一、 实验过程中发现的问题
意思很简单,就是使用DSP48E1的数量超出限制,因为没有接触过DSP48E1,所以尝试了很多错误的方法后,我找到项目下的.mrp文件,里面有一行显示 Number of DSP48E1s: 496 out of 480 103%,也就是说我使用的 XC6V1x130t 型号FPGA只有480个DSP48E1,但是我使用了496个。
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2024/06/19 16:58:05
// Design Name:
// Module Name: tb_DSP48E1
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module tb_DSP48E1();
reg R_clk;
reg R_reset;
reg[29:0] R_A;
reg[24:0] R_D;
reg[47:0] R_C;
reg[17:0] R_B;
wire[47:0] W_P;
wire[47:0] W_PCIN;
reg[4:0] INMODE;
reg[6:0] OPMODE;
reg[3:0] ALUMODE;
reg[3:0] R_num;
initial begin
R_clk = 1'b0;
R_reset = 1'b1;
R_A = 30'd100;
R_B = 18'd2;
R_C = 48'd2000;
R_D = 25'd200;
R_num = 4'd0;
OPMODE = 7'b0000101; // X-M Y-M Z-0
INMODE = 5'b00101; // (D+A1) * B2 这三个输出刚好对齐,第三拍得到运算结果
ALUMODE = 4'b0000; // X+Y+Z+C
#100 R_reset = 1'b0;
always#5 R_clk = ~R_clk;
always @(posedge R_clk) begin
R_A <= 30'd100;
R_B <= 18'd2;
R_C <= 48'd2000;
R_D <= 25'd200;
R_num <= 4'd0;
else if(R_num < 9)begin
R_num <= R_num + 1'b1;
R_A <= R_A + 1'b1;
R_B <= R_B + 1'b1;
R_C <= R_C + 1'b1;
R_D <= R_D + 1'b1;
else begin
OPMODE <= 7'b0110101; // X-M Y-M Z-C
R_A <= R_A + 1'b1;
R_B <= R_B + 1'b1;
R_C <= R_C + 1'b1;
R_D <= R_D + 1'b1;
DSP48E1 #(
// Feature Control Attributes: Data Path Selection
.A_INPUT("DIRECT"), // Selects A input source, "DIRECT" (A port) or "CASCADE" (ACIN port)
.B_INPUT("DIRECT"), // Selects B input source, "DIRECT" (B port) or "CASCADE" (BCIN port)
.USE_DPORT("TRUE"), // Select D port usage (TRUE or FALSE)
.USE_MULT("MULTIPLY"), // Select multiplier usage ("MULTIPLY", "DYNAMIC", or "NONE")
.USE_SIMD("ONE48"), // SIMD selection ("ONE48", "TWO24", "FOUR12")
// Pattern Detector Attributes: Pattern Detection Configuration
.MASK(48'h3fffffffffff), // 48-bit mask value for pattern detect (1=ignore)
.PATTERN(48'h000000000000), // 48-bit pattern match for pattern detect
.SEL_PATTERN("PATTERN"), // Select pattern value ("PATTERN" or "C")
.USE_PATTERN_DETECT("NO_PATDET"), // Enable pattern detect ("PATDET" or "NO_PATDET")
// Register Control Attributes: Pipeline Register Configuration
.ACASCREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages between A/ACIN and ACOUT (0, 1 or 2)
.ADREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for pre-adder (0 or 1)
.ALUMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for ALUMODE (0 or 1)
.AREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for A (0, 1 or 2)
.BCASCREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages between B/BCIN and BCOUT (0, 1 or 2)
.BREG(2), // Number of pipeline stages for B (0, 1 or 2) 这里要用到B2,所以要置为2
.CARRYINREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for CARRYIN (0 or 1)
.CARRYINSELREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for CARRYINSEL (0 or 1)
.CREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for C (0 or 1)
.DREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for D (0 or 1)
.INMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for INMODE (0 or 1)
.MREG(1), // Number of multiplier pipeline stages (0 or 1)
.OPMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for OPMODE (0 or 1)
.PREG(1) // Number of pipeline stages for P (0 or 1)
DSP48E1_inst (
// Cascade: 30-bit (each) output: Cascade Ports
.ACOUT(), // 30-bit output: A port cascade output
.BCOUT(), // 18-bit output: B port cascade output
.CARRYCASCOUT(), // 1-bit output: Cascade carry output
.MULTSIGNOUT(), // 1-bit output: Multiplier sign cascade output
.PCOUT(), // 48-bit output: Cascade output
