没关系,虽然不能见面,但是云关怀还是要到的嘛,每天查一查你那里的天气如何,送上作为男朋友的关切问候,再配上一张爱你的图片,噫~~。但是作为绝地鸡王那必须每晚吃鸡呀,早上醒来忘了打卡怎么办?? 能让机器干的活我们何必自己动手呢?当然可以走一波python大法好啦!
1import requests
2from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
3from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
4from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
5from email.mime.text import MIMEText
6from email.header import Header
7import smtplib
8import os
import requests
2from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
3from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
4from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
5from email.mime.text import MIMEText
6from email.header import Header
7import smtplib
8import os
我们用requests + bs4 库进行爬取当日的天气状况以及我们需要的图片,用email库和smtplib库来发邮件,当中我们还需要os库对其他文件进行操作。
http://www.nmc.cn/publish/forecast/AHB/wuhan.html 。分析一下这个地址,发现对于城市的分类命名规则是A+省份简写如湖北(HB)以及城市拼音,对于一些比较模糊的省份简写小编附在下图的代码中:
1def main():
2# print("河北HE 内蒙古NM 陕西SN 黑龙江HL 河南HA")
3# province = input("input the province,the big alpha for short:")
4# city = input("input the city you wanna search plz:")
5 province = "HB"
6 city = "wuhan"
7 url = "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/forecast/A" + province + "/" + city + ".html"
8 html = getHTMLText(url)
9 url = "https://www.douban.com/photos/album/157693223/"
10 image = getHTMLText(url)
1def main():
2# print("河北HE 内蒙古NM 陕西SN 黑龙江HL 河南HA")
3# province = input("input the province,the big alpha for short:")
4# city = input("input the city you wanna search plz:")
5 province = "HB"
6 city = "wuhan"
7 url = "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/forecast/A" + province + "/" + city + ".html"
8 html = getHTMLText(url)
9 url = "https://www.douban.com/photos/album/157693223/"
10 image = getHTMLText(url)
1def getHTMLText(url):
2 try:
3 r = requests.get(url)
4 print(r.raise_for_status)
5 r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
6 return r.text
7 except:
8 return ""
def getHTMLText(url):
2 try:
3 r = requests.get(url)
4 print(r.raise_for_status)
5 r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
6 return r.text
7 except:
8 return ""
1 imagLink = []
2 whetherInfo = parserHTMLWeather(html)
3 name = 1
4 for image in imagLink:
5 print(image)
6 for image in imagLink:
7 downloadPicture(image,name)
8 name += 1
imagLink = []
2 whetherInfo = parserHTMLWeather(html)
3 name = 1
4 for image in imagLink:
5 print(image)
6 for image in imagLink:
7 downloadPicture(image,name)
8 name += 1
1def parserHTMLWeather(html):
2 try:
3 dirt = {}
4 soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")
5 place = soup.find(name = "head").find("title")
6 dirt["place"] = str(place.string).split("-")[0]
7 AnnoceTime = soup.find(name = 'div', attrs = {"class":"btitle"}).find("span")
8 dirt["AnnoceTime"] = str(AnnoceTime.string)
9 Everyday = AnnoceTime.find_parent().find_next_sibling().find_all(name = "div",class_ = "detail")
10 for eachday in Everyday:
11 info = eachday.find(name = "div",class_ = "day")
12 thisDay = {}
13 date = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "date").string)
14 week = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "week").string)
15 wdesc = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wdesc").string)
16 temp = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "temp").string)
17 direct = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "direct").string)
18 wind = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wind").string)
20 thisDay["date"] = date
21 thisDay["week"] = week
22 thisDay["wdesc"] = wdesc
23 thisDay["temp"] = temp
24 thisDay["direct"] = direct
25 thisDay["wind"] = wind
26 dirt[thisDay["date"]] = thisDay
28 return dirt
29 except:
30 return {}
1def parserHTMLWeather(html):
2 try:
3 dirt = {}
4 soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")
5 place = soup.find(name = "head").find("title")
6 dirt["place"] = str(place.string).split("-")[0]
7 AnnoceTime = soup.find(name = 'div', attrs = {"class":"btitle"}).find("span")
8 dirt["AnnoceTime"] = str(AnnoceTime.string)
