ecCodes 学习 利用ecCodes fortran90 api对GRIB文件进行读写
作者:@jiangleads 出处:
1. 指定打开方式(“读”或“写”),打开一个或多个GRIB文件;
2. 根据不同加载方式,加载一个或多个GRIB messages到内存:
有两种函数:codes_grib_new_from_file 和 codes_new_from_index。调用后会返回一个唯一的identifier,用于对已加载的GRIB messages进行操纵。
3. 调用codes_get函数对已加载的GRIB messages进行解码; (可以解码需要的数据)
4. 释放已经加载的GRIB messages:
5. 关闭打开的 GRIB 文件.
eccodes的主要目的是提供一个高水平的方法,用以从一个加载的GRIB messages对象去提取和计算出更多额外的信息:
· 返回平均,最小,最大,特定的经纬度等的关键字;
· 计算经纬度和值:codes_grib_get_data;
· 提取值的子例程:
codes_grib_find_nearest 去提取出距离给定地理点最近位置的点的值
codes_get_element 从列表中提取值
· 基于索引访问(indexed access)的子例程:这些是随机访问的方法,通常比顺序访问更快。
-> codes_open_file
-> codes_grib_new_from_file -> codes_get -> codes_release
-> codes_grib_new_from_file -> codes_get-> codes_release
-> codes_close_file
-> codes_index_create(从grib文件创建index) 或 codes_index_read(读取已有index)
-> codes_index_select 选取键值
-> codes_new_from_index -> codes_get -> codes_release
-> codes_new_from_index -> codes_get -> codes_release
-> codes_index_release
grib_filter 筛选
grib_filter [options] rules_file grib_file gribfile ...
-f 强制执行
-o 输出index文件。如果没指定输出文件,那么输出GRIB文件写在filtered.out
-M 关闭多场支持。关闭在单GRIB message中多要素场的支持。
-V 版本
-g 复制GTS头
-T T|B message类型。T -> GTS, B -> BUFR, 输入文件类型根据messgae解释
-7 当message长度错误时候不报错
-v verbose模式
1. grib_filter程序对于输入文件中的所有GRIB message顺序处理,对其中各项均应用rules。输入消息可以使用“write”声明写入输出文件。write语句可以parameterised以便输出发送到多个文件,根据键值定义输出文件的名字。如果我们写一个rules_file包含唯一的声明:
write "../data/split/[centre]_[dataDate]_[dataType]_[levelType].grib[edition]";
将这个rules_file应用到 "../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2"文件将会在 ../data/split 目录下得到几个文件,包含根据键值分割的字段
> grib_filter rules_file ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2
> ls ../data/split
2. 通过明确指示冒号后所需的类型,也可以以不同的格式获取文件名中的键值。
- :s 整型
- :d 双精度
- :s 字符串
write "../data/split/[centre:i]_[dataDate]_[dataType:i]_[levelType].grib[edition]";
> grib_filter rules_file ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2
> ls ../data/split
3. grib_filter语法中允许使用其他语句:
- 以#开头的注释
- print "string to print also with key values like in the file name"
- transient keyname1 = keyname2;
- set keyname = keyvalue;
- 定义(keyname)以检查message中是否定义了关键字
- 缺少(keyname)来检查关键字的值是否设置为MISSING
- 要将键值设置为MISSING,请使用“set key = MISSING;” (见示例)
- if(condition){block of rules} else {block of rules}
条件可以使用==,!=,并使用||和&& 连接单个块条件
语句可以是任何有效语句也是另一个嵌套条件 - 您也可以使用“assert(condition)”进行断言。如果condition为false,它将中止filter。
例如:assert(edition == 1);
# This filter should only be run on GRIB edition 1; abort otherwise
assert( edition == 1 );
# Temperature
if ( level == 850 && indicatorOfParameter == 11 ) {
print "found indicatorOfParameter=[indicatorOfParameter] level=[level] date=[dataDate]";
transient oldtype = type ;
set identificationOfOriginatingGeneratingSubCentre=98;
set gribTablesVersionNo = 128;
set indicatorOfParameter = 130;
set localDefinitionNumber=1;
set marsClass="od";
set marsStream="kwbc";
# Negatively/Positively Perturbed Forecast
if ( oldtype == 2 || oldtype == 3 ) {
set marsType="pf";
set experimentVersionNumber="4001";
# Control Forecast
if ( oldtype == 1 ) {
set marsType="cf";
set experimentVersionNumber="0001";
set numberOfForecastsInEnsemble=11;
print "indicatorOfParameter=[indicatorOfParameter] level=[level] date=[dataDate]";
4. 以下是将键与字符串进行比较的IF语句示例。注意,必须对字符串使用“is”关键字而不是“==”。并且,为了否定,您需要在整个条件之前添加“!”:
# Select Geopotential Height messages which are not on a Reduced Gaussian Grid
if (shortName is "gh" && !(gridType is "reduced_gg" )) {
set step = 72;
5. switch语句是if语句的替代版本。其语法如下:
switch (key1) {
case val1:
# block of rules;
case val2:
# block of rules;
# [ block of rules ]
processing paramId=[paramId] [shortName] [stepType] switch (shortName) { case "tp": set stepType="accum"; case "10u" : set typeOfLevel="surface"; default: }
grib_get 获取数据
Get values of some keys from a GRIB file. It is similar to grib_ls, but fails returning an error code when an error occurs (e.g. key not found).
grib_get [options] grib_file grib_file ...
-f 强制执行
-p key[:{s/d/i}],key[:{s/d/i}],...
