1. 获取 flash id:



cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/cid



MMC_DEV_ATTR(cid, "%08x%08x%08x%08x\n", card->raw_cid[0], card->raw_cid[1]



GDT42A32ED7_T2E     0x700100543532373332010585581e937d



MT8321 只支持如下方式兼容:

1. EMCP类: 只要emmc id不同,就可以兼容。

2. discrete lp2 类: dram vendor ID不同,就可以兼容(也就是说不同晶圆厂家兼容,具体对应的是datasheet中的MR5值,对应到code中MemoryDeviceList_xxxx.xlsx 表格的MODE_REG5 列)

3. discrete lp3 类: dram vendor ID不同,就可以兼容(也就是说不同晶圆厂家兼容,具体对应的是datasheet中的MR5值,对应到code中MemoryDeviceList_xxxx.xlsx 表格的MODE_REG5 列)

4. PCDDR3:不支持。





 1 if ($scan_idx eq $PartNum) # scan column 2 for Part Number
 3         {
 4             my $boardid ;
 5             $boardid = &xls_cell_value($Sheet, $row, $COLUMN_BOARD_ID) ;
 6             if ($CustBoard_ID eq $boardid)
 7             {
 8                 $rows_part_found[$num_part_found] = $row;
10                 print "\nPartNum($PartNum==$scan_idx) found in row $row\n" ;
11                 $Total_PART_NUMBER[$TotalCustemChips] = $PartNum;
12                 $num_part_found += 1 ;
13                 $TotalCustemChips += 1;
14             }
15         }
1 if ($num_part_found == 0)
2     {
3          print "\n[Error]unsupported part number $PartNum\n" ;
4         die "\n[Error]unsupported part number $PartNum\n" ;
5     }


①:Board ID不匹配,不支持

 [Error]unsupported part number H9TKNNN8KDMP

所以xls表格里面配置的board id跟当前平台不一致的话,会报不支持。




[Error] LPDDR2 and LPDDR3 are not allowed to be mixed in the Combo Discrete DRAM list.



[Error] At most one discrete PCDDR3 DRAM is allowed in the Combo MCP list




 [Error] At most one discrete PCDDR3 DRAM is allowed in the Combo MCP list





 1 EMI_SETTINGS emi_settings[] =
 2 {
 4     //K4E6E304EE_EGCF
 5     {
 6         0x0,        /* sub_version */
 7         0x0003,        /* TYPE */
 8         0,        /* EMMC ID/FW ID checking length */
 9         0,        /* FW length */
10         {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0},        /* NAND_EMMC_ID */
11         {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0},        /* FW_ID */
12         0x000250A2,        /* EMI_CONA_VAL */
13         0xAA00AA00,        /* DRAMC_DRVCTL0_VAL */
14         0xAA00AA00,        /* DRAMC_DRVCTL1_VAL */
15         0x66CB4619,        /* DRAMC_ACTIM_VAL */
16         0x01000000,        /* DRAMC_GDDR3CTL1_VAL */
17         0xF00487C3,        /* DRAMC_CONF1_VAL */
18         0xC00652D1,        /* DRAMC_DDR2CTL_VAL */
19         0xBF090401,        /* DRAMC_TEST2_3_VAL */
20         0x01806C60,        /* DRAMC_CONF2_VAL */
21         0xD1643542,        /* DRAMC_PD_CTRL_VAL */
22         0x00008888,        /* DRAMC_PADCTL3_VAL */
23         0x88888888,        /* DRAMC_DQODLY_VAL */
24         0x00000000,        /* DRAMC_ADDR_OUTPUT_DLY */
25         0x00000000,        /* DRAMC_CLK_OUTPUT_DLY */
26         0x11000D21,        /* DRAMC_ACTIM1_VAL*/
27         0x17800000,        /* DRAMC_MISCTL0_VAL*/
28         0x040004C1,        /* DRAMC_ACTIM05T_VAL*/
29         {0x40000000,0x40000000,0,0},        /* DRAM RANK SIZE */
30         {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},        /* reserved 10 */
31         0x00C30001,        /* LPDDR3_MODE_REG1 */
32         0x000A0002,        /* LPDDR3_MODE_REG2 */
33         0x00020003,        /* LPDDR3_MODE_REG3 */
34         0x00000001,        /* LPDDR3_MODE_REG5 */
35         0x00FF000A,        /* LPDDR3_MODE_REG10 */
36         0x0000003F,        /* LPDDR3_MODE_REG63 */
37     } ,
38 };