9 Everyday = AnnoceTime.find_parent().find_next_sibling().find_all(name = "div",class_ = "detail")
10 for eachday in Everyday:
11 info = eachday.find(name = "div",class_ = "day")
12 thisDay = {}
13 date = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "date").string)
14 week = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "week").string)
15 wdesc = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wdesc").string)
16 temp = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "temp").string)
17 direct = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "direct").string)
18 wind = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wind").string)
20 thisDay["date"] = date
21 thisDay["week"] = week
22 thisDay["wdesc"] = wdesc
23 thisDay["temp"] = temp
24 thisDay["direct"] = direct
25 thisDay["wind"] = wind
26 dirt[thisDay["date"]] = thisDay
28 return dirt
29 except:
30 return {}
首先先声明dirt为一个字典,然后把html用beautifulSoup库对其进行解析,解析后的soup对象可以调用它的find方法和find_all方法开始寻找我们需要的信息所对应的标签。至于哪个信息对应哪个标签,可以在浏览器中用ctrl + F的快捷键调出搜索框。获取到我们需要的信息后,我们可以把它进行加工保存在每天的thisDay字典里,然后再把7天的thisDay字典加入dirt字典里,最后返回dirt字典。具体的加工方法就是用split方法切片、提取。当然也可以选择正则表达式,需要额外再引用re库。
1def parserHTMLPicture(imag,imagLink):
2 try:
3 soup = BeautifulSoup(imag,"html.parser")
4# next_url = soup.find(name = 'link',rel = 'next')['href']
5# next_page = getHTMLText(next_url)
6 imagAddress = soup.find(name='div',class_ = 'photolst clearfix').find_all(name = 'img')
7 for image in imagAddress:
8 imagLink.append(image['src'])
10 return imagLink
11 except:
12 return []
1def parserHTMLPicture(imag,imagLink):
2 try:
3 soup = BeautifulSoup(imag,"html.parser")
4# next_url = soup.find(name = 'link',rel = 'next')['href']
5# next_page = getHTMLText(next_url)
6 imagAddress = soup.find(name='div',class_ = 'photolst clearfix').find_all(name = 'img')
7 for image in imagAddress:
8 imagLink.append(image['src'])
10 return imagLink
11 except:
12 return []
1def downloadPicture(url,name):
2 root = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\'#这里填保存的路径
3 path = root + str(name) + '.jpg'
4 try:
5 if not os.path.exists(root):
6 os.mkdir(root)
7 if not os.path.exists(path):
8 r = requests.get(url)
9 with open(path,'wb') as f:
10 f.write(r.content)
11 f.close()
12 print("文件保存成功")
13 else:
14 print("文件已存在")
15 except:
16 print("爬取失败")
1def downloadPicture(url,name):
2 root = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\'#这里填保存的路径
3 path = root + str(name) + '.jpg'
4 try:
5 if not os.path.exists(root):
6 os.mkdir(root)
7 if not os.path.exists(path):
8 r = requests.get(url)
9 with open(path,'wb') as f:
10 f.write(r.content)
11 f.close()
12 print("文件保存成功")
13 else:
14 print("文件已存在")
15 except:
16 print("爬取失败")
1with open('pictureName.txt','r') as f:
2 name = eval(f.read())
3 f.close()
4 with open('pictureName.txt','w') as f:
5 newName = str(name + 1)
6 f.write(newName)
7 f.close()
8 msgRoot = makeMessage(whetherInfo,name)
with open('pictureName.txt','r') as f:
2 name = eval(f.read())
3 f.close()
4 with open('pictureName.txt','w') as f:
5 newName = str(name + 1)
6 f.write(newName)
7 f.close()
8 msgRoot = makeMessage(whetherInfo,name)
1def makeMessage(dirt,image):
2 #编辑消息
3 print(dirt)
4 message = dirt["place"]+' 今天 '
5 items = {'wdesc','temp','direct','wind'}
6 for item in items:
7 message += dirt["\n 今天\n "][item].strip('\n ')+" "
8 for temp in message.split(" "):
9 if temp.find("℃") != -1:
10 if eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) > 25:
11 message += "今天很热,尽量别出门啦"
12 elif eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) < 12:
13 message += "今天很冷,注意保暖"
14 if message.find("雨") != -1:
15 message += " 出门的话记得带伞"
16 print(message)
18 #生成邮件对象
19 msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')
20 msgRoot['From'] = Header("我是发信人","utf-8")
21 msgRoot['To'] = Header('我是收信人','utf-8')
22 subject = '赴戍登程口占示家人'
23 msgRoot['Subject'] = Header(subject,'utf-8')
25 msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
26 msgRoot.attach(msgAlternative)
28 mail_msg = '''
29 <p> 力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支。
30 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?