-F format C样式格式的浮点值。
-l Latitude,Longitude[,MODE,file]
- 4 默认 (打印距离点最近四个点的值)
- 1 打印距离点最近的值
- file 文件被用于mask。打印距离mask值>=0.5时候,最近的点的值
-P key[:{s/d/i}],key[:{s/d/i}],... As -p adding the declared keys to the default list.
-w key[:{s/d/i}]{=/!=}value,key[:{s/d/i }]{=/!=}value,...
只有满足所有设置键/值约束的GRIB message才会被处理。一个有效的键值约束类似于key=value或者key!=value。对于任意一个关键字,可以是字符串型(keys:s),双精度型(keys:d)或者一个长整型(keys:l)。默认类型为字符串型。在值中同样可以使用上斜杠“/"去指定一个 或 条件。(即一个逻辑析取)
-n namespace 打印所有属于namespace的关键字。一些有用的namespace是:“time”,“parameter”,“geography”和“statistics”。
-s key[:{s/d/i}]=value,key[:{s/d/i}]=value,...
需要设置的关键字数值。对于每一个关键字,可以定义为字符串(key:s)、双精度(key:d)或者整型(key:i)这些类型。默认情况是设置为native type
-V Version.
-W width 输出行的最小宽度。默认是10
-M 关闭多场支持。关闭在单GRIB message中多要素场的支持。
-g 复制GTS头
-T T|B message类型。T -> GTS, B -> BUFR, 输入文件类型根据messgae解释
-7 当message长度错误时候不报错
-i index 打印对应于给定index的值。注意这个index是从零开始的,所以第一个值是在索引0。
1. 如果关键字没有找到,grib_get 失败
> grib_get -p gribname ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2
2. 为了获取文件中第一个GRIB message中step的值
> grib_get -w count=1 -p step ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2
grib_index_build 创建索引
grib_index_build [options] grib_file grib_file ...
-f 强制执行
-o 输出index文件。如果没指定输出文件,那么输出文件写成“gribidx”
-k keys1,keys2... 给定需要索引的关键字。默认输入文件将用MARS关键字索引。可以要求字符串型(keys:s),双精度(keys:d)或者整型(keys:i)的关键字。
-V 版本号
-M 多变量场支持关闭。关闭单独GRIB message中多变量场的支持
-N 不要压缩索引。默认情况下,索引移除了只有一个值的关键字,用以压缩。
1. 默认情况下,grib_index将会用MARS关键字进行索引
> grib_index_build ../data/reduced*.grib1 ../data/regular*.grib1 ../data/reduced*.grib2
2. 如果要给索引设置默认的关键字,使用-k选项。
> grib_index_build ../data/reduced*.grib1 ../data/regular*.grib1 ../data/reduced*.grib2
$ grib_index_build -k time,name,level,longitude,latitude,month,day,year,shortName -N *.grb -o outindex
--- grib_index_build: processing t.20180831.grb
--- grib_index_build: keys included in the index file outindex:
--- time, name, level, longitude, latitude, month, day, year, shortName
--- time = { 0, 600, 1200, 1800 }
--- name = { Temperature }
--- level = { 1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 875, 850, 825, 800, 775, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 70 }
--- longitude = { undef }
--- latitude = { undef }
--- month = { 8 }
--- day = { 31 }
--- year = { 2018 }
--- shortName = { t }
--- 112 messages indexed
$ grib_index_build -k time,name,level,longitude,latitude,month,day,year,shortName *.grb -o outindex
--- grib_index_build: processing t.20180831.grb
--- grib_index_build: keys included in the index file outindex:
--- time, level
--- time = { 0, 600, 1200, 1800 }
--- level = { 1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 875, 850, 825, 800, 775, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 70 }
--- 112 messages indexed
grib_dump 显示一个索引文件的内容
grib_dump [options] grib_file grib_file ...
-O Octet(八进制?)模式。WMO文档形式的输出
-D 调试模式
-d 仅在C模式下可用。打印所有数据值。
-C C编码模式。一个C编码程序生成的GRIB message被输出
-t 打印类型信息
-H 以十六位格式打印八位内容
-a 打印别名(aliases)
-w key[:{s/d/l}]{=/!=}value,key[:{s/d/l}]{=/!=}value,...
只有满足所有设置键/值约束的GRIB message才会被处理。一个有效的键值约束类似于key=value或者key!=value。对于任意一个关键字,可以是字符串型(keys:s),双精度型(keys:d)或者一个长整型(keys:l)。默认类型为字符串型。
-s key[:{s/d/i}]=value,key[:{s/d/i}]=value,...
需要设置的关键字数值。对于每一个关键字,可以定义为字符串(key:s)、双精度(key:d)或者整型(key:i)这些类型。默认情况是设置为native type
-M 关闭多场支持。关闭在单GRIB message中多要素场的支持。
-T T|B|A message类型。T -> GTS, B -> BUFR, A -> Any (Experimental). 输入文件类型根据messgae解释
-7 当message长度错误时候不报错
-V 版本
-X offset 输入文件offset量(单位字节)。处理输入文件将从“offset”开始。
1. 用hexadecimal octet的方式(-H),用WMO文档的形式输出。
> grib_dump -OH ../data/reduced_gaussian_model_level.grib1
2. 添加关键字别名和类型信息
> grib_dump -OtaH ../data/reduced_gaussian_model_level.grib
3. 获得一个grib文件中所有的关键字名称(包括已经计算得到的关键字)
> grib_dump -D ../data/regular_latlon_surface.grib1
grib_copy 复制GRIB文件的内容打印一些键的值
grib_copy [options] grib_file grib_file ... output_grib_file
-f 强制执行
-r 重新包装数据。有时在设置一些涉及打包算法属性的键之后,需要重新打包数据。执行此重新打包时,设置此-r选项
-p key[:{s/d/l}],key[:{s/d/l}],...