 1 typedef struct
 2 {
 3     int   sub_version;            // sub_version: 0x1 for new version
 4     int  type;                /* 0x0000 : Invalid
 5                                  0x0001 : Discrete DDR1
 6                                  0x0002 : Discrete LPDDR2
 7                                  0x0003 : Discrete LPDDR3
 8                                  0x0004 : Discrete PCDDR3
 9                                  0x0101 : MCP(NAND+DDR1)
10                                  0x0102 : MCP(NAND+LPDDR2)
11                                  0x0103 : MCP(NAND+LPDDR3)
12                                  0x0104 : MCP(NAND+PCDDR3)
13                                  0x0201 : MCP(eMMC+DDR1)
14                                  0x0202 : MCP(eMMC+LPDDR2)
15                                  0x0203 : MCP(eMMC+LPDDR3)
16                                  0x0204 : MCP(eMMC+PCDDR3)
17                               */
18     int   id_length;              // EMMC and NAND ID checking length
19     int   fw_id_length;              // FW ID checking length
20     char  ID[16];
21     char  fw_id[8];               // To save fw id
22     int   EMI_CONA_VAL;           //@0x3000
23     int   DRAMC_DRVCTL0_VAL;      //@0x40B8               -> customized TX I/O driving
24     int   DRAMC_DRVCTL1_VAL;      //@0x40BC               -> customized TX I/O driving
25     int   DRAMC_ACTIM_VAL;        //@0x4000
26     int   DRAMC_GDDR3CTL1_VAL;    //@0x40F4
27     int   DRAMC_CONF1_VAL;        //@0x4004
28     int   DRAMC_DDR2CTL_VAL;      //@0x407C 
29     int   DRAMC_TEST2_3_VAL;      //@0x4044
30     int   DRAMC_CONF2_VAL;        //@0x4008
31     int   DRAMC_PD_CTRL_VAL;      //@0x41DC
32     int   DRAMC_PADCTL3_VAL;      //@0x4014               -> customized TX DQS delay
33     int   DRAMC_DQODLY_VAL;       //@0x4200~0x420C        -> customized TX DQ delay
34     int   DRAMC_ADDR_OUTPUT_DLY;  // for E1 DDR2 only
35     int   DRAMC_CLK_OUTPUT_DLY;   // for E1 DDR2 only
36     int   DRAMC_ACTIM1_VAL;       //@0x41E8
37     int   DRAMC_MISCTL0_VAL;      //@0x40FC
38     int   DRAMC_ACTIM05T_VAL;     //@0x41F8
39     int   DRAM_RANK_SIZE[4];
40     int   reserved[10];
42     union
43     {
44         struct
45         {
46             int   LPDDR2_MODE_REG_1;
47             int   LPDDR2_MODE_REG_2;
48             int   LPDDR2_MODE_REG_3;
49             int   LPDDR2_MODE_REG_5;
50             int   LPDDR2_MODE_REG_10;
51             int   LPDDR2_MODE_REG_63;
52         };
53         struct
54         {
55             int   DDR1_MODE_REG;
56             int   DDR1_EXT_MODE_REG;
57         };
58         struct
59         {
60             int   PCDDR3_MODE_REG0;
61             int   PCDDR3_MODE_REG1;
62             int   PCDDR3_MODE_REG2;
63             int   PCDDR3_MODE_REG3;
64             int   PCDDR3_MODE_REG4;
65             int   PCDDR3_MODE_REG5;            
66         };
67         struct
68         {
69             int   LPDDR3_MODE_REG_1;
70             int   LPDDR3_MODE_REG_2;
71             int   LPDDR3_MODE_REG_3;
72             int   LPDDR3_MODE_REG_5;
73             int   LPDDR3_MODE_REG_10;
74             int   LPDDR3_MODE_REG_63;
75         };
76     };



