

    本文由whqet翻译自WDL21 Beautiful Examples of Using White in Web Design。前端开发whqet,存眷前端开发技巧 分享网页相关资源。

    White is certainly an elegant color, and when properly used in web design, it can deliver really beautiful results, as the ones we will see here today. Using the right amount of white in a website creates a clean and elegant design, and it makes things easy and pleasant on our eyes, helping the viewer like what they see. From white space to white type against dark backgrounds, images and several other “white uses”, we’ve gathered here some inspiring examples of how to incorporate white in your designs for an elegant result.















    Koa Water


    More Air


    Ada Blackjack Shop










    Amanda Cole


    Justin Aguilar


    Ashley Farrand


    Nicolas Eberienos







    Another Pony





文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 看新闻说中国输入法全球第一!领先了又如何?西方文字根本不需要输入法。一点可比性都没有。

posted @ 2013-05-14 21:18  坚固66  阅读(120)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报