Declaration of keys to print. For each key a string (key:s) or a double (key:d) or a long (key:l) type can be requested. Default type is string.
-P key[:{s/d/l}],key[:{s/d/l}],...
As -p adding the declared keys to the default list.
-w key[:{s/d/l}]{=/!=}value,key[:{s/d/l}]=value,...
只有满足所有设置键/值约束的GRIB message才会被处理。一个有效的键值约束类似于key=value或者key!=value。对于任意一个关键字,可以是字符串型(keys:s),双精度型(keys:d)或者一个长整型(keys:l)。默认类型为字符串型。
Where clause. Only grib messages matching the key/value constraints are copied to the output_grib_file.
A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value.
For each key a string (key:s) or a double (key:d) or a long (key:l) type can be defined. Default type is string.
In the value you can also use the forward-slash character "/" to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction)
-B order by directive
Order by. The output will be ordered according to the "order by" directive. For example: "step:i asc, centre desc" (step numeric ascending and centre descending)
-V 版本号
-W width
Minimum width of each column in output. Default is 10.
-M 多变量场支持关闭。关闭单独GRIB message中多变量场的支持 Multi-field support off. Turn off support for multiple fields in single grib message.
-T T | B
Message type. T->GTS, B->BUFR. The input file is interpreted according to the message type.
Copy GTS header.
GRIBEX compatibility mode.
Does not fail when the message has wrong length
1. To copy only the pressure levels from a file
> grib_copy -w levtype=pl ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib
2.To copy only the fields that are not on pressure levels from a file
> grib_copy -w levtype!=pl ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib
3.To copy only the first three fields from a file
> grib_copy -w count=
../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib
4. A grib_file with multi field messages can be converted in single field messages with a simple grib_copy
> grib_copy multi.grib simple.grib
5. Use the square brackets to insert the value of a key in the name of the output file (This is a good way to split a large GRIB file)
Note: we need to quote the name of the output so the shell does not interpret the square brackets
> grib_copy in.grib
6. To copy fields whose typeOfLevel is either "surface" or "meanSea"
> grib_copy -w typeOfLevel=surface/meanSea orig.grib out.grib
7. To copy selected fields and apply sorting (sorted by level in ascending order)
Note: we need to specify the ":i
" to get a numerical sort. By default values are sorted as strings so a level of 100 would come before 20!
> grib_copy -w typeOfLevel=heightAboveGround -B
"level:i asc"
tigge_af_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib
codes_get (msgid, key, value, status)
Get the value for a key from a grib message
从grib message中获取键值。
输入一个msgid和key,返回关键字的值。 在某些情况下,值可以是数组而不是标量。 作为数组键的示例,我们分别具有“values”,“pl”,“pv”数据值,简化网格中每个纬度的点数列表以及垂直级别列表。 在这些情况下,值数组必须由调用者分配,并且可以使用codes_get_size获取其所需的维度。值可以是整数(4),实数(4),实数(8),字符。 虽然每个键都有自己的本机类型,但是可以检索整数类型的键(使用codes_get)作为real(4),real(8)或character。 尽可能提供类似的转换。 对于任何其他类型,非法转换对整数和字符都是真实的。msgid引用内存中加载的消息。
[in] msgid id of the message loaded in memory
[in] key key name
[out] value value can be a scalar or array of integer(4),real(4),real(8),character. Arrays must support the allocatable attribute.
[out] status CODES_SUCCESS if OK, integer value on error
codes_get_element (msgid, key, kindex, value, status)
Get a value of specified index from an array key
从一个关键字数组中获取给定索引的值。给定 message id、关键字名称、和索引,得到相应的值。 索引是从0开始的(即第一个元素的索引是0,第二个元素索引为1,依此类推)。 如果索引参数是数组,则返回与索引数组对应的所有值。
[in] id 加载到内存的ID。 ID of the message loaded in memory
[in] key 关键字名称 key name
[in] index 可以是一个标量或者数组。单精度整型 index can be a scalar or array of integer(4)
[out] value 可以是一个标量或者数组。单精度整型,单精度或双精度实型数组。 value can be a scalar or array of integer(4),real(4),real(8)
[out] status CODES_SUCCESS if OK, integer value on error
codes_get_error_string (error, error_message, status)
Get the error message given an error code.
error 错误码
error messages 错误消息
status 如果成功返回CODES_SUCCESS,错误返回整数值
codes_get_message_size (msgid, nbytes, status)
Get the size of a coded message
codes_get_size (msgid, key, size, status)
Get the size of an array key
codes_grib_find_nearest_single (gribid, is_lsm, inlat, inlon, outlat, outlon, value, distance, kindex, status)
返回最近的一个点 (或最近的四个点) 的值,基于零的索引 (可在 code_get_element中使用) ,及其与给定点的距离。使用以下公式: radius * acos( sin(lat1)*sin(lat2)+cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon1-lon2) ).
如果is_lsm flag是. true。输入场网格被认为是land sea mask, 返回最近的陆地点。
在四个相邻点中, 最近的陆地点是:
land sea mask值 > = 0.5 的最近点
如果这四个相邻点的land sea mask 值都 < 0.5, 则在没有任何其他条件的情况下最近的。
可以提供经纬度的数组 (real(8), 以便通过一个调用来查找数组中列出的所有 lat/lon 点的值、索引和距离。
如果提供了单个纬度/经度点, 并且outlat, outlon, value, 距离, 索引被定义为具有四个元素的数组, 返回四个最近点的 lat/lon 坐标和value、距离和索引。
如果出现错误, 如果未给出状态参数 (可选), 程序将退出并显示错误消息。否则, 可以使用codes_get_error_string 收集错误消息。
[in] gribid 加载到内存中的值
[in] is_lsm 逻辑值,如果要求最近的点,则为.true.,否则为.false.