Discrete lp3 (LPDDR3类) 或Discrete lp2 (LPDDR2类)


static int mt_get_mdl_number (void)

 1 //try to find discrete dram by DDR2_MODE_REG5(vendor ID)
 2             for (i = 0; i < num_of_emi_records; i++)
 3             {
 4                 if (TYPE_LPDDR2 == dram_type)
 5                     mode_reg_5 = emi_settings[i].LPDDR2_MODE_REG_5;
 6                 else if (TYPE_LPDDR3 == dram_type)
 7                     mode_reg_5 = emi_settings[i].LPDDR3_MODE_REG_5;
 8                 printf("emi_settings[i].MODE_REG_5:%x,emi_settings[i].type:%x\n",mode_reg_5,emi_settings[i].type);
 9                 //only check discrete dram type
10                 if (((emi_settings[i].type & 0x0F00) == 0x0000) || ((emi_settings[i].type & 0x0F00) == 0x0F00))
11                 {
12                     //support for compol discrete dram
13                     if ((mode_reg_5 == manu_id) )
14                     {
15                         mdl_number = i;
16                         found = 1;
17                         break;
18                     }
19                 }
20             }


[EMI]MR5:3 ----------->读出来的值






 1 /* 1.
 2          * if there is MCP dram in the list, we try to find emi setting by emmc ID
 3          * */
 4         if (mcp_dram_num > 0)
 5         {
 6             result = platform_get_mcp_id (id, emmc_nand_id_len,&fw_id_len);
 8             for (i = 0; i < num_of_emi_records; i++)
 9             {
10                 if (emi_settings[i].type != 0)
11                 {
12                     if ((emi_settings[i].type & 0x0F00) != 0x0000)
13                     {
14                         if (result == 0)
15                         {   /* valid ID */
17                             if ((emi_settings[i].type & 0x0F00) == 0x100)
18                             {
19                                 /* NAND */
20                                 if (memcmp(id, emi_settings[i].ID, emi_settings[i].id_length) == 0){
21                                     memset(id + emi_settings[i].id_length, 0, sizeof(id) - emi_settings[i].id_length);
22                                     mdl_number = i;
23                                     found = 1;
24                                     break; /* found */
25                                 }
26                             }
27                             else
28                             {
30                                 /* eMMC */
31                                 if (memcmp(id, emi_settings[i].ID, emi_settings[i].id_length) == 0)
32                                 {
33 #if 0
34                                     printf("fw id len:%d\n",emi_settings[i].fw_id_length);
35                                     if (emi_settings[i].fw_id_length > 0)
36                                     {
37                                         char fw_id[6];
38                                         memset(fw_id, 0, sizeof(fw_id));
39                                         memcpy(fw_id,id+emmc_nand_id_len,fw_id_len);
40                                         for (j = 0; j < fw_id_len;j ++){
41                                             printf("0x%x, 0x%x ",fw_id[j],emi_settings[i].fw_id[j]);
42                                         }
43                                         if(memcmp(fw_id,emi_settings[i].fw_id,fw_id_len) == 0)
44                                         {
45                                             mdl_number = i;
46                                             found = 1;
47                                             break; /* found */
48                                         }
49                                         else
50                                         {
51                                             printf("[EMI] fw id match failed\n");
52                                         }
53                                     }
54                                     else
55                                     {
56                                         mdl_number = i;
57                                         found = 1;
58                                         break; /* found */
59                                     }
60 #else
61                                         mdl_number = i;
62                                         found = 1;
63                                         break; /* found */
64 #endif
65                                 }
66                                 else{
67                                       printf("[EMI] index(%d) emmc id match failed\n",i);
68                                 }
70                             }
71                         }
72                     }
73                 }
74             }
75     }



1:兼容列表的ddr类型都是Discrete LPDDR2  (MODE_REG5不能有相同的)

2:兼容列表的ddr类型都是Discrete LPDDR3 (MODE_REG5不能有相同的)






posted @ 2018-11-27 20:10  爱无限  阅读(4650)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报