Celery 大量任务 分发
- user:用户程序,用于告知celery去执行一个任务。
- broker: 存放任务(依赖RabbitMQ或Redis,进行存储)
- worker:执行任务
celery需要rabbitMQ、Redis、Amazon SQS、Zookeeper(测试中) 充当broker来进行消息的接收,并且也支持多个broker和worker来实现高可用和分布式。http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/brokers/index.html
Celery version 4.0 runs on Python ❨2.7, 3.4, 3.5❩ PyPy ❨5.4, 5.5❩ This is the last version to support Python 2.7, and from the next version (Celery 5.x) Python 3.5 or newer is required. If you’re running an older version of Python, you need to be running an older version of Celery: Python 2.6: Celery series 3.1 or earlier. Python 2.5: Celery series 3.0 or earlier. Python 2.4 was Celery series 2.2 or earlier. Celery is a project with minimal funding, so we don’t support Microsoft Windows. Please don’t open any issues related to that platform.
- 安装rabbitMQ或Redis
见:http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/5132791.html - 安装celery
pip3 install celery
import time from celery import Celery app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://', backend='redis://') @app.task def xxxxxx(x, y): time.sleep(10) return x + y
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from s1 import xxxxxx # 立即告知celery去执行xxxxxx任务,并传入两个参数 result = xxxxxx.delay(4, 4) print(result.id)
from celery.result import AsyncResult from s1 import app async = AsyncResult(id="f0b41e83-99cf-469f-9eff-74c8dd600002", app=app) if async.successful(): result = async.get() print(result) # result.forget() # 将结果删除 elif async.failed(): print('执行失败') elif async.status == 'PENDING': print('任务等待中被执行') elif async.status == 'RETRY': print('任务异常后正在重试') elif async.status == 'STARTED': print('任务已经开始被执行')
执行 s1.py 创建worker(终端执行命令):
注释: 要在项目目录里执行《 在windows是不支持这个命令得 要安装 pip3 install eventle》在执行得时候
celery worker -A s1 -l info -P eventlet # 在windows 下执行的命令
celery worker -A s1 -l info
执行 s2.py ,创建一个任务并获取任务ID:
python3 s2.py
执行 s3.py ,检查任务状态并获取结果:
python3 s3.py
pro_cel ├── celery_tasks# celery相关文件夹 │ ├── celery.py # celery连接和配置相关文件 │ └── tasks.py # 所有任务函数 ├── check_result.py # 检查结果 └── send_task.py # 触发任务
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from celery import Celery celery = Celery('xxxxxx', broker='redis://', backend='redis://', include=['celery_tasks.tasks']) # 时区 celery.conf.timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai' # 是否使用UTC celery.conf.enable_utc = False
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time from .celery import celery @celery.task def xxxxx(*args, **kwargs): time.sleep(5) return "任务结果" @celery.task def hhhhhh(*args, **kwargs): time.sleep(5) return "任务结果"
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from celery.result import AsyncResult from celery_tasks.celery import celery async = AsyncResult(id="ed88fa52-11ea-4873-b883-b6e0f00f3ef3", app=celery) if async.successful(): result = async.get() print(result) # result.forget() # 将结果删除 elif async.failed(): print('执行失败') elif async.status == 'PENDING': print('任务等待中被执行') elif async.status == 'RETRY': print('任务异常后正在重试') elif async.status == 'STARTED': print('任务已经开始被执行')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import celery_tasks.tasks # 立即告知celery去执行xxxxxx任务,并传入两个参数 result = celery_tasks.tasks.xxxxx.delay(4, 4) print(result.id)
1. 设定时间让celery执行一个任务
import datetime from celery_tasks.tasks import xxxxx """ from datetime import datetime v1 = datetime(2017, 4, 11, 3, 0, 0) print(v1) v2 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(v1.timestamp()) print(v2) """ ctime = datetime.datetime.now() utc_ctime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ctime.timestamp()) s10 = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) ctime_x = utc_ctime + s10 # 使用apply_async并设定时间 result = xxxxx.apply_async(args=[1, 3], eta=ctime_x) print(result.id)
2. 类似于contab的定时任务
