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Implementing a State Machine Workflow

In the example that follows, you will implement an application that uses a state machine workflow.
For this example, I chose a familiar subject to model: operating a car. While you wouldn’t normally
model something like this in a real application, it does illustrate the basic concepts of states, events,
and transitions that are important in a state machine workflow. And the subject area is something
that most of us can easily relate to.

Designing the Car State Machine
If you think about operating a car, you will immediately think of several states that could be modeled
in a workflow. Here are the states that I’ve chosen for this example:
? Not Running: In this state, you are in the car but the engine is not running.
? Running: You’ve now started the engine, but you’re not moving.
? Moving Forward: The car is moving forward.
? Moving in Reverse: The car is moving in reverse.
? Done with the Car: You are finished with the car.

There are many other states that you could model, but this list is enough to provide a substantial
example. The next step is to identify the events that can occur while you are in each state.
Table 9-1 lists the events that are allowed for each state, along with the planned state transitions as
each event is handled.
State                             Event                                             State Transition
Not Running                 Start the Engine                         Running
Not Running                 Leave the Car                             Done with the Car
Running                         Go Forward                                     Moving Forward
Running                         Go in Reverse                             Moving in Reverse
Running                         Stop Engine                                 Not Running
Moving                             Forward Stop                                 Moving Running
Moving                             in Reverse Stop                         Moving Running
All states                     Beep Horn                                     None

If you look at the events outlined in Table 9-1, you will see that they very naturally fall into place
once you’ve identified the states. For instance, if the car is in the Not Running state, you can either
Start the Engine or Leave the Car. You can’t Go Forward or Go in Reverse because you haven’t started the
engine yet. Likewise, if you are in the Moving Forward state, the only thing you can do is Stop Moving.
You can’t Stop Engine or Leave the Car while it is moving. Of course this example could be enhanced
to allow other events that control the speed or direction of movement.
如果你看过Table 9-1的事件大概,你会发现它们非常自然的和状态切合在一起,比如,如果汽车处于Not Running状态,
那么要么你已发动汽车要么离开汽车.你不能向前行驶或者向后行驶,因为还没有启动引擎.另外,如果正处于Moving Forward
状态,那么接下来能做的就是Stop Moving,在Moving Forward状态中你不能关闭引擎(Stop Engine)或者离开汽车.
Of course this example could be enhanced
to allow other events that control the speed or direction of movement.

Notice that the Beep Horn event is available regardless of the current workflow state. This means
that the Beep Horn event will have to be defined at the workflow level instead of within one of the states.
需要注意的是Beep Horn event(喇叭响事件)不管工作流处于何种状态都是有效的.这意味着

The workflow that you will implement for this state machine will handle all of these events
using instances of HandleExternalEventActivity. The events will be defined as local service events
and raised by the host application. As the workflow receives an event, it will call a local service method
to send a simple String message back to the host. The messages will provide feedback to the driver
of the vehicle about the current state of the workflow. After sending a message to the host, the workflow
will transition to the appropriate state.
在你准备实现的状态机工作流中你会用到 HandleExternalEventActivity 实例来处理这些事件,这些事件会被定义
 The messages will provide feedback to the driver
of the vehicle about the current state of the workflow

The host application will be a simple Windows Forms application. It will include a number of
buttons that enable you to raise the local service events.

