【JavaWeb】HttpServletResponse 的输出流是否应该关闭
以下内容参考 stackoverflow
先说结论,通过 HttpServletResponse 得到的 PrintWriter 和 ServletOutputStream 不需要手动关闭。
Normally you should not close the stream.
The servlet container will automatically close the stream
after the servlet is finished running as part of the servlet request life-cycle.
通常您不应该关闭流。在 servlet 完成生命周期之后,servlet 容器会自动关闭流。
For instance, if you closed the stream it would not be available if you implemented a Filter.
举个例子,如果你关闭了流的话,在你实现的 Filter 中就不能再使用了。
Having said all that, if you do close it nothing bad will happen as long as you don't try to use it again.
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