""" celery beat -A proj celery worker -A proj -l info """ from celery import Celery from celery.schedules import crontab app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://', backend='amqp://', include=['proj.s1', ]) app.conf.timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai' app.conf.enable_utc = False app.conf.beat_schedule = { # 'add-every-10-seconds': { # 'task': 'proj.s1.add1', # 'schedule': 10.0, # 'args': (16, 16) # }, 'add-every-12-seconds': { 'task': 'proj.s1.add1', 'schedule': crontab(minute=42, hour=8, day_of_month=11, month_of_year=4), 'args': (16, 16) }, }
注:如果想要定时执行类似于crontab的任务,需要定制 Scheduler来完成。
pro_flask_celery/ ├── app.py ├── celery_tasks ├── celery.py # 必须得有一个 celery.py的文件 这里放连接 └── tasks.py
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask from celery.result import AsyncResult from celery_tasks import tasks from celery_tasks.celery import celery app = Flask(__name__) TASK_ID = None @app.route('/') def index(): global TASK_ID result = tasks.xxxxx.delay() # result = tasks.task.apply_async(args=[1, 3], eta=datetime(2018, 5, 19, 1, 24, 0)) TASK_ID = result.id return "任务已经提交" @app.route('/result') def result(): global TASK_ID result = AsyncResult(id=TASK_ID, app=celery) if result.ready(): return result.get() return "xxxx" if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from celery import Celery from celery.schedules import crontab celery = Celery('xxxxxx', broker='redis://', backend='redis://', include=['celery_tasks.tasks']) # 时区 celery.conf.timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai' # 是否使用UTC celery.conf.enable_utc = False
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time from .celery import celery @celery.task def hello(*args, **kwargs): print('执行hello') return "hello" @celery.task def xxxxx(*args, **kwargs): print('执行xxxxx') return "xxxxx" @celery.task def hhhhhh(*args, **kwargs): time.sleep(5) return "任务结果"
from flask import Flask,render_template,request,redirect import time from celery_tasks import tasks from celery.result import AsyncResult from celery_tasks.celery import cel app = Flask(__name__) GOODS = [ # {'title':'商品名称','pirce':100,'ticket':'7ec48f84-7160-4c1d-bb78-9c9327f7a978'} ] @app.route('/index') def index(): return render_template('index.html',goods = GOODS) @app.route('/add',methods=['GET','POST']) def add(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template('add.html',goods = GOODS) title = request.form.get('title') price = request.form.get('price') # 处理业务逻辑 # 耗时 1分钟 # 立即交给broker去执行 result = tasks.x1.delay(1,8) # 去触发 函数 result.id 拿到一个 字符串凭证 # 10s之后,broker才开始执行 import datetime # 可以 t = "2018-8-8" ctime = datetime.datetime.now() # 获取当前时间 utc_ctime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ctime.timestamp()) # 当前时间转换成UTC时间 ctime_x = utc_ctime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) # 时间 utc时间 seconds=10 ----就是当前时间的10秒后执行 result = tasks.x1.apply_async(args=[1, 8], eta=ctime_x) # apply_async 是 GOODS.append({'title':title,'price':price,'ticket':result.id}) return redirect('/index') @app.route('/detail') def detail(): ticket = request.args.get('ticket') result = AsyncResult(id=ticket, app=cel) if result.successful(): val = result.get() return "执行完成,结果:%s" %val else: return '正在处理中...' if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
from celery import Celery from celery.schedules import crontab cel = Celery('tasks', # 是一个名字 broker='redis://:beta@', # 放任务 backend='redis://:beta@', # 取结果 include=['celery_tasks.tasks','celery_tasks.xxx'] ) # 如果需要 每天都要执行的 任务之前 要 执行这个 celery beat -A celery_tasks cel.conf.beat_schedule = { # 'add-every-10-seconds': { # 'task': 'celery_tasks.tasks.x2', # 找到 那个函数 # 'args': (98, 10), # 给 x2 传参数 # 'schedule': 10.0, # 每10秒执行下这个任务 # }, 'add-every-12-seconds': { 'task': 'celery_tasks.tasks.x2', 'schedule': crontab(minute=42, hour=8, day_of_month=11, month_of_year=4), # month_of_year = 月 day_of_month = 日 hour = 时 minute = 分 'args': (26, 16) }, }
import time from .celery import cel from celery import shared_task @shared_task def x1(x, y): time.sleep(10) return x + y @cel.task def x2(x, y): time.sleep(5) return x - y @cel.task def x3(x, y): time.sleep(2) return x * y