Fréchet distance
Fréchet distance经常被用于描述路径相似性。
Fréchet distance(弗雷歇距离)是法国数学家Maurice René Fréchet在1906年提出的一种路径空间相似形描述( 此外还在这篇论文里定义了 度量空间),这种描述同时还考虑进路径空间距离的因素[1],对于空间路径的相似性比较适用。
[1] Fréchet, M. Maurice. "Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel." Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1884-1940) 22.1 (1906): 1-72.
直观的理解,Fréchet distance就是最短的狗绳长度:主人走路径A,狗走路径B,各自走完这两条路径过程中所需要的最短狗绳长度。
Fréchet distance的直观理解
在数学中,Fréchet距离是曲线之间相似性的度量,它考虑了沿曲线的点的位置和顺序。它以Maurice Fréchet命名。
Intuitive definition
Imagine a person traversing a finite curved path while walking their dog on a leash, with the dog traversing a separate finite curved path. Each can vary their speed to keep slack in the leash, but neither can move backwards. The Fréchet distance between the two curves is the length of the shortest leash sufficient for both to traverse their separate paths from start to finish. Note that the definition is symmetric with respect to the two curves—the Fréchet distance would be the same if the dog were walking its owner.
想象一下,一个人用皮带牵着狗走在一条有限弯曲的路径上,而狗走在另一条有限弯曲的路径上。人和狗都可以改变速度来放松皮带,但都不能后退。两条曲线之间的Fréchet距离是最短的狗绳长度,该长度足以让人和狗从起点到终点穿越各自的路径。请注意,这个定义关于两条曲线是对称的, Fréchet距离将是相同的,如果看作狗是在遛它的主人~。
直观地看, Fréchet距离是狗绳的最短长度,同时也是两条曲线之间最大的距离。
Formal definition
路径相似性描述:Fréchet distance
离散化Fréchet distance
两个离散序列之间的Fréchet distance
关于Discrete Fréchet Distance的计算参考:
T. Eiter, H. Mannila, Computing Discrete Fréchet Distance, Tech. Report CD-TR 94/64, Information Systems Department, Technical University of Vienna, 1994.
%Tristan Ursell %Frechet Distance between two curves %May 2013 % % f = frechet(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) % f = frechet(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,res) % % (X1,Y1) are the x and y coordinates of the first curve (column vector). % (X2,Y2) are the x and y coordinates of the second curve (column vector). % % The lengths of the two curves do not have to be the same. % % 'res' is an optional parameter to set the resolution of 'f', the time to % compute scales linearly with 'res'. 'res' must be positive, and if 'res' % is larger than the largest distance between any two points on the curve % the function will throw a warning. If 'res' is unspecified, the function % will select a reasonable value, given the inputs. % % This function estimates the Frechet Distance, which is a measure of the % dissimilarity between two curves in space (in this case in 2D). It is a % scalar value that is symmetric with respect to the two curves (i.e. % switching X1->X2 and Y1->Y2 does not change the value). Roughly % speaking, this distance metric is the minimum length of a line that % connects a point on each curve, and allows one to traverse both curves % from start to finish. (wiki: Frechet Distance) % % The function requires column input vectors, and the function 'bwlabel' % from the image processing toolbox. % % %EXAMPLE: compare three curves to find out which two are most similar % % %curve 1 %t1=0:1:50; %X1=(2*cos(t1/5)+3-t1.^2/200)/2; %Y1=2*sin(t1/5)+3; % % %curve 2 %X2=(2*cos(t1/4)+2-t1.^2/200)/2; %Y2=2*sin(t1/5)+3; % % %curve 3 %X3=(2*cos(t1/4)+2-t1.^2/200)/2; %Y3=2*sin(t1/4+2)+3; % %f12=frechet(X1',Y1',X2',Y2'); %f13=frechet(X1',Y1',X3',Y3'); %f23=frechet(X2',Y2',X3',Y3'); %f11=frechet(X1',Y1',X1',Y1'); %f22=frechet(X2',Y2',X2',Y2'); %f33=frechet(X3',Y3',X3',Y3'); % %figure; %subplot(2,1,1) %hold on %plot(X1,Y1,'r','linewidth',2) %plot(X2,Y2,'g','linewidth',2) %plot(X3,Y3,'b','linewidth',2) %legend('curve 1','curve 2','curve 3','location','eastoutside') %xlabel('X') %ylabel('Y') %axis equal tight %box on %title(['three space curves to compare']) %legend % %subplot(2,1,2) %imagesc([[f11,f12,f13];[f12,f22,f23];[f13,f23,f33]]) %xlabel('curve') %ylabel('curve') %cb1=colorbar('peer',gca); %set(get(cb1,'Ylabel'),'String','Frechet Distance') %axis equal tight % function f = frechet(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,varargin) %get path point length L1=length(X1); L2=length(X2); %check vector lengths if or(L1~=length(Y1),L2~=length(Y2)) error('Paired input vectors (Xi,Yi) must be the same length.') end %check for column inputs if or(or(size(X1,1)<=1,size(Y1,1)<=1),or(size(X2,1)<=1,size(Y2,1)<=1)) error('Input vectors must be column vectors.') end %create maxtrix forms X1_mat=ones(L2,1)*X1'; Y1_mat=ones(L2,1)*Y1'; X2_mat=X2*ones(1,L1); Y2_mat=Y2*ones(1,L1); %calculate frechet distance matrix frechet1=sqrt((X1_mat-X2_mat).^2+(Y1_mat-Y2_mat).^2); fmin=min(frechet1(:)); fmax=max(frechet1(:)); %handle resolution if ~isempty(varargin) res=varargin{1}; if res<=0 error('The resolution parameter must be greater than zero.') elseif ((fmax-fmin)/res)>10000 warning('Given these two curves, and that resolution, this might take a while.') elseif res>=(fmax-fmin) warning('The resolution is too low given these curves to compute anything meaningful.') f=fmax; return end else res=(fmax-fmin)/1000; end %compute frechet distance for q3=fmin:res:fmax im1=bwlabel(frechet1<=q3); %get region number of beginning and end points if and(im1(1,1)~=0,im1(1,1)==im1(end,end)) f=q3; break end end
Fréchet Inception Distance
除了测量曲线之间的距离外,Fréchet距离还可以用来测量概率分布之间的差异。As a distance between probability distributions (the FID score)
Fréchet Inception Distance简称FID最近被提出用于评估生成模型的质量,如生成的图片。
FID was introduced by Martin Heusel, Hubert Ramsauer, Thomas Unterthiner, Bernhard Nessler and Sepp Hochreiter in "GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium", see
FID is a measure of similarity between two datasets of images. It was shown to correlate well with human judgement of visual quality and is most often used to evaluate the quality of samples of Generative Adversarial Networks. FID is calculated by computing the Fréchet distance between two Gaussians fitted to feature representations of the Inception network.
路径相似性描述:Fréchet distanceéchet_distance