Defining the Local Service Interface
To begin coding the example, create a new project using the Empty Workflow Project template and
name the project SharedWorkflows. This creates a DLL assembly that can be referenced by the Windows
Forms demonstration application developed later in the “Implementing the Host Application” section.
以后的“Implementing the Host Application”章节中也会用到.
Now add a new C# interface to this project and name it ICarServices. This interface defines
the events and methods that you want to expose to the workflow via a local service. Listing 9-1 shows
the complete code that you need for the ICarServices.cs file.
using System;
using System.Workflow.Activities;
namespace SharedWorkflows
    /// <summary>
    /// Define the contract for operating a vehicle
    /// </summary>
    public interface ICarServices
        /// <summary>
        /// Start the engine
        /// 发动引擎
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> StartEngine;
        /// <summary>
        /// Stop the engine
        /// 停止引擎
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> StopEngine;
        /// <summary>
        /// Stop movement of the vehicle
        /// 停止车辆
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> StopMovement;
        /// <summary>
        /// Move the vehicle forward
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> GoForward;
        /// <summary>
        /// Move the vehicle in reverse
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> GoReverse;
        /// <summary>
        /// Done with the car
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> LeaveCar;
        /// <summary>
        /// Beep the horn
        /// </summary>
        event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> BeepHorn;
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message to the host application
        /// 向host应用发送消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        void OnSendMessage(String message);
The interface is decorated with the ExternalDataExchange attribute that identifies it as a local
service interface, making it available to workflows. All of the events pass an instance of
ExternalDataEventArgs as their event arguments. None of these events need to pass any additional
data with the event, so this base argument class is sufficient.
The interface also defines the OnSendMessage method. This method will be invoked by the
workflow using the CallExternalMethodActivity to pass a message back to the host.

Implementing the Local Service
Next, add a new C# class to the SharedWorkflows project and name it CarService. This is the local
service that implements the ICarServices interface. Listing 9-2 shows the complete code for the
CarService.cs file.

Listing 9-2. Complete CarService.cs File
using System;
using System.Workflow.Activities;
using System.Workflow.Runtime;
namespace SharedWorkflows
    /// <summary>
    /// A local service that provides events used to control
    /// a vehicle
    /// </summary>
    public class CarService : ICarServices
        #region ICarServices Members
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> StartEngine;
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> StopEngine;
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> StopMovement;
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> GoForward;
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> GoReverse;
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> BeepHorn;
        public event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> LeaveCar;
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message from a workflow to the host application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        public void OnSendMessage(String message)
            if (MessageReceived != null)
                MessageReceivedEventArgs args
                = new MessageReceivedEventArgs(
                MessageReceived(this, args);
        #region Members used by the host application
        public event EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived;
        public void OnStartEngine(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (StartEngine != null)
                StartEngine(null, args);
        public void OnStopEngine(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (StopEngine != null)
                StopEngine(null, args);
        public void OnStopMovement(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (StopMovement != null)
                StopMovement(null, args);
        public void OnGoForward(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (GoForward != null)
                GoForward(null, args);
        public void OnGoReverse(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (GoReverse != null)
                GoReverse(null, args);
        public void OnBeepHorn(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (BeepHorn != null)
                BeepHorn(null, args);
        public void OnLeaveCar(ExternalDataEventArgs args)
            if (LeaveCar != null)
                LeaveCar(null, args);

In addition to implementing the ICarServices interface, the service also includes a series of
methods that raise the events. These methods are invoked by the host application, not the workflow.

The implementation for the OnSendMessage method takes the String message passed from the
workflow and passes it to the host application via a MessageReceived event. This event is used only
by the host application and uses an event arguments class named MessageReceivedEventArgs. To
implement this class, add a new C# class named MessageReceivedEventArgs to the SharedWorkflows
project. Listing 9-3 shows the complete code for the MessageReceivedEventArgs.cs file.

sing System;
using System.Workflow.Activities;

namespace SharedWorkflows
    /// <summary>
    /// Passes a message from the workflow to the local service
    /// </summary>
    public class MessageReceivedEventArgs : ExternalDataEventArgs
        private String _message;

        public MessageReceivedEventArgs(Guid instanceId, String message)
            : base(instanceId)
            _message = message;

        public String Message
            get { return _message; }
            set { _message = value; }

