[f, xi] = ksdensity(x)
返回矢量或两列矩阵x中的样本数据的概率密度估计f。 该估计基于高斯核函数,并且在等间隔的点xi处进行评估,覆盖x中的数据范围。
specifies points (f
] = ksdensity(x
) to evaluate f
. Here, xi
and pts
contain identical values。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | clear all ; clc ; n=100; % 生成一些正态分布的随机数 x=normrnd(0,1,1,n); minx = min (x); maxx = max (x); dx = (maxx-minx)/n; x1 = minx:dx:maxx-dx; h=0.5; f= zeros (1,n); for j = 1:n for i =1:n f( j )=f( j )+ exp (-(x1( j )-x( i ))^2/2/h^2)/ sqrt (2* pi ); end f( j )=f( j )/n/h; end plot (x1,f); %用系统函数计算比较 [f2,x2] = ksdensity(x); hold on; plot (x2,f2, 'r' ); %红色为参考 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 | %% Demonstrate a non-parametric (parzen) density estimator in 1D %% % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com function parzenWindowDemo2 % setSeed(2); %[data, f] = generateData; % http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_density_estimation data = [-2.1 -1.3 -0.4 1.9 5.1 6.2]'; f = @(x) 0; n = numel (data); domain = -5:0.001:10; kernels = { 'gauss' , 'unif' }; for kk=1:2 kernel = kernels{kk}; switch kernel case 'gauss' , hvals = [1, 2]; case 'unif' , hvals = [1, 2]; end for i =1: numel (hvals) h = hvals( i ); figure ; hold on handle = plot (data, 0.01* ones (1,n), 'x' , 'markersize' , 14); set ( handle , 'markersize' ,14, 'color' , 'k' ); g = kernelize(h, kernel, data); plot (domain,g(domain '),' -b'); if strcmp (kernel, 'gauss' ) for j =1:n k = @(x) (1/h)*gaussProb(x,data( j ),h^2); plot (domain, 0.1*k(domain '), ' :r'); end end title ( sprintf ( '%s, h=%5.3f' , kernel, h), 'fontsize' , 16); %printPmtkFigure(sprintf('parzen-%s-%d', kernel, h)); end %placeFigures('nrows',3,'ncols',1,'square',false); end end function [data, f] = generateData mix = [0.35,0.65]; sigma = [0.015,0.01]; mu = [0.25,0.75]; n = 50; %% The true function, we are trying to recover f = @(x)mix(1)*gaussProb(x, mu(1), sigma(1)) + mix(2)*gaussProb(x, mu(2), sigma(2)); %Generate data from a mixture of gaussians. model1 = struct ( 'mu' , mu(1), 'Sigma' , sigma(1)); model2 = struct ( 'mu' , mu(2), 'Sigma' , sigma(2)); pdf1 = @(n)gaussSample(model1, n); pdf2 = @(n)gaussSample(model2, n); data = rand (n,1); nmix1 = data <= mix(1); data(nmix1) = pdf1( sum (nmix1)); data(~nmix1) = pdf2( sum (~nmix1)); end function g = kernelize(h,kernel,data) %Use one gaussian kernel per data point with smoothing parameter h. n = size (data,1); g = @(x)0; %unif = @(x, a, b)exp(uniformLogprob(structure(a, b), x)); for i =1:n switch kernel case 'gauss' , g = @(x)g(x) + (1/(h*n))*gaussProb(x,data( i ),h^2); %case 'unif', g = @(x)g(x) + (1/n)*unif(x,data(i)-h/2, data(i)+h/2); case 'unif' , g = @(x)g(x) + (1/(h*n))*unifpdf(x,data( i )-h/2, data( i )+h/2); end end end function setupFig(h) figure ; hold on; axis ([0,1,0,5]); set ( gca , 'XTick' ,0:0.5:1, 'YTick' ,[0,5], 'box' , 'on' , 'FontSize' ,16); title ([ 'h = ' , num2str (h)]); scrsz = get (0, 'ScreenSize' ); left = 20; right = 20; lower = 50; upper = 125; width = scrsz(3)-left-right; height = (scrsz(4)- lower - upper )/3; set ( gcf , 'Position' ,[left,scrsz(4)/2,width, height]); end function p = gaussProb(X, mu, Sigma) % Multivariate Gaussian distribution, pdf % X(i,:) is i'th case % *** In the univariate case, Sigma is the variance, not the standard % deviation! *** % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com d = size (Sigma, 2); X = reshape (X, [], d); % make sure X is n-by-d and not d-by-n X = bsxfun (@minus, X, rowvec(mu)); logp = -0.5* sum ((X/(Sigma)).*X, 2); logZ = (d/2)* log (2* pi ) + 0.5*logdet(Sigma); logp = logp - logZ; p = exp (logp); end function x = rowvec(x) % Reshape a matrix into a row vector % Return x as a row vector. This function is useful when a function returns a % column vector or matrix and you want to immediately reshape it in a functional % way. Suppose f(a,b,c) returns a column vector, matlab will not let you write % f(a,b,c)(:)' - you would have to first store the result. With this function you % can write rowvec(f(a,b,c)) and be assured that the result is a row vector. % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com x = x(:)'; end function y = logdet(A) % Compute log(det(A)) where A is positive-definite % This is faster and more stable than using log(det(A)). % %PMTKauthor Tom Minka % (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com try U = chol (A); y = 2* sum ( log ( diag (U))); catch % #ok y = 0; warning ( 'logdet:posdef' , 'Matrix is not positive definite' ); end end |
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