eccodes 使用girb_filter工具
作者:@jiangleads 出处:
- eccodes高端命令行工具
- 在输入文件中遍历所有messages
- 对于每个message采用一个用户定义的规则
- 该规则使用ecCodes规定的宏语言的格式
- 注意该宏语言并没有一个全面的(full-blown)编程的能力
- 在grib_filter和bufr_filter中的宏语言的语法是相同的
- 在一个message中通过关键字keys访问数据
- 打印一个message的内容
- 在一个message中保存值
- 使用控制结构(if,switch)
- 将消息写入磁盘
grib_filter 用法
grib_filter [-o out_file ] rules_file in_file1 in_file2 …
- 输入文件中每一个场都被处理,在规则文件rules_file中的规则被应用在其中
- 仅当有一个写的指令被应用时,一个GRIB message被写在一个输出文件中
- 在rules_file中每一个指令必须以一个分号“;”结尾
- rules_file中的语法错误会报告,连同错误的行号
- 永远都要将-o out_file 放在其它选项之前!
- 或者,可以从标准输入中读取规则:
cat rules_file | grib_filter in_file1 in_file2 …
echo ‘print “Hello”;’ | grib_filter in_file1 in_file2 …
- print “some text”; # this is a comment
- print “some text [key]";
-打印到标准输出 Print to the standard output
-检索方括号中的关键字的值 Retrieve the value of the keys in squared brackets.
-如果在消息中没有找到关键字的值,将会被赋值为"undef" If a key is not found in the message then the value of [key] will be displayed as "undef"
-[key] --> native type
-[key:i ] --> integer
-[key:s ] --> string
-[key:d ] --> double
-[key!c%F'S'] --> arrays: c -->columns F -->format (C style) S -->separator
- print (“filename”) “some text [key]";
例子1——使用print (注:分割线上面的是rule.filter的内容,下面是命令及输出)
# A simple print print "ed = [edition] centre is [centre:s] = [centre:i]"; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > grib_filter rule.filter x.grib1 ed = 1 centre is ecmf = 98
# one column 3 decimal digits print "[distinctLatitudes!1%.3f]"; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -90.000 -88.500 -87.000 -85.500 …
# three columns 5 decimal digits comma separated print "[latLonValues!3%.5f',']"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > grib_filter rule.filter x.grib1 90.00000,0.00000,1.00000, 90.00000,1.50000,1.00000, 90.00000,3.00000,1.00000, …
- write;
- 在命令行中用-o选项定义输出文件,将现有消息写到该输出文件中
grib_filter -o outfile rules_file grib_file
- write "filename_[key]";
例子4——write 声明
# Creating multiple files write "[centre]_[dataDate]_[step].grib[edition]"; ------------------------------------------------------------- > grib_filter rule.filter x.grib1 > ls ecmf_20080213_0.grib1 ecmf_20080213_6.grib1 ecmf_20080213_12.grib1 ecmf_20080213_24.grib1
- append;
- 在命令行中用-o选项定义输出文件,将现有消息追加到该输出文件中
grib_filter -o outfile rules_file grib_file
- append "filename_[key]";
例子5——append 声明
append; --------------------------------------------------------------------- > grib_count out.grib > 1 > > grib_filter o out.grib rule.filter in.grib > > grib_count out.grib > 2
- set key1 = key2 ; # 将key1的值设为key2 set key1 to the value of key2
- set key = {val1,val2,val3,val4} ; # 设置一个关键字数组 set an array key
- set key = "string" ; # 将关键字设成一个字符串 set key to a string
- set key = expression ; # 将关键字设置成一个表达式 set key to an expression
- set key = MISSING ; # 将关键字的值设置成缺失 set value of key to missing
- 表达式运算符:
== 等于 equal to
!= 不等于 not equal to
is 等于字符串 equals to for strings
|| 或 or
&& 且 and
! 非 not
* / + - 算术运算符 arithmetic operators
( )
set _edition =2;
write "[file][edition]";
> grib_filter rule.filter x.grib
> ls
set values = {12.2,14.8,13.7,72.3}; print "values = { [values] }"; write "[file].[edition]";
----------------------------------------------------------------------- > grib_filter rule.filter x.grib values = { 12.2 14.8 13.7 72.3 }
规则语法——临时关键字(transient keys)
- transient key1 = key2; - 定义一个新的关键字key1并将它的值设置为key2 Defines the new key1 and assigns to it the value of key2
- transient key1 = "string";
- transient key1 = expression;
- 表达式运算符:
== 等于 equal to
!= 不等于 not equal to
is 等于字符串 equals to for strings
|| 或 or
&& 且 and
! 非 not
* / + - 算术运算符 arithmetic operators
( )
transient mystep = step + 24; print "step = [step] mystep = [mystep]"; ----------------------------------------------------- > grib_filter rule.filter x.grib step = 24 mystep = 48
规则语法——if 声明
- if ( expression ) { instructions } 没有'else if'-你需要创建一个新的'if'块
- if ( expression ) { instructions }
else { instructions } - 表达式运算符:
== 等于 equal to
!= 不等于 not equal to
is 等于字符串 equals to for strings
|| 或 or
&& 且 and
! 非 not
* / + - 算术运算符 arithmetic operators
( )
if (localDefinitionNumber == 1) { set edition = 2; write; } -------------------------------------------------------- > grib_filter o out.grib2 rule.filter x.grib1 > ls out.grib2
规则语法——swich 声明
switch (var) { case val1: # set of actions case val2: # set of actions default # default block of actions }
print "processing [paramId] [shortName] [stepType]"; switch (shortName) { case "tp" : set stepType accum"; case "sp" : set typeOfLevel ="surface"; default: print "Unexpected parameter"; } write;
if (centre is "lfpw" && (indicatorOfParameter == 6 || indicatorOfParameter == 11 || indicatorOfParameter == 8) ) { if (step!=0) { set typeOfGeneratingProcess=0; set typeOfProcessedData=0; } else { # Other steps set typeOfProcessedData=1; … … switch (typeOfLevel) { case "hybrid": set changeDecimalPrecision=1; case "surface": set changeDecimalPrecision=2; case "isobaricInhPa": if (level > 300) { print "level > 300); set level = level*2 + 15; }# end if (level > 300) default: print "Unknown level type!"; }# end switch (typeOfLevel) }# end if (step!=0) write; }# end main if
规则语法——assert 声明
- assert(condition);
- 如果状态评估是假则filter会丢弃
# This filter should be run on GRIB edition 1 only; # abort otherwise assert (edition == 1) ; ... > grib_filter o out.grib2 rule.filter x.grib2 ECCODES ERROR : Assertion failure: binop (access('edition=2'),long(2))
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