[in] inlat 点的纬度
[in] inlon 点的经度
[out] outlat 最近点的纬度
[out] outlon 最近点的经度
[out] distance 给点和最近点的距离
[out] kindex 基于0的索引
[out] value 最近点的值
[out] status 状态 CODES_SUCCESS if OK, integer value on error
codes_grib_get_data (gribid, lats, lons, values, status)
Get latitude/longitude and data values.
codes_index_add_file (indexid, filename, status)
Add a file to an index.
codes_index_create (indexid, filename, keys, status)
to create the index of the content of a file 创建文件内容索引
indexid 新建索引文件的id
filename 被索引messages的文件的名称
keys 用逗号分隔的关键字关键字的类型可以在后面追加(:l,表示长整型,:i短整型,:d双精度,:s字符串)如果没有显式声明类型,那么假设类型默认。
status 如果成功返回CODES_SUCCESS,错误返回整数值
codes_index_get (indexid, key, values, status)
Get the distinct values of the key in argument contained in the index.
codes_index_get_size (indexid, key, size, status)
to get the dimension of a key in the index
codes_index_read (indexid, filename, status)
Load an index file previously created with codes_index_write.
codes_index_release (indexid, status)
indexid id of an index created from a file.
status CODES_SUCCESS if OK, integer value on erro
codes_index_select (indexid, key, value, status)
Select the message subset with key==value.
codes_index_write (indexid, filename, status)
Saves an index to a file for later reuse.
codes_new_from_file (ifile, msgid, product_kind, status)
从该文件中加载一个message 到内存。输入文件id、数据类型,并返回message id
codes_new_from_index (indexid, msgid, status)
在调用这个函数前,index的所有keys都比必须确定。 连续调用这个函数 将返回index keys中 所有符合定义的handles。当没有更多的可用处理从索引中返回一个空指针变量,并且err变量值设置为CODES_END_OF_INDEX。
codes_new_from_message(msgid, message, status)
Create a new message in memory from an integer or character array containting the coded message. 在包含编码消息的整型或字符型数组 中在内存中创建新消息
codes_grib_new_from_samples (gribid, samplename, status)
Create a new valid gribid from a GRIB sample contained in a samples directory pointed by the environment variable ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH.
gribid id of the grib loaded in memory 输出量,加载到内存中的message的id
samplename name of the sample to be used 输入量,样本名称
status CODES_SUCCESS if OK, integer value on error 输出量,是否成功
codes_open_file (ifile, filename, mode, status)
Open a file according to a mode. 根据模式打开文件
ifile id of the opened file to be used in all the file functions.
filename name of the file to be open
mode open mode can be 'r' (read only), 'w' (write only) or 'a' (append)
status 如果成功返回CODES_SUCCESS,错误返回整数值
codes_read_bytes (ifile, buffer, nbytes, status)
Reads nbytes bytes into the buffer from a file opened with codes_open_file
codes_read_from_file (ifile, buffer, nbytes, status)
Reads a message in the buffer array from the file opened with codes_open_file.
codes_release (msgid, status)
Free the memory for the message referred as msgid.
codes_set (msgid, key, value, status)
Set the value for a key in a message.
codes_write_bytes_int4 (ifile, buffer, nbytes, status)
Write nbytes bytes from the buffer in a file opened with codes_open_file.
jlz@dell:~/test$ ifort test.f90 -I$ECCODES_INCLUDE -L$ECCODES_LIB -leccodes_f90 -o test.out
! Copyright 2005-2018 ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by ! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! ! ! Description: set the data contained in a GRIB file. ! In this example no missing values are present. ! If there are missing values, refer to: grib_set_bitmap ! program set_data use eccodes implicit none integer :: outfile !输出文件的id integer :: i, igrib, iret, numberOfValues, cnt real :: d, e real, dimension(:), allocatable :: values integer, parameter :: max_strsize = 200 character(len=max_strsize) :: outfile_name call getarg(1, outfile_name) !执行的时候从外界获取参数作为outfile_name call codes_open_file(outfile,outfile_name,'w') !以写模式打开输出文件,其id 为outfile ! Note: the full name of the sample file is "regular_ll_pl_grib1.tmpl" ! Sample files are stored in the samples directory (use codes_info to ! see where that is). The default sample path can be changed by ! setting the environment variable ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH call codes_grib_new_from_samples(igrib, 'regular_ll_pl_grib1') ! Here we're changing the data values only, so the number of values ! will be the same as the sample GRIB. ! But if your data array has a different size, then specify the grid geometry ! (e.g. keys Ni, Nj etc) and set the correct number of data values call codes_get_size(igrib,'values',numberOfValues) allocate(values(numberOfValues), stat=iret) d = 10e-8 e = d cnt = 1 do i=1,numberOfValues if (cnt>100) then e = e*10 cnt=1 endif values(i) = d !print *, values(i) d = d + e cnt = cnt + 1 end do call codes_set(igrib, 'bitsPerValue', 16) ! set data values call codes_set(igrib,'values', values) call codes_write(igrib,outfile) call codes_release(igrib) deallocate(values) end program set_data
! Copyright 2005-2018 ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by ! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! ! Description: how to create a new GRIB message from a sample. ! 从例子中创建新的GRIB消息 ! program sample use eccodes implicit none integer :: err integer :: outfile, datafile integer :: igribsample,igribclone,igribdata, size1 integer :: date1, startStep, endStep, table2Version, indicatorOfParameter integer :: decimalPrecision character(len=10) stepType real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: v1,v2,v date1 = 20080104 startStep = 0 endStep = 12 stepType = 'accum' table2Version = 2 indicatorOfParameter = 61 decimalPrecision = 2 ! A new grib message is loaded from an existing sample. ! Samples are searched in a default sample path (use codes_info ! to see where that is). The default sample path can be changed by ! setting the environment variable ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH
!从示例文件(存放在 ECCODES_samples_PATH指向的目录中)创建新
call codes_grib_new_from_samples(igribsample, "regular_latlon_surface.grib1")
call codes_open_file(outfile, 'f_out.samples.grib1','w') ! 创建输出文件
call codes_open_file(datafile,'../../data/tp_ecmwf.grib','r') ! 打开数据源文件读取数据
call codes_grib_new_from_file(datafile,igribdata,err) ! 从数据源文件读取第一笔记录(记录号 igribdata) call codes_get_size(igribdata,'values',size1) ! 获取编号igribdata的记录中变量‘values’的大小
allocate(v(size1)) ! 分配变量空间,用以存放读取的数据 allocate(v1(size1)) ! 分配变量空间,用以存放用户创建的变量 allocate(v2(size1)) ! 分配变量空间,用以存放用户创建的变量 call codes_get(igribdata,'values',v) ! 从源文件读取数据,到变量v
! 构建新变量 v=v*1000.0 ! different units for the output grib v1=v
do while (err/=CODES_END_OF_FILE) call codes_clone(igribsample,igribclone) ! clone sample before modifying it ! 复制示例文件的gribid
! 写入 关键字/变量 的值 (到加载的内存?)
