博客园 :: :: 博问 :: 闪存 :: 新随笔 :: :: :: 管理 ::

function CEButton1Click(sender)
local x = getProperty(CETrainer.CEEdit1,"Text")--这句很重要,获取文本框的值

--TRAINERGENERATORSTART-- --这是自动生成的代码. 请在个区域内个修改代码 --如果你重新生成修改器, 获取删除和重写代码 --Uncomment the following line if this is a Cheat Table format trainer and you don't want CE to show (Tip, save as .CETRAINER alternatively) --hideAllCEWindows() RequiredCEVersion=6.4 if (getCEVersion==nil) or (getCEVersion()<RequiredCEVersion) then messageDialog('Please install Cheat Engine '..RequiredCEVersion, mtError, mbOK) closeCE() end addresslist=getAddressList() CETrainer.SEPERATOR.Visible=false getAutoAttachList().add("修改器测试工具.exe") gPlaySoundOnAction=false CETrainer.show() function AboutClick() showMessage(gAboutText) end gAboutText=[[This trainer was made by Cheat Engine www.cheatengine.org]] function CloseClick() --called by the close button onClick event, and when closing the form closeCE() return caFree --onClick doesn't care, but onClose would like a result end --TRAINERGENERATORSTOP--


posted on 2015-08-13 12:22  #include<stdio.h>  阅读(1547)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报