[f, xi] = ksdensity(x)
返回矢量或两列矩阵x中的样本数据的概率密度估计f。 该估计基于高斯核函数,并且在等间隔的点xi处进行评估,覆盖x中的数据范围。
specifies points (f
] = ksdensity(x
) to evaluate f
. Here, xi
and pts
contain identical values。
clear all; clc; n=100; % 生成一些正态分布的随机数 x=normrnd(0,1,1,n); minx = min(x); maxx = max(x); dx = (maxx-minx)/n; x1 = minx:dx:maxx-dx; h=0.5; f=zeros(1,n); for j = 1:n for i=1:n f(j)=f(j)+exp(-(x1(j)-x(i))^2/2/h^2)/sqrt(2*pi); end f(j)=f(j)/n/h; end plot(x1,f); %用系统函数计算比较 [f2,x2] = ksdensity(x); hold on; plot(x2,f2,'r'); %红色为参考
%% Demonstrate a non-parametric (parzen) density estimator in 1D %% % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com function parzenWindowDemo2 % setSeed(2); %[data, f] = generateData; % http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_density_estimation data = [-2.1 -1.3 -0.4 1.9 5.1 6.2]'; f = @(x) 0; n = numel(data); domain = -5:0.001:10; kernels = {'gauss', 'unif'}; for kk=1:2 kernel = kernels{kk}; switch kernel case 'gauss', hvals = [1, 2]; case 'unif', hvals = [1, 2]; end for i=1:numel(hvals) h = hvals(i); figure; hold on handle=plot(data, 0.01*ones(1,n), 'x', 'markersize', 14); set(handle,'markersize',14,'color','k'); g = kernelize(h, kernel, data); plot(domain,g(domain'),'-b'); if strcmp(kernel, 'gauss') for j=1:n k = @(x) (1/h)*gaussProb(x,data(j),h^2); plot(domain, 0.1*k(domain'), ':r'); end end title(sprintf('%s, h=%5.3f', kernel, h), 'fontsize', 16); %printPmtkFigure(sprintf('parzen-%s-%d', kernel, h)); end %placeFigures('nrows',3,'ncols',1,'square',false); end end function [data, f] = generateData mix = [0.35,0.65]; sigma = [0.015,0.01]; mu = [0.25,0.75]; n = 50; %% The true function, we are trying to recover f = @(x)mix(1)*gaussProb(x, mu(1), sigma(1)) + mix(2)*gaussProb(x, mu(2), sigma(2)); %Generate data from a mixture of gaussians. model1 = struct('mu', mu(1), 'Sigma', sigma(1)); model2 = struct('mu', mu(2), 'Sigma', sigma(2)); pdf1 = @(n)gaussSample(model1, n); pdf2 = @(n)gaussSample(model2, n); data = rand(n,1); nmix1 = data <= mix(1); data(nmix1) = pdf1(sum(nmix1)); data(~nmix1) = pdf2(sum(~nmix1)); end function g = kernelize(h,kernel,data) %Use one gaussian kernel per data point with smoothing parameter h. n = size(data,1); g = @(x)0; %unif = @(x, a, b)exp(uniformLogprob(structure(a, b), x)); for i=1:n switch kernel case 'gauss', g = @(x)g(x) + (1/(h*n))*gaussProb(x,data(i),h^2); %case 'unif', g = @(x)g(x) + (1/n)*unif(x,data(i)-h/2, data(i)+h/2); case 'unif', g = @(x)g(x) + (1/(h*n))*unifpdf(x,data(i)-h/2, data(i)+h/2); end end end function setupFig(h) figure; hold on; axis([0,1,0,5]); set(gca,'XTick',0:0.5:1,'YTick',[0,5],'box','on','FontSize',16); title(['h = ',num2str(h)]); scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); left = 20; right = 20; lower = 50; upper = 125; width = scrsz(3)-left-right; height = (scrsz(4)-lower-upper)/3; set(gcf,'Position',[left,scrsz(4)/2,width, height]); end function p = gaussProb(X, mu, Sigma) % Multivariate Gaussian distribution, pdf % X(i,:) is i'th case % *** In the univariate case, Sigma is the variance, not the standard % deviation! *** % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com d = size(Sigma, 2); X = reshape(X, [], d); % make sure X is n-by-d and not d-by-n X = bsxfun(@minus, X, rowvec(mu)); logp = -0.5*sum((X/(Sigma)).*X, 2); logZ = (d/2)*log(2*pi) + 0.5*logdet(Sigma); logp = logp - logZ; p = exp(logp); end function x = rowvec(x) % Reshape a matrix into a row vector % Return x as a row vector. This function is useful when a function returns a % column vector or matrix and you want to immediately reshape it in a functional % way. Suppose f(a,b,c) returns a column vector, matlab will not let you write % f(a,b,c)(:)' - you would have to first store the result. With this function you % can write rowvec(f(a,b,c)) and be assured that the result is a row vector. % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com x = x(:)'; end function y = logdet(A) % Compute log(det(A)) where A is positive-definite % This is faster and more stable than using log(det(A)). % %PMTKauthor Tom Minka % (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. % This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com try U = chol(A); y = 2*sum(log(diag(U))); catch % #ok y = 0; warning('logdet:posdef', 'Matrix is not positive definite'); end end