! The given value is set for the key in the gribid message. In some cases the value can be an array rather than a scalar.
! As examples of array keys we have "values","pl", "pv" respectively the data values,
! the list of number of points for each latitude in a reduced grid and the list of vertical levels.
! In these cases the value array must be allocated by the caller and their required dimension can be obtained with codes_get_size.
! 为消息中的关键字写入给定值。在某些情况下,值可以是数组而不是标量。作为数组关键字的例子有“values”、“pl”、“pv”,分别表示是数据值、简化网格中每个纬度的点数列表和垂直层次列表。
! 在这些情况下,需要使用函数codes_get_size来获得数组的大小。 call codes_set(igribclone,'dataDate',date1) call codes_set(igribclone,'table2Version',table2Version) call codes_set(igribclone,'indicatorOfParameter',indicatorOfParameter) call codes_set(igribclone,'stepType',stepType) call codes_set(igribclone,'startStep',startStep) call codes_set(igribclone,'endStep',endStep) call codes_set(igribclone,'decimalPrecision',decimalPrecision) call codes_set(igribclone,'values',v)
! 将更改写入到输出文件中 call codes_write(igribclone,outfile)
! 从源文件读取下一条记录 call codes_grib_new_from_file(datafile,igribdata,err) if (err==0) then
! 读取变量'values'的值到v2中 call codes_get(igribdata,'values',v2)
! 输出单位乘以1000 v2=v2*1000.0 ! different units for the output grib
! 与初始时刻的变量值v1作差,计算起始步到终止步的累积量 v=v2-v1 ! accumulation from startStep to endStep
! 时刻赋值,将本次步长的值赋值到v1中 v1=v2 ! save previous step field
! 时间步长向后移动12h startStep=startStep+12 endStep=endStep+12 endif enddo
! 关闭示例的message call codes_release(igribsample)
deallocate(v) deallocate(v1) deallocate(v2)
! 关闭输出文件 call codes_close_file(outfile) end program sample
参考自 training material
eccodes编码 使用eccodes 创建一个新的grib消息,包含集合平均的
– 从其中一个输入grib场复制到要生成的新场。
– 使用默认示例目录中的样本(或模板)创建。参见“codes_info”。
– 使用私有示例目录中的样本创建。
• 第一个选项是最容易实现的。为了简单起见,我们建议您使用此选项。
•注意!源代码中给出的更改GRIB头的参考文件已过时。请参阅下面 关于本地定义 和关于数据类型。

1 ! Copyright 2005-2019 ECMWF. 2 ! 3 ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 4 ! which can be obtained at 5 ! 6 ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities 7 ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation 8 ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. 9 ! 10 ! 11 ! Description: How to create and use and index to access messages from a file 12 ! Creation of grib message, from a grib sample (or template). 13 ! 14 ! 15 ! 16 ! 17 program index 18 use eccodes 19 implicit none 20 21 integer :: iret 22 integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: paramId,number 23 character(len=20) :: packingType 24 character(len=5) :: marsStream 25 integer :: paramIdSize,numberSize 26 integer :: i,j,is_missing 27 integer :: idx,igrib,igribout,count,numberOfValues 28 integer :: level,date,time,stepUnits,stepRange,startStep,endStep 29 integer :: localDefinitionNumber,Ni,Nj,PLPresent,N,nb_pl 30 integer :: generatingProcessIdentifier,numberOfForecastsInEnsemble 31 integer :: legBaseDate,legBaseTime,legNumber 32 integer :: bitmapPresent,bitsPerValue 33 integer :: outfile 34 real (KIND=8),dimension(:), allocatable :: values,result 35 real (KIND=8) :: latitudeOfFirstPoint,longitudeOfFirstPoint 36 real (KIND=8) :: latitudeOfLastPoint,longitudeOfLastPoint 37 integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: pl 38 39 ! create an index for the file 'eps' file using the keys number and paramId 40 ! use codes_index_create 41 42 call codes_index_create(idx,'eps','paramId,number') 43 44 ! get the number of distinct values of paramId in the index 45 ! use codes_index_get_size 46 47 call codes_index_get_size(idx,'paramId',paramIdSize) 48 49 ! allocate the array to contain the list of distinct paramId 50 51 allocate(paramId(paramIdSize)) 52 53 ! get the list of distinct paramId from the index 54 ! use codes_index_get 55 56 call codes_index_get(idx,'paramId',paramId) 57 58 print*, 'grib contains ',paramIdSize, 'different parameters' 59 60 ! get the number of distinct values of number in the index 61 ! use codes_index_get_size 62 63 call codes_index_get_size(idx,'number',numberSize) 64 65 ! allocate the array to contain the list of distinct numbers 66 67 allocate(number(numberSize)) 68 69 ! get the list of distinct numbers from the index 70 ! use codes_index_get 71 72 call codes_index_get(idx,'number',number) 73 74 print*, 'grib contains ',numberSize, 'different EPS members' 75 76 count=0 77 78 ! select paramId 130 - Temperature 79 ! use codes_index_select 80 81 call codes_index_select(idx,'paramId','130') 82 83 ! loop over the different ensemble members 84 85 do j=1,numberSize ! loop on number 86 87 ! select ensemble number=number(j) 88 ! use codes_index_select 89 90 call codes_index_select(idx,'number',number(j)) 91 92 ! get one grib message for the above values of the index 93 ! use codes_new_from_index 94 95 call codes_new_from_index(idx,igrib) 96 97 ! for the first filed allocate array for values and result 98 ! use