31 谪居正是君恩厚,养拙刚于戍卒宜。
32 戏与山妻谈故事,试吟断送老头皮。
33 </p>
34 <p>'''+message+'''</p>
35 <p><img src = "cid:image1"></p>
37 msgAlternative.attach(MIMEText(mail_msg,'html','utf-8'))
39 catalog = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\' + str(image) + ".jpg"
40 #指定图片为当前目录
41 with open(catalog,'rb') as fp:
42 msgImage = MIMEImage(fp.read())
43 fp.close()
45 #定义图片在ID,在HTML文本中引用
46 msgImage.add_header('Content-ID','<image1>')
47 msgRoot.attach(msgImage)
48 return msgRoot
50def sendMsg(message):
51 mail_host = "smtp.qq.com"#要使用的smtp服务器
52 mail_user = "*******"#用户名和密码
53 mail_pass = "********"
54 sender = '********'#发送者
55 receivers = ['*******']#收信者,注意这里是一个列表,就是说可以群发,当然劝君莫浪~~
56 try:
57 smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
58 smtpObj.connect(mail_host)
59 smtpObj.ehlo()
60 smtpObj.starttls()
61 smtpObj.login(mail_user,mail_pass)
62 smtpObj.sendmail(sender,receivers,message.as_string())
63 print("邮件发送成功")
64 smtpObj.quit()
65 except smtplib.SMTPException:
66 print("Error:无法发送邮件")
1def makeMessage(dirt,image):
2 #编辑消息
3 print(dirt)
4 message = dirt["place"]+' 今天 '
5 items = {'wdesc','temp','direct','wind'}
6 for item in items:
7 message += dirt["\n 今天\n "][item].strip('\n ')+" "
8 for temp in message.split(" "):
9 if temp.find("℃") != -1:
10 if eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) > 25:
11 message += "今天很热,尽量别出门啦"
12 elif eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) < 12:
13 message += "今天很冷,注意保暖"
14 if message.find("雨") != -1:
15 message += " 出门的话记得带伞"
16 print(message)
18 #生成邮件对象
19 msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')
20 msgRoot['From'] = Header("我是发信人","utf-8")
21 msgRoot['To'] = Header('我是收信人','utf-8')
22 subject = '赴戍登程口占示家人'
23 msgRoot['Subject'] = Header(subject,'utf-8')
25 msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
26 msgRoot.attach(msgAlternative)
28 mail_msg = '''
29 <p> 力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支。
30 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?