// Control: 1-bit (each) output: Control Inputs/Status Bits
.OVERFLOW(), // 1-bit output: Overflow in add/acc output
.PATTERNBDETECT(), // 1-bit output: Pattern bar detect output
.PATTERNDETECT(), // 1-bit output: Pattern detect output
.UNDERFLOW(), // 1-bit output: Underflow in add/acc output
// Data: 4-bit (each) output: Data Ports
.CARRYOUT(), // 4-bit output: Carry output
.P(W_P), // 48-bit output: Primary data output
// Cascade: 30-bit (each) input: Cascade Ports
.ACIN(1'b0), // 30-bit input: A cascade data input
.BCIN(1'b0), // 18-bit input: B cascade input
.CARRYCASCIN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Cascade carry input
.MULTSIGNIN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Multiplier sign input
.PCIN(W_PCIN), // 48-bit input: P cascade input
// Control: 4-bit (each) input: Control Inputs/Status Bits
.ALUMODE(ALUMODE), // 4-bit input: ALU control input
.CARRYINSEL(3'd0), // 3-bit input: Carry select input
.CLK(R_clk), // 1-bit input: Clock input
.INMODE(INMODE), // 5-bit input: INMODE control input
.OPMODE(OPMODE), // 7-bit input: Operation mode input
// Data: 30-bit (each) input: Data Ports
.A(R_A), // 30-bit input: A data input
.B(R_B), // 18-bit input: B data input
.C(R_C), // 48-bit input: C data input
.CARRYIN(1'b0), // 1-bit input: Carry input signal
.D(R_D), // 25-bit input: D data input
// Reset/Clock Enable: 1-bit (each) input: Reset/Clock Enable Inputs
.CEA1(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 1st stage AREG
.CEA2(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 2nd stage AREG
.CEAD(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for ADREG
.CEALUMODE(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for ALUMODE
.CEB1(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 1st stage BREG
.CEB2(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 2nd stage BREG
.CEC(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for CREG
.CECARRYIN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for CARRYINREG
.CECTRL(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for OPMODEREG and CARRYINSELREG
.CED(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for DREG
.CEINMODE(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for INMODEREG
.CEM(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for MREG
.CEP(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for PREG
.RSTA(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for AREG
.RSTALLCARRYIN(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for CARRYINREG
.RSTALUMODE(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for ALUMODEREG
.RSTB(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for BREG
.RSTC(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for CREG
.RSTCTRL(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for OPMODEREG and CARRYINSELREG
.RSTD(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for DREG and ADREG
.RSTINMODE(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for INMODEREG
.RSTM(R_reset), // 1-bit input: Reset input for MREG
.RSTP(R_reset) // 1-bit input: Reset input for PREG
从DSP48E1结构图也能看出,最终输出结果P会在A、B、C、D输入的第四拍输出,并且C与A、B、D相差两拍,OPMODE也会延迟一拍配置进去,所以改变OPMODE之后,结果会是5170 = (108+208)* 10 + 2010,输出结果符合预期。
按照代码中的配置,X = M,Y=M,理论上加起来应该是2M,但实际就是M,这里应该是乘法器分两部分进行乘法操作,所以最后X+Y = M。
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2024/06/22 11:15:16
// Design Name:
// Module Name: pck_fir
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
// 使用dsp48e1实现fir滤波器