codes_get_size 99 100 if ( j == 1 ) then 101 call codes_get_size(igrib,'values',numberOfValues) 102 allocate(values(numberOfValues), stat = iret) 103 if (iret /= 0) STOP 'Failed to allocate values' 104 allocate(result(numberOfValues), stat = iret) 105 if (iret /= 0) STOP 'Failed to allocate result' 106 end if 107 108 ! get data values 109 ! use codes_get 110 111 call codes_get(igrib,"values", values) 112 113 count = count + 1 114 115 result=result+values 116 117 ! release the grib message 118 ! use grib_release 119 120 if ( j /= numberSize ) then 121 call codes_release(igrib) 122 end if 123 124 end do ! loop on number 125 126 ! release the index 127 ! use codes_index_release 128 129 call codes_index_release(idx) 130 131 print*,'We considered ',count,' members' 132 133 result=result/count 134 135 print*,'==============================================================================' 136 print*, 'Stats for ensemble mean of T850' 137 print*, 'Min: ', minval(result), 'Max: ', maxval(result), 'Avg: ', sum(result)/numberOfValues 138 print*,'==============================================================================' 139 140 ! take a sample grib message 141 ! use codes_grib_new_from_samples: 142 ! codes_grib_new_from_samples (gribid, samplename [, status]) 143 144 call codes_grib_new_from_samples(igribout, "reduced_gg_pl_grib1") 145 146 ! open output grib file eps_mean.grib 147 ! use codes_open_file: 148 ! codes_open_file (ifile, filename, mode [, status]) 149 150 call codes_open_file(outfile, 'eps_mean.grib','w') 151 152 ! change grib headers: 153 ! 154 ! 1. product definition: 155 ! 156 ! change grib headers 157 ! See (definition 1 or 158 ! 30) and 159 ! for the datatype 160 ! Keys to change are perturbationNumber and dataType. 161 162 ! use codes_set: 163 ! codes_set (gribid, key, value [, status]) 164 165 call codes_set(igribout,'paramId',130) 166 call codes_get(igrib,'level',level) 167 call codes_set(igribout,'level',level) 168 call codes_get(igrib,'dataDate',date) 169 call codes_set(igribout,'dataDate',date) 170 call codes_get(igrib,'dataTime',time) 171 call codes_set(igribout,'dataTime',time) 172 call codes_get(igrib,'stepUnits',stepUnits) 173 call codes_set(igribout,'stepUnits',stepUnits) 174 call codes_get(igrib,'stepRange',stepRange) 175 call codes_set(igribout,'stepRange',stepRange) 176 call codes_get(igrib,'startStep',startStep) 177 call codes_set(igribout,'startStep',startStep) 178 call codes_get(igrib,'endStep',endStep) 179 call codes_set(igribout,'endStep',endStep) 180 181 call codes_set(igribout,'dataType',"em") 182 call codes_get(igrib,'generatingProcessIdentifier',generatingProcessIdentifier) 183 call codes_set(igribout,'generatingProcessIdentifier',generatingProcessIdentifier) 184 call codes_get(igrib,'localDefinitionNumber',localDefinitionNumber) 185 call codes_set(igribout,'localDefinitionNumber',localDefinitionNumber) 186 call codes_get(igrib,'numberOfForecastsInEnsemble',numberOfForecastsInEnsemble) 187 call codes_set(igribout,'numberOfForecastsInEnsemble',numberOfForecastsInEnsemble) 188 call codes_get(igrib,'marsStream',marsStream) 189 call codes_set(igribout,'marsStream',marsStream) 190 191 call codes_get(igrib,'legBaseDate',legBaseDate) 192 call codes_set(igribout,'legBaseDate',legBaseDate) 193 call codes_get(igrib,'legBaseTime',legBaseTime) 194 call codes_set(igribout,'legBaseTime',legBaseTime) 195 call codes_get(igrib,'legNumber',legNumber) 196 call codes_set(igribout,'legNumber',legNumber) 197 198 ! 2. grid definition: 199 ! 200 ! see 201 202 is_missing=0; 203 call codes_is_missing(igrib,'Ni',is_missing); 204 if ( is_missing /= 1 ) then 205 call codes_get(igrib,'Ni',Ni) 206 call codes_set(igribout,'Ni',Ni) 207 endif 208 209 is_missing=0; 210 call codes_is_missing(igrib,'Nj',is_missing); 211 if ( is_missing /= 1 ) then 212 call codes_get(igrib,'Nj',Nj) 213 call codes_set(igribout,'Nj',Nj) 214 endif 215 216 call codes_get(igrib,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfFirstPoint) 217 call codes_set(igribout,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfFirstPoint) 218 call codes_get(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfFirstPoint) 219 call codes_set(igribout,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfFirstPoint) 220 call codes_get(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfLastPoint) 221 call codes_set(igribout,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfLastPoint) 222 call codes_get(igrib,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfLastPoint) 223 call codes_set(igribout,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfLastPoint) 224 call codes_get(igrib,'N',N) 225 call codes_set(igribout,'N',N) 226 call codes_get(igrib,'PLPresent',PLPresent) 227 if (PLPresent == 1) then 228 call codes_get_size(igrib,'pl',nb_pl) 229 allocate(pl(nb_pl)) 230 call codes_get(igrib,'pl',pl) 231 call codes_set(igribout,'pl',pl) 232 deallocate(pl) 233 else 234 print*, "There is no PL values in your GRIB message!" 