Implementing the Workflow
To begin defining the workflow, add a new state machine workflow to the SharedWorkflows project
and name it CarWorkflow. Normally, I like to define any workflow variables and properties before
moving to the visual design of the workflow. However, this workflow doesn’t require a single instance
variable or property. In fact, you won’t add a single line of code to this workflow. Everything will be
done in the visual workflow designer. Listing 9-4 is the complete code listing for the CarWorkflow.cs file.
Listing 9-4. Complete CarWorkflow.cs File
using System;
using System.Workflow.Activities;

namespace SharedWorkflows
    /// <summary>
    /// Car state machine workflow
    /// </summary>
    public sealed partial class CarWorkflow
        : StateMachineWorkflowActivity
        public CarWorkflow()

After switching back to the visual workflow designer, you should see an empty state machine
workflow that looks like Figure 9-5.
之后切换到工作流设计器,你将看到一个空的状态机工作流看起来就像Figure 9-5

Defining the States
The first order of business is to add all of the states defined in the previous design discussion. The
first state is already created for you by the new workflow template. You only need to rename it from
the default name of CarWorkflowInitialState to NotRunningState. To add the other states, drag and
drop a StateActivity from the Toolbox to an empty area of the workflow. Name each state according to
the following list:
The first order of business is to add all of the states defined in the previous design discussion这句不知道如何翻译比较合适,
? RunningState
? MovingForwardState
? MovingInReverseState
? DoneWithCarState
The workflow should now look like Figure 9-6.
工作流现在看起来如Figure 9-6.

Now that the states are defined, this is a good time to identify the initial and completed states.
Switch to the Properties window for the workflow and set the InitialStateName property to
NotRunningState and the CompletedStateName property to DoneWithCarState. The InitialStateName
property identifies the initial state that the workflow will be in when it first begins execution. The
CompletedStateName property identifies the state that causes the workflow to complete. The completed
Properties window should look like Figure 9-7.
现在这些状态都已经定义完成,现在是定义initial 和 completed 状态的好时候,切换到工作流的属性窗口,设置InitialStateName属性为NotRunningState,
属性的状态会导致工作流完成,这个属性窗口看起来像Figure 9-7.

Figure 9-7. Properties window with Initial and Completed states defined

Defining the First Event
You can now define the first event for the NotRunningState. Drag and drop an EventDrivenActivity
onto the NotRunningState. The workflow should now look like Figure 9-8.
你现在可以为NotRunningState定义第一个事件.拖拽EventDrivenActivity活动到NotRunningState,现在工作流看来就像 Figure 9-8.

By double-clicking the eventDrivenActivity1 that you just added, the designer view changes to
a detailed view of the activity (eventDrivenActivity1). This is shown in Figure 9-9.
双击刚才添加的eventDrivenActivity1,设计器会切换到活动(eventDrivenActivity1)详细视图.如Figure 9-9.所示

The icons at the top of the view indicate your current designer scope (you are editing the
NotRunningState of the CarWorkfow). When you are finished with this view, you can single-click either
of these icons to return to the full workflow design view.
It’s a good idea to always give the EventDrivenActivity instances a meaningful name since they
are shown in the top-level view of the workflow. This EventDrivenActivity will be used to handle the
StartEngine event so rename it to eventStartEngine.
It’s a good idea to always give the EventDrivenActivity instances a meaningful name since they
are shown in the top-level view of the workflow.不知道如何翻译,也没有搞明白大概意思.

To handle the StartEngine event, you’ll need to add a set of three activities as children of
this eventStartEngine activity. First, add a HandleExternalEventActivity, followed by a
CallExternalMethodActivity and a SetStateActivity. Most of the events that you will handle in this
workflow will follow this same pattern of three activities.

Set the InterfaceType property of the HandleExternalEventActivity to SharedWorkflows.
ICarServices to identify the local service interface that defines the event. Set the EventName to
StartEngine. None of the events that you will handle require any code, so there is no need to add an
event handler.
Set the same value for the InterfaceType property of the CallExternalMethodActivity, but set
the MethodName to OnSendMessage. Enter the String literal Started Engine in the message parameter.
You can do this directly in the Parameters section of the Properties window. Figure 9-10 shows the
completed properties for this activity.


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