// 先串行输入滤波器系数,假设 x = [1,2...11]
// 再串行输入信号,假设 t = [31,32...1000]
// 最后得到结果为 y = conv(x,t)
module pck_fir # (
parameter C_COE_WIDTH = 16,
parameter C_INPUT_WIDTH = 16,
parameter C_OUTPUT_WIDTH = 48,
parameter C_COE_NUM = 11
input I_clk,
input I_rst,
input I_coe_param_vd,
input[C_COE_WIDTH-1:0] I_coe_param,
input I_data_vd,
input[C_INPUT_WIDTH-1:0] I_data,
output[C_OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] O_data
localparam C_A_WIDTH = 30;
localparam C_B_WIDTH = 18;
localparam C_C_WIDTH = 48;
localparam C_D_WIDTH = 25;
localparam C_P_WIDTH = 48;
reg[C_B_WIDTH-1:0] R_coe_params[C_COE_NUM-1:0];
reg[C_A_WIDTH-1:0] R_data;
wire[47:0] W_cin;
wire[24:0] W_din;
wire[47:0] W_pin;
wire[47:0] W_pout[C_COE_NUM-1:0];
assign W_cin = 48'd0;
assign W_din = 25'd0;
assign W_pin = 48'd0;
always @(posedge I_clk or negedge I_rst) begin
R_data <= 'd0;
else if(I_data_vd)begin
R_data[C_INPUT_WIDTH-1:0] <= I_data;
R_data <= 0;
genvar i;
for(i = 0;i < C_COE_NUM;i = i + 1)
always @(posedge I_clk or negedge I_rst) begin
R_coe_params[i] <= 'd0;
else begin
if(i == 0)
R_coe_params[i][C_COE_WIDTH-1:0] <= I_coe_param;
R_coe_params[i] <= R_coe_params[i-1];
R_coe_params[i] <= R_coe_params[i];
pck_dsp48e1 pck_1(
genvar k;
for(k = 1;k < C_COE_NUM;k = k + 1)
pck_dsp48e1 #(
) pck_n(
assign O_data = W_pout[C_COE_NUM-1];
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2024/06/22 10:45:31
// Design Name:
// Module Name: pck_dsp48e1
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module pck_dsp48e1 # (
parameter C_ALUMODE = 4'b0000,
parameter C_INMODE = 5'b00101,
parameter C_OPMODE = 7'b0000101
input I_clk,
input I_rst,
input[29:0] A,
input[17:0] B,
input[47:0] C,
input[24:0] D,
input[47:0] PCIN,
output[47:0] P,
output[47:0] PCOUT
DSP48E1 #(
// Feature Control Attributes: Data Path Selection
.A_INPUT("DIRECT"), // Selects A input source, "DIRECT" (A port) or "CASCADE" (ACIN port)
.B_INPUT("DIRECT"), // Selects B input source, "DIRECT" (B port) or "CASCADE" (BCIN port)
.USE_DPORT("TRUE"), // Select D port usage (TRUE or FALSE)
.USE_MULT("MULTIPLY"), // Select multiplier usage ("MULTIPLY", "DYNAMIC", or "NONE")
.USE_SIMD("ONE48"), // SIMD selection ("ONE48", "TWO24", "FOUR12")
// Pattern Detector Attributes: Pattern Detection Configuration
.MASK(48'h3fffffffffff), // 48-bit mask value for pattern detect (1=ignore)
.PATTERN(48'h000000000000), // 48-bit pattern match for pattern detect
.SEL_PATTERN("PATTERN"), // Select pattern value ("PATTERN" or "C")
.USE_PATTERN_DETECT("NO_PATDET"), // Enable pattern detect ("PATDET" or "NO_PATDET")
// Register Control Attributes: Pipeline Register Configuration
.ACASCREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages between A/ACIN and ACOUT (0, 1 or 2)
.ADREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for pre-adder (0 or 1)
.ALUMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for ALUMODE (0 or 1)
.AREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for A (0, 1 or 2)
.BCASCREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages between B/BCIN and BCOUT (0, 1 or 2)
.BREG(2), // Number of pipeline stages for B (0, 1 or 2) 这里要用到B2,所以要置为2
.CARRYINREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for CARRYIN (0 or 1)
.CARRYINSELREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for CARRYINSEL (0 or 1)
.CREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for C (0 or 1)
.DREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for D (0 or 1)
.INMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for INMODE (0 or 1)
