragment(B),
then in Fragment,I processing then:
Fouth,now B fragment is in the top,When I press the return key, the current fragment's order is
B->A->homeFragment,there is not problem with the above four stops;
But in the second step,if you replace fragment without call addToBackStack(null) method,like this:
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, A);
When the top fragment is B,When I press the return key, the current fragment's order is
B->homeFragment accourding to Google's official Android documentation,But is not consistent with what I expected。
Is anybody call tell me why? How do I solve this problem?
thans a lot.

posted @ 2013-06-28 19:44  坚固66  阅读(365)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报