

匈牙利裔美国心理学家米哈里·契克森米哈赖(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)的《心流:最优体验心理学》(Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

If you create one goal for your entire life, and you structure your life around that, with goals and sub-goals, then you can have one life that is just a flow experience, then that therefore will be an enjoyable and happy experience.


Now what I am looking at in my essay is how you apply that as a student to the education system, because I believe that the education system is pretty much messed up, to be honest. I feel like a lot of students are miserable. School should be an enjoyable experience. It should be fun. And I think that you can make it fun. And I think that there's a way to do that with Flow.


It would be kind of ridiculous to be taking a course like Swedish, or to be taking writing course, but I kind of love it, because yes, programming is fun, but I think that overall, the point of school is to make you develop as a person, like you are trying to make people that are better members of society. And I don't think that becoming only a better coder will make you a better person necessarily. I think there's so much more to life than that.




In the 1990s, the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced the term flow,a mental state during which people become wholly immersed in the activity they are doing and their perception of time and space is altered, their entire being filled with enjoyment.


● Completely immersed and engaged in what you are doing


● A sense of ecstasy, feeling outside everyday reality


● Great inner clarity


● Confidence in the task at hand


● A sense of serenity


● Timelessness, hours seem to pass in minutes


● Intrinsic motivation, meaning whatever has produced the flow is its own reward




Seek out struggle 找出阻碍因素

You actually have to fight to get into flow and struggle against the myriad disruptions and distractions that prevent us from getting there — emails, texts, Facebook, Twitter, phone calls, etc.


Unplug, unwire, and unwind 拔掉插头、断开连接、放松身心

The struggle will be a lot less difficult if you actually disconnect, and a critical precursor to flow is taking time to unplug from the stress and strain, to unwire ourselves from our technology and devices, and to truly let ourselvesunwind.


Be here now 专注当下

Flow only happens when you are in the present. In fact, that’s the very nature of flow — being absolutely lost in the present. If an anxious or stressful thought pops into your head, write it down and put it aside for later. Minimize distractions so you stay in the present and stay in the flow.


Embrace the funk of recovery 接受恢复正常状态后的沮丧感

Flow is draining. During flow, our brains go crazy, producing neurochemicals to create the hyperfocused, creative, expansive state. As the neurochemicals recede don’t expect to feel great. Sleep, sunshine, and nutrition are essential, so when you’re out of your flow, go for a walk in the sun and then take a rest.


Flow whenever and wherever you can 随时随地进入心流状态

Turns out the more we get into flow, the easier it becomes to get there. Flow is like a muscle or habit; it gets easier over time. So if you crave more flow at work, spend more time on weekends in flow doing what you love — gardening, cooking, dancing, etc.


posted @ 2019-12-20 23:41  Huise.J  阅读(941)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报