
use tempdb
if OBJECT_ID('dbo.orders','U') is not null drop table dbo.orders
create table dbo.orders
    orderid int not null primary key,
    empid int not null,
    custid int not null,
    orderdate datetime,
    qty int

insert into dbo.orders (orderid,empid,custid,orderdate,qty) values 

select empid,custid,sum(qty) sumQty from orders group by empid,custid

select empid,sum(qty) from orders group by empid

select sum(qty) from orders where empid=1 and custid=2

--2.增加顾客的列, 1号顾客
select empid,
(select sum(qty) from orders where empid=o.empid and custid=1) as 一号顾客,
(select sum(qty) from orders where empid=o.empid and custid=2) as 二号顾客,
(select sum(qty) from orders where empid=o.empid and custid=3) as 三号顾客,
(select sum(qty) from orders where empid=o.empid and custid=4) as 四号顾客
from orders o group by empid

--使用case...end,这里的sum(case when custid=1 then qty end)代表只有custid=1的qty做合计
select empid,sum(case when custid=1 then qty end) as 一号顾客,
sum(case when custid=2 then qty end) as 二号顾客,
sum(case when custid=3 then qty end) as 三号顾客,
sum(case when custid=4 then qty end) as 四号顾客
 from orders group by empid

 use tempdb

select empid,[1] as 顾客1,[2] as 顾客2,[3] as 顾客3,[4] as 顾客4 
from ( --返回透视中用到的列
select empid,qty,custid from orders) t --分组是隐含的, 对表中除了聚合sum(qty)和条件for custid in ([1],[2],[3],[4])的列进行分组
pivot (
    sum(qty) --聚合函数
    for custid in ([1],[2],[3],[4]) --准备做列名(也就是要对custid列的哪些值作为列名)
    ) as p;

select * from orders
select empid,[1],[2],[3],[4] 
from orders
pivot (
    for custid in ([1],[2],[3],[4]) 
    ) as p;

use TSQLFundamentals2008

select empid,count(1) as 总计,count(case when year(orderdate)='2006' then orderdate end) as '2006年',
 count(case when year(orderdate)='2007' then orderdate end) as '2007年',
  (select count(1) from Sales.Orders where year(orderdate)='2008' and empid=o.empid)as '2008年'
  from Sales.Orders o group by empid

select * from Sales.Orders

select empid,[2006],[2007],[2008] from (select empid,year(orderdate) as orderyear,orderid from Sales.Orders) t pivot (
    count(orderid) for orderyear in ([2006],[2007],[2008])
) as p
order by empid


use tempdb

if object_id('dbo.EmpCustOrders','U') is not null
drop table dbo.EmpCustOrders

select empid,[1],[2],[3],[4] into dbo.EmpCustOrders
from ( 
select empid,qty,custid from orders) t 
pivot (
    sum(qty) --聚合函数
    for custid in ([1],[2],[3],[4]) 
    ) as p;

select * from dbo.EmpCustOrders

select * from (
select empid,custid,(case 
        when custid=1 then [1]
        when custid=2 then [2]
        when custid=3 then [3]
        else [4]
        end) as qty from 
dbo.EmpCustOrders e cross join (
    select 1 as custid
    union all
    select 2
    union all
    select 3
    union all 
    select 4
) as c
) as t where qty is not null

select empid,custid,qty from dbo.EmpCustOrders unpivot(qty for custid in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) as u


posted @ 2016-06-28 16:48  唔愛吃蘋果  阅读(825)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报