.MREG(1), // Number of multiplier pipeline stages (0 or 1)
.OPMODEREG(1), // Number of pipeline stages for OPMODE (0 or 1)
.PREG(1) // Number of pipeline stages for P (0 or 1)
DSP48E1_inst (
// Cascade: 30-bit (each) output: Cascade Ports
.ACOUT(), // 30-bit output: A port cascade output
.BCOUT(), // 18-bit output: B port cascade output
.CARRYCASCOUT(), // 1-bit output: Cascade carry output
.MULTSIGNOUT(), // 1-bit output: Multiplier sign cascade output
.PCOUT(PCOUT), // 48-bit output: Cascade output
// Control: 1-bit (each) output: Control Inputs/Status Bits
.OVERFLOW(), // 1-bit output: Overflow in add/acc output
.PATTERNBDETECT(), // 1-bit output: Pattern bar detect output
.PATTERNDETECT(), // 1-bit output: Pattern detect output
.UNDERFLOW(), // 1-bit output: Underflow in add/acc output
// Data: 4-bit (each) output: Data Ports
.CARRYOUT(), // 4-bit output: Carry output
.P(P), // 48-bit output: Primary data output
// Cascade: 30-bit (each) input: Cascade Ports
.ACIN(1'b0), // 30-bit input: A cascade data input
.BCIN(1'b0), // 18-bit input: B cascade input
.CARRYCASCIN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Cascade carry input
.MULTSIGNIN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Multiplier sign input
.PCIN(PCIN), // 48-bit input: P cascade input
// Control: 4-bit (each) input: Control Inputs/Status Bits
.ALUMODE(C_ALUMODE), // 4-bit input: ALU control input
.CARRYINSEL(3'd0), // 3-bit input: Carry select input
.CLK(I_clk), // 1-bit input: Clock input
.INMODE(C_INMODE), // 5-bit input: INMODE control input
.OPMODE(C_OPMODE), // 7-bit input: Operation mode input
// Data: 30-bit (each) input: Data Ports
.A(A), // 30-bit input: A data input
.B(B), // 18-bit input: B data input
.C(C), // 48-bit input: C data input
.CARRYIN(1'b0), // 1-bit input: Carry input signal
.D(D), // 25-bit input: D data input
// Reset/Clock Enable: 1-bit (each) input: Reset/Clock Enable Inputs
.CEA1(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 1st stage AREG
.CEA2(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 2nd stage AREG
.CEAD(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for ADREG
.CEALUMODE(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for ALUMODE
.CEB1(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 1st stage BREG
.CEB2(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for 2nd stage BREG
.CEC(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for CREG
.CECARRYIN(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for CARRYINREG
.CECTRL(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for OPMODEREG and CARRYINSELREG
.CED(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for DREG
.CEINMODE(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for INMODEREG
.CEM(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for MREG
.CEP(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for PREG
.RSTA(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for AREG
.RSTALLCARRYIN(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for CARRYINREG
.RSTALUMODE(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for ALUMODEREG
.RSTB(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for BREG
.RSTC(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for CREG
.RSTCTRL(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for OPMODEREG and CARRYINSELREG
.RSTD(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for DREG and ADREG
.RSTINMODE(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for INMODEREG