31 谪居正是君恩厚,养拙刚于戍卒宜。
32 戏与山妻谈故事,试吟断送老头皮。
33 </p>
34 <p>'''+message+'''</p>
35 <p><img src = "cid:image1"></p>
37 msgAlternative.attach(MIMEText(mail_msg,'html','utf-8'))
39 catalog = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\' + str(image) + ".jpg"
40 #指定图片为当前目录
41 with open(catalog,'rb') as fp:
42 msgImage = MIMEImage(fp.read())
43 fp.close()
45 #定义图片在ID,在HTML文本中引用
46 msgImage.add_header('Content-ID','<image1>')
47 msgRoot.attach(msgImage)
48 return msgRoot
50def sendMsg(message):
51 mail_host = "smtp.qq.com"#要使用的smtp服务器
52 mail_user = "*******"#用户名和密码
53 mail_pass = "********"
54 sender = '********'#发送者
55 receivers = ['*******']#收信者,注意这里是一个列表,就是说可以群发,当然劝君莫浪~~
56 try:
57 smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
58 smtpObj.connect(mail_host)
59 smtpObj.ehlo()
60 smtpObj.starttls()
61 smtpObj.login(mail_user,mail_pass)
62 smtpObj.sendmail(sender,receivers,message.as_string())
63 print("邮件发送成功")
64 smtpObj.quit()
65 except smtplib.SMTPException:
66 print("Error:无法发送邮件")
1import requests
2from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
3from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
4from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
5from email.mime.text import MIMEText
6from email.header import Header
7import smtplib
8import os
9def getHTMLText(url):
10 try:
11 r = requests.get(url)
12 print(r.raise_for_status)
13 r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
14 return r.text
15 except:
16 return ""
18def parserHTMLWeather(html):
19 try:
20 dirt = {}
21 soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")
22 place = soup.find(name = "head").find("title")
23 dirt["place"] = str(place.string).split("-")[0]
24 AnnoceTime = soup.find(name = 'div', attrs = {"class":"btitle"}).find("span")
25 dirt["AnnoceTime"] = str(AnnoceTime.string)
26 Everyday = AnnoceTime.find_parent().find_next_sibling().find_all(name = "div",class_ = "detail")
27 for eachday in Everyday:
28 info = eachday.find(name = "div",class_ = "day")
29 thisDay = {}
30 date = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "date").string)
31 week = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "week").string)
32 wdesc = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wdesc").string)
33 temp = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "temp").string)
34 direct = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "direct").string)
35 wind = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wind").string)
37 thisDay["date"] = date
38 thisDay["week"] = week
39 thisDay["wdesc"] = wdesc
40 thisDay["temp"] = temp
41 thisDay["direct"] = direct
42 thisDay["wind"] = wind
43 dirt[thisDay["date"]] = thisDay
45 return dirt
46 except:
47 return {}
49def parserHTMLPicture(imag,imagLink):
50 try:
51 soup = BeautifulSoup(imag,"html.parser")
52 imagAddress = soup.find(name='div',class_ = 'photolst clearfix').find_all(name = 'img')
53 for image in imagAddress:
54 imagLink.append(image['src'])
56 return imagLink
57 except:
58 return []
60def downloadPicture(url,name):
61 root = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\'#这里填保存的路径
62 path = root + str(name) + '.jpg'
63 try:
64 if not os.path.exists(root):
65 os.mkdir(root)
66 if not os.path.exists(path):
67 r = requests.get(url)
68 with open(path,'wb') as f:
69 f.write(r.content)
70 f.close()
71 print("文件保存成功")
72 else:
73 print("文件已存在")
74 except:
75 print("爬取失败")
77def makeMessage(dirt,image):
78 #编辑消息
79 print(dirt)
80 message = dirt["place"]+' 今天 '
81 items = {'wdesc','temp','direct','wind'}
82 for item in items:
83 message += dirt["\n 今天\n "][item].strip('\n ')+" "
84 for temp in message.split(" "):
85 if temp.find("℃") != -1:
86 if eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) > 25:
87 message += "今天很热,尽量别出门啦"
88 elif eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) < 12:
89 message += "今天很冷,注意保暖"
90 if message.find("雨") != -1:
91 message += " 出门的话记得带伞"
92 print(message)
94 #生成邮件对象
95 msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')
96 msgRoot['From'] = Header("我是发信人","utf-8")
97 msgRoot['To'] = Header('我是收信人','utf-8')
98 subject = '赴戍登程口占示家人'
99 msgRoot['Subject'] = Header(subject,'utf-8')
101 msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
102 msgRoot.attach(msgAlternative)
104 mail_msg = '''
105 <p> 力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支。
106 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?