235 end if 236 237 ! 3. bitmap definition: 238 239 call codes_get(igrib,'bitmapPresent',bitmapPresent) 240 call codes_set(igribout,'bitmapPresent',bitmapPresent) 241 242 ! 4. data: 243 244 call codes_get(igrib,'bitsPerValue',bitsPerValue) 245 call codes_set(igribout,'bitsPerValue',bitsPerValue) 246 call codes_get(igrib,'packingType',packingType) 247 call codes_set(igribout,'packingType',packingType) 248 249 call codes_set(igribout,'values',result) 250 251 ! write message out 252 ! use codes_write: 253 ! codes_write (gribid, ifile [, status]) 254 255 call codes_write(igribout,outfile) 256 257 ! release the output grib message 258 ! use grib_release 259 260 call codes_release(igribout) 261 262 263 end program index

1 ! Copyright 2005-2018 ECMWF. 2 ! 3 ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 4 ! which can be obtained at 5 ! 6 ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities 7 ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation 8 ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. 9 ! 10 ! 11 ! Description: How to create and use and index to access messages from a file 12 ! Creation of grib message, from a grib sample (or template). 13 ! 14 ! 15 ! 16 ! 17 program index 18 use eccodes 19 implicit none 20 21 integer :: iret 22 integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: paramId,number 23 character(len=20) :: packingType 24 character(len=5) :: marsStream 25 integer :: paramIdSize,numberSize 26 integer :: i,j,is_missing 27 integer :: idx,igrib,igribout,count,numberOfValues 28 integer :: level,date,time,stepUnits,stepRange,startStep,endStep 29 integer :: localDefinitionNumber,Ni,Nj,PLPresent,N,nb_pl 30 integer :: generatingProcessIdentifier,numberOfForecastsInEnsemble 31 integer :: legBaseDate,legBaseTime,legNumber 32 integer :: bitmapPresent,bitsPerValue 33 integer :: outfile 34 real (KIND=8),dimension(:), allocatable :: values,result 35 real (KIND=8) :: latitudeOfFirstPoint,longitudeOfFirstPoint 36 real (KIND=8) :: latitudeOfLastPoint,longitudeOfLastPoint 37 integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: pl 38 39 ! create an index for the file 'eps' file using the keys number and paramId 40 ! use codes_index_create 41 42 call codes_index_create(idx,'eps','paramId,number') 43 44 ! get the number of distinct values of paramId in the index 45 ! use codes_index_get_size 46 47 call codes_index_get_size(idx,'paramId',paramIdSize) 48 49 ! allocate the array to contain the list of distinct paramId 50 51 allocate(paramId(paramIdSize)) 52 53 ! get the list of distinct paramId from the index 54 ! use codes_index_get 55 56 call codes_index_get(idx,'paramId',paramId) 57 58 print*, 'grib contains ',paramIdSize, 'different parameters' 59 60 ! get the number of distinct values of number in the index 61 ! use codes_index_get_size 62 63 call codes_index_get_size(idx,'number',numberSize) 64 65 ! allocate the array to contain the list of distinct numbers 66 67 allocate(number(numberSize)) 68 69 ! get the list of distinct numbers from the index 70 ! use codes_index_get 71 72 call codes_index_get(idx,'number',number) 73 74 print*, 'grib contains ',numberSize, 'different EPS members' 75 76 count=0 77 78 ! select paramId 130 - Temperature 79 ! use codes_index_select 80 81 call codes_index_select(idx,'paramId','130') 82 83 ! loop over the different ensemble members 84 85 do j=1,numberSize ! loop on number 86 87 ! select ensemble number=number(j) 88 ! use codes_index_select 89 90 call codes_index_select(idx,'number',number(j)) 91 92 ! get one grib message for the above values of the index 93 ! use codes_new_from_index 94 95 call codes_new_from_index(idx,igrib) 96 97 ! for the first filed allocate array for values and result 98 ! use codes_get_size 99 100 if ( j == 1 ) then 101 call codes_get_size(igrib,'values',numberOfValues) 102 allocate(values(numberOfValues), stat = iret) 103 if (iret /= 0) STOP 'Failed to allocate values' 104 allocate(result(numberOfValues), stat = iret) 105 if (iret /= 0) STOP 'Failed to allocate result' 106 end if 107 108 ! get data values 109 ! use codes_get 110 111 call codes_get(igrib,"values", values) 112 113 count = count + 1 114 115 result=result+values 116 117 ! release the grib message 118 ! use grib_release 119 120 if ( j /= numberSize ) then 121 call codes_release(igrib) 122 end if 123 124 end do ! loop on number 125 126 ! release the index 127 ! use codes_index_release 128 129 call codes_index_release(idx) 130 131 print*,'We considered ',count,' members' 132 133 result=result/count 134 135 print*,'==============================================================================' 136 print*, 'Stats for ensemble mean of T850' 137 print*, 'Min: ', minval(result), 'Max: ', maxval(result), 'Avg: ', sum(result)/numberOfValues 138 print*,'==============================================================================' 139 140 ! take a sample grib message 141 ! use codes_grib_new_from_samples: 142 ! codes_grib_new_from_samples (gribid, samplename [, status]) 143 144 call codes_grib_new_from_samples(igribout, "reduced_gg_pl_grib1") 145 146 ! open output grib file eps_mean.grib 147 ! use codes_open_file: 148 ! codes_open_file (ifile, filename, mode [, status]) 149 150 call codes_open_file(outfile, 'eps_mean.grib','w') 151 152 ! change grib headers: 153 ! 