.RSTM(I_rst), // 1-bit input: Reset input for MREG
.RSTP(I_rst) // 1-bit input: Reset input for PREG
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2024/06/22 15:35:29
// Design Name:
// Module Name: tb_pck_fir
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module tb_pck_fir();
reg R_clk;
reg R_data_vd;
reg R_coe_data_vd;
wire[15:0] W_data;
wire[15:0] W_coe_data;
reg R_rst;
reg[15:0] R_cnt;
wire[47:0] W_res;
initial begin
R_clk = 1'b0;
R_rst = 1'b0;
R_cnt = 5'd0;
R_data_vd = 1'b0;
R_coe_data_vd = 1'b0;
#2000 R_rst = 1'b1;
always#5 R_clk = ~R_clk;
always @(posedge R_clk) begin
R_cnt <= 16'd0;
else if(R_cnt < 'd11)begin
R_cnt <= R_cnt + 1;
R_coe_data_vd <= 1'b1;
else if(R_cnt == 'd11)begin
R_coe_data_vd <= 1'b0;
R_cnt <= R_cnt + 1;
else if(R_cnt == 'd30)begin
R_cnt <= R_cnt + 1;
R_data_vd <= 1'b1;
else if(R_cnt > 'd1000)begin
R_data_vd <= 1'b0;
R_cnt <= R_cnt;
R_cnt <= R_cnt + 1;
assign W_coe_data = R_cnt;
assign W_data = R_cnt;
pck_fir pf(
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2024/06/22 20:02:25
// Design Name:
// Module Name: Complex_Multiple
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
// (a+bj)*(c+dj) = (ac-bd)+(ad+bc)j = [(a+b)c - b(c+d)] + [(a+b)c + a(d-c)]
module Complex_Multiple(
input I_clk,
input I_rst_n,
input[15:0] I_signal_I1,
input[15:0] I_signal_Q1,
input[15:0] I_signal_I2,
input[15:0] I_signal_Q2,
output[47:0] O_signal_I,
output[47:0] O_signal_Q
localparam C_A_WIDTH = 30;
localparam C_B_WIDTH = 18;
localparam C_C_WIDTH = 48;
localparam C_D_WIDTH = 25;
localparam C_P_WIDTH = 48;
wire[47:0] W_cin;
wire[24:0] W_din;
wire[47:0] W_pin;
wire[47:0] W_p1,W_p2,W_p3;
assign W_cin = 48'd0;
assign W_din = 25'd0;
assign W_pin = 48'd0;
reg[C_A_WIDTH-1:0] R1_I1;
reg[C_B_WIDTH-1:0] R1_I2;
reg[C_D_WIDTH-1:0] R1_Q1;
reg[C_B_WIDTH-1:0] R1_Q2;
reg[C_A_WIDTH-1:0] R2_I1;
reg[C_B_WIDTH-1:0] R2_I2;
reg[C_D_WIDTH-1:0] R2_Q1;
reg[C_A_WIDTH-1:0] R2_Q2;
always @(posedge I_clk or negedge I_rst_n) begin
R1_I1 <= 'd0;
R1_I2 <= 'd0;
else begin
R1_I1 <= I_signal_I1;
R1_I2 <= I_signal_I1;
always @(posedge I_clk or negedge I_rst_n) begin
R1_Q1 <= 'd0;
R1_Q2 <= 'd0;
else begin
R1_Q1 <= I_signal_Q1;
R1_Q2 <= I_signal_Q1;
always @(posedge I_clk or negedge I_rst_n) begin
R2_I1 <= 'd0;
R2_I2 <= 'd0;
else begin
R2_I1 <= I_signal_I2;
R2_I2 <= I_signal_I2;
always @(posedge I_clk or negedge I_rst_n) begin
R2_Q1 <= 'd0;
R2_Q2 <= 'd0;
else begin
R2_Q1 <= I_signal_Q2;
R2_Q2 <= I_signal_Q2;
// (a+b)c
pck_dsp48e1 pk1(
// (c+d)b
pck_dsp48e1 pk2(
// (d-c)a
pck_dsp48e1 #(
assign O_signal_I = W_p1 - W_p2;
assign O_signal_Q = W_p1 + W_p3;
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2024/06/23 13:51:50
// Design Name:
// Module Name: tb_complex_multiple
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module tb_complex_multiple();
reg R_clk;
reg R_rst_n;
reg[15:0] R_signal_I1;
reg[15:0] R_signal_Q1;
reg[15:0] R_signal_I2;
reg[15:0] R_signal_Q2;
wire[47:0] W_signal_I;
wire[47:0] W_signal_Q;
initial begin
R_clk = 1'b0;
R_rst_n = 1'b0;
R_signal_I1 = 16'd0;
R_signal_Q1 = 16'd0;
R_signal_I2 = 16'd0;
R_signal_Q2 = 16'd0;
#2000 R_rst_n = 1'b1;
always#5 R_clk = ~R_clk;
always @(posedge R_clk or negedge R_rst_n) begin
R_signal_I1 <= 16'd0;
R_signal_Q1 <= 16'd4;
R_signal_I2 <= 16'd2;
R_signal_Q2 <= 16'd3;
else begin
R_signal_I1 <= R_signal_I1 + 1'b1;
R_signal_Q1 <= R_signal_Q1 + 1'b1;
R_signal_I2 <= R_signal_I2 + 1'b1;
R_signal_Q2 <= R_signal_Q2 + 1'b1;
Complex_Multiple cm(
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