107 谪居正是君恩厚,养拙刚于戍卒宜。
108 戏与山妻谈故事,试吟断送老头皮。
109 </p>
110 <p>'''+message+'''</p>
111 <p><img src = "cid:image1"></p>
113 msgAlternative.attach(MIMEText(mail_msg,'html','utf-8'))
115 catalog = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\' + str(image) + ".jpg"
116 #指定图片为当前目录
117 with open(catalog,'rb') as fp:
118 msgImage = MIMEImage(fp.read())
119 fp.close()
121 #定义图片在ID,在HTML文本中引用
122 msgImage.add_header('Content-ID','<image1>')
123 msgRoot.attach(msgImage)
124 return msgRoot
126def sendMsg(message):
127 mail_host = "smtp.qq.com"#要使用的smtp服务器
128 mail_user = "*******"#用户名和密码
129 mail_pass = "********"
130 sender = '********'#发送者
131 receivers = ['*******']#收信者,注意这里是一个列表,就是说可以群发,当然劝君莫浪~~
132 try:
133 smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
134 smtpObj.connect(mail_host)
135 smtpObj.ehlo()
136 smtpObj.starttls()
137 smtpObj.login(mail_user,mail_pass)
138 smtpObj.sendmail(sender,receivers,message.as_string())
139 print("邮件发送成功")
140 smtpObj.quit()
141 except smtplib.SMTPException:
142 print("Error:无法发送邮件")
143def main():
144# print("河北HE 内蒙古NM 陕西SN 黑龙江HL 河南HA")
145# province = input("input the province,the big alpha for short:")
146# city = input("input the city you wanna search plz:")
147 province = "HB"
148 city = "wuhan"
149 url = "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/forecast/A" + province + "/" + city + ".html"
150 html = getHTMLText(url)
151 url = "https://www.douban.com/photos/album/157693223/"
152image = getHTMLText(url)
153imagLink = []
154 whetherInfo = parserHTMLWeather(html)
155 name = 1
156 for image in imagLink:
157 print(image)
158 for image in imagLink:
159 downloadPicture(image,name)
160 name += 1
161with open('pictureName.txt','r') as f:
162 name = eval(f.read())
163 f.close()
164 with open('pictureName.txt','w') as f:
165 newName = str(name + 1)
166 f.write(newName)
167 f.close()
168 msgRoot = makeMessage(whetherInfo,name)
1import requests
2from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
3from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
4from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
5from email.mime.text import MIMEText
6from email.header import Header
7import smtplib
8import os
9def getHTMLText(url):
10 try:
11 r = requests.get(url)
12 print(r.raise_for_status)
13 r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
14 return r.text
15 except:
16 return ""
18def parserHTMLWeather(html):
19 try:
20 dirt = {}
21 soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")
22 place = soup.find(name = "head").find("title")
23 dirt["place"] = str(place.string).split("-")[0]
24 AnnoceTime = soup.find(name = 'div', attrs = {"class":"btitle"}).find("span")
25 dirt["AnnoceTime"] = str(AnnoceTime.string)
26 Everyday = AnnoceTime.find_parent().find_next_sibling().find_all(name = "div",class_ = "detail")
27 for eachday in Everyday:
28 info = eachday.find(name = "div",class_ = "day")
29 thisDay = {}
30 date = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "date").string)
31 week = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "week").string)
32 wdesc = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wdesc").string)
33 temp = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "temp").string)
34 direct = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "direct").string)
35 wind = str(info.find(name = "div",class_ = "wind").string)
37 thisDay["date"] = date
38 thisDay["week"] = week
39 thisDay["wdesc"] = wdesc
40 thisDay["temp"] = temp
41 thisDay["direct"] = direct
42 thisDay["wind"] = wind
43 dirt[thisDay["date"]] = thisDay
