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ArcGIS Server 10.1 for Linux典型问题总结


[gis@localhost ArcGISServer]$ cd /home/gis/arcgis/server

[gis@localhost server]$ ./stopserver.sh

Attempting to stop ArcGIS Server...

[  OK  ]

[gis@localhost server]$ ./startserver.sh

Attempting to start ArcGIS Server...

WARNING: The host name entry for this machine in your /etc/hosts file

does not match the IP address of this machine.  This will cause ArcGIS

for Server to function improperly.  Correct this entry and restart ArcGIS

for Server.


[  OK  ]



1:我的ArcGIS Server10.1的manger用户忘记了,怎么获得相关信息?

回答:进入ArcGIS Server用户(操作系统),进入如下文件夹

[ags@redhat6 config-store]$ pwd


[ags@redhat6 config-store]$ ll

total 56

-rw-------. 1 ags ags  112 Jun 16 01:16 arcgis-logsettings.json

-rw-------. 1 ags ags    0 Jun 17 05:55 arcgis-logsettings.json.rlock

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 clusters

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 data

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 events

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 extns

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 locks

drwx------. 3 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 machines

drwx------. 6 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 security

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 serverdirs

drwx------. 5 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 services

drwx------. 3 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 system

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 uploads

-rw-------. 1 ags ags   72 Jun 16 01:14 version.json

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:01 web-adaptors

[ags@redhat6 config-store]$

[ags@redhat6 config-store]$ cd security/

[ags@redhat6 security]$ cd super/

[ags@redhat6 super]$ pwd


[ags@redhat6 super]$ ls

super.json  super.json.bak  super.json.rlock



[ags@redhat6 super]$ more super.json


  "username": "arcgis",

  "password": "KLJcC2/WMzjgep+vQFmitg==",

  "disabled": false




[ags@redhat6 passwordreset]$ pwd


[ags@redhat6 passwordreset]$ ls


[ags@redhat6 passwordreset]$ ./passwordreset.sh


   This tool resets the primary site administrator's credentials for a Site.

Usage: PasswordReset [OPTION]

   -p <newPassword>

      Resets the password to new password


      Lists the name of the primary site administrator

[ags@redhat6 passwordreset]$ ./passwordreset.sh -l

Primary site administrator account: arcgis




2:我怎么在Linux安装的ArcGIS Server10.1注册许可


[ags@redhat6 tools]$ pwd


[ags@redhat6 tools]$ ll

total 28

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Apr 25 20:33 admin

-rwx------. 1 ags ags 4519 Apr 20 17:03 authorizeSoftware

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Apr 26 12:18 passwordreset

-rwx------. 1 ags ags  636 Apr 20 17:05 python

-rwx------. 1 ags ags  919 Apr 20 17:05 serverinfo

-rwx------. 1 ags ags 3277 Apr 26 12:18 ssltool.sh

[ags@redhat6 tools]$

[ags@redhat6 tools]$ ./authorizeSoftware


4:Linux的ArcGIS Server10.1默认安装的配置目录在哪里存储


[ags@redhat6 directories]$ pwd


[ags@redhat6 directories]$ ll

total 16

drwx------. 3 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:14 arcgiscache

drwx------. 4 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:16 arcgisjobs

drwx------. 6 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:16 arcgisoutput

drwx------. 8 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:14 arcgissystem

5:Linux的ArcGIS Server10.1怎么获得服务发布的arcgisinput文件夹


[ags@redhat6 arcgisinput]$ pwd


[ags@redhat6 arcgisinput]$ ll

total 16

drwx------. 3 ags ags 4096 Jun 17 06:59 MyMapService.MapServer

drwx------. 2 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:16 SampleWorldCities.MapServer

drwx------. 5 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:15 System

drwx------. 4 ags ags 4096 Jun 16 01:16 Utilities


[ags@redhat6 arcgisinput]$ cd MyMapService.MapServer/

[ags@redhat6 MyMapService.MapServer]$ ls

extracted  MyMapService.sd

[ags@redhat6 MyMapService.MapServer]$ cd extracted/

[ags@redhat6 extracted]$ cd v101/

[ags@redhat6 v101]$ ls

arcsde_data.gdb  MyMapService.msd  MyMapService.mxd

[ags@redhat6 v101]$ ll

total 13856

drwx------. 2 ags ags     4096 Jun 17 06:59 arcsde_data.gdb

-rw-------. 1 ags ags 13956316 Oct 23  2012 MyMapService.msd

-rw-------. 1 ags ags   222208 Oct 23  2012 MyMapService.mxd




  1. Configure ArcGIS for Server to be started with the operating system by following these instructions:
    1. Switch to root user.
    2. Copy <ArcGIS for Server installation directory>/framework/etc/scripts/arcgisserver shell script to the appropriate supported Linux distribution-based locations provided below:
      • RHEL: /etc/rc.d/init.d/
      • SUSE: /etc/init.d/
    3. Change directory to the applicable init.d folder and check the arcgisserver script to make sure that root has at least read and execute permissions.
    4. Edit the arcgisserver script as follows:
      1. Update the agshome variable to the ArcGIS for Server installation directory, for example, /home/username/arcgis/server.
      2. For RHEL only, add the line below just before # Description: ArcGIS Server Service:

# chkconfig: 35 99 01

      1. Save the edits to the arcgisserver script.
    1. Still as root user, run the following command to automatically create the links in /etc/rc*.d with the appropriate run levels:
      • RHEL:

§  $ chkconfig --add arcgisserver

§  $ chkconfig arcgisserver on

      • SUSE:

§  $ insserv arcgisserver

§  $ chkconfig arcgisserver on

    1. End the root user session.
    2. Reboot the operating system and verify that ArcGIS for Server restarts properly.
posted @ 2016-04-28 14:01  jhlong  阅读(833)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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