154 ! 1. product definition: 155 ! 156 ! change grib headers 157 ! See (definition 1 or 158 ! 30) and 159 ! for the datatype 160 ! Keys to change are perturbationNumber and dataType. 161 162 ! use codes_set: 163 ! codes_set (gribid, key, value [, status]) 164 165 call codes_set(igribout,'paramId',130) 166 call codes_get(igrib,'level',level) 167 call codes_set(igribout,'level',level) 168 call codes_get(igrib,'dataDate',date) 169 call codes_set(igribout,'dataDate',date) 170 call codes_get(igrib,'dataTime',time) 171 call codes_set(igribout,'dataTime',time) 172 call codes_get(igrib,'stepUnits',stepUnits) 173 call codes_set(igribout,'stepUnits',stepUnits) 174 call codes_get(igrib,'stepRange',stepRange) 175 call codes_set(igribout,'stepRange',stepRange) 176 call codes_get(igrib,'startStep',startStep) 177 call codes_set(igribout,'startStep',startStep) 178 call codes_get(igrib,'endStep',endStep) 179 call codes_set(igribout,'endStep',endStep) 180 181 call codes_set(igribout,'dataType',"em") 182 call codes_get(igrib,'generatingProcessIdentifier',generatingProcessIdentifier) 183 call codes_set(igribout,'generatingProcessIdentifier',generatingProcessIdentifier) 184 call codes_get(igrib,'localDefinitionNumber',localDefinitionNumber) 185 call codes_set(igribout,'localDefinitionNumber',localDefinitionNumber) 186 call codes_get(igrib,'numberOfForecastsInEnsemble',numberOfForecastsInEnsemble) 187 call codes_set(igribout,'numberOfForecastsInEnsemble',numberOfForecastsInEnsemble) 188 call codes_get(igrib,'marsStream',marsStream) 189 call codes_set(igribout,'marsStream',marsStream) 190 191 call codes_get(igrib,'legBaseDate',legBaseDate) 192 call codes_set(igribout,'legBaseDate',legBaseDate) 193 call codes_get(igrib,'legBaseTime',legBaseTime) 194 call codes_set(igribout,'legBaseTime',legBaseTime) 195 call codes_get(igrib,'legNumber',legNumber) 196 call codes_set(igribout,'legNumber',legNumber) 197 198 ! 2. grid definition: 199 ! 200 ! see 201 202 is_missing=0; 203 call codes_is_missing(igrib,'Ni',is_missing); 204 if ( is_missing /= 1 ) then 205 call codes_get(igrib,'Ni',Ni) 206 call codes_set(igribout,'Ni',Ni) 207 endif 208 209 is_missing=0; 210 call codes_is_missing(igrib,'Nj',is_missing); 211 if ( is_missing /= 1 ) then 212 call codes_get(igrib,'Nj',Nj) 213 call codes_set(igribout,'Nj',Nj) 214 endif 215 216 call codes_get(igrib,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfFirstPoint) 217 call codes_set(igribout,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfFirstPoint) 218 call codes_get(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfFirstPoint) 219 call codes_set(igribout,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfFirstPoint) 220 call codes_get(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfLastPoint) 221 call codes_set(igribout,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',latitudeOfLastPoint) 222 call codes_get(igrib,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfLastPoint) 223 call codes_set(igribout,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',longitudeOfLastPoint) 224 call codes_get(igrib,'N',N) 225 call codes_set(igribout,'N',N) 226 call codes_get(igrib,'PLPresent',PLPresent) 227 if (PLPresent == 1) then 228 call codes_get_size(igrib,'pl',nb_pl) 229 allocate(pl(nb_pl)) 230 call codes_get(igrib,'pl',pl) 231 call codes_set(igribout,'pl',pl) 232 deallocate(pl) 233 else 234 print*, "There is no PL values in your GRIB message!" 235 end if 236 237 ! 3. bitmap definition: 238 239 call codes_get(igrib,'bitmapPresent',bitmapPresent) 240 call codes_set(igribout,'bitmapPresent',bitmapPresent) 241 242 ! 4. data: 243 244 call codes_get(igrib,'bitsPerValue',bitsPerValue) 245 call codes_set(igribout,'bitsPerValue',bitsPerValue) 246 call codes_get(igrib,'packingType',packingType) 247 call codes_set(igribout,'packingType',packingType) 248 249 call codes_set(igribout,'values',result) 250 251 ! write message out 252 ! use codes_write: 253 ! codes_write (gribid, ifile [, status]) 254 255 call codes_write(igribout,outfile) 256 257 ! release the output grib message 258 ! use grib_release 259 260 call codes_release(igribout) 261 262 263 end program index
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