45 return dirt
46 except:
47 return {}
49def parserHTMLPicture(imag,imagLink):
50 try:
51 soup = BeautifulSoup(imag,"html.parser")
52 imagAddress = soup.find(name='div',class_ = 'photolst clearfix').find_all(name = 'img')
53 for image in imagAddress:
54 imagLink.append(image['src'])
56 return imagLink
57 except:
58 return []
60def downloadPicture(url,name):
61 root = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\'#这里填保存的路径
62 path = root + str(name) + '.jpg'
63 try:
64 if not os.path.exists(root):
65 os.mkdir(root)
66 if not os.path.exists(path):
67 r = requests.get(url)
68 with open(path,'wb') as f:
69 f.write(r.content)
70 f.close()
71 print("文件保存成功")
72 else:
73 print("文件已存在")
74 except:
75 print("爬取失败")
77def makeMessage(dirt,image):
78 #编辑消息
79 print(dirt)
80 message = dirt["place"]+' 今天 '
81 items = {'wdesc','temp','direct','wind'}
82 for item in items:
83 message += dirt["\n 今天\n "][item].strip('\n ')+" "
84 for temp in message.split(" "):
85 if temp.find("℃") != -1:
86 if eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) > 25:
87 message += "今天很热,尽量别出门啦"
88 elif eval(temp.split("℃")[0]) < 12:
89 message += "今天很冷,注意保暖"
90 if message.find("雨") != -1:
91 message += " 出门的话记得带伞"
92 print(message)
94 #生成邮件对象
95 msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')
96 msgRoot['From'] = Header("我是发信人","utf-8")
97 msgRoot['To'] = Header('我是收信人','utf-8')
98 subject = '赴戍登程口占示家人'
99 msgRoot['Subject'] = Header(subject,'utf-8')
101 msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
102 msgRoot.attach(msgAlternative)
104 mail_msg = '''
105 <p> 力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支。
106 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?
107 谪居正是君恩厚,养拙刚于戍卒宜。
108 戏与山妻谈故事,试吟断送老头皮。
109 </p>
110 <p>'''+message+'''</p>
111 <p><img src = "cid:image1"></p>
113 msgAlternative.attach(MIMEText(mail_msg,'html','utf-8'))
115 catalog = 'C:\\Users\\10990\\Pictures\\' + str(image) + ".jpg"
116 #指定图片为当前目录
117 with open(catalog,'rb') as fp:
118 msgImage = MIMEImage(fp.read())
119 fp.close()
121 #定义图片在ID,在HTML文本中引用
122 msgImage.add_header('Content-ID','<image1>')
123 msgRoot.attach(msgImage)
124 return msgRoot
126def sendMsg(message):
127 mail_host = "smtp.qq.com"#要使用的smtp服务器
128 mail_user = "*******"#用户名和密码
129 mail_pass = "********"
130 sender = '********'#发送者
131 receivers = ['*******']#收信者,注意这里是一个列表,就是说可以群发,当然劝君莫浪~~
132 try:
133 smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
134 smtpObj.connect(mail_host)
135 smtpObj.ehlo()
136 smtpObj.starttls()
137 smtpObj.login(mail_user,mail_pass)
138 smtpObj.sendmail(sender,receivers,message.as_string())
139 print("邮件发送成功")
140 smtpObj.quit()
141 except smtplib.SMTPException:
142 print("Error:无法发送邮件")
143def main():
144# print("河北HE 内蒙古NM 陕西SN 黑龙江HL 河南HA")
145# province = input("input the province,the big alpha for short:")
146# city = input("input the city you wanna search plz:")
147 province = "HB"
148 city = "wuhan"
149 url = "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/forecast/A" + province + "/" + city + ".html"
150 html = getHTMLText(url)
151 url = "https://www.douban.com/photos/album/157693223/"
152image = getHTMLText(url)
153imagLink = []
154 whetherInfo = parserHTMLWeather(html)
155 name = 1
156 for image in imagLink:
157 print(image)
158 for image in imagLink:
159 downloadPicture(image,name)
160 name += 1
161with open('pictureName.txt','r') as f:
162 name = eval(f.read())
163 f.close()
164 with open('pictureName.txt','w') as f:
165 newName = str(name + 1)
166 f.write(newName)
167 f.close()
168 msgRoot = makeMessage(whetherInfo,name)