windows7使用Source insight上远程改动ubuntu共享内核源代码

因为本人阅读喜欢使用source insight。前段时间接触了linux核代码,而这份代码仅仅能放在ubuntuserver上编译。刚開始的时候是在windows上改动,完了之后再copy到server上去编译。这样非常麻烦,效率也非常低,经过网上搜索和向别人请教之后。最终能够正常使用了。

1、使用SSH工具在ubuntu上git clone代码之后,必须改动文件的权限:sudo chmod 777 xxx -R 。777为拥有全部权限,具体自己去网上查。xxx为项目目录,-R是递归到全部子文件(夹),我第一次没有加 -R 然后一直没有远程改动权限,郁闷了非常久,才改动。



3、接下来就是source insight载入同步代码的事了。这里主要讲的是source insight遇到的事

在Source insight上改动ubuntu上共享内核源代码,常常出现下面提示。非常烦人:

xxx has been changed outside of Source Insight since it was loaded.
Do you want to continue and overwrite it ?
Confirm by typing 'yes' below: 
xxx has been changed outside of the editor.
Do you want to reload the file ?

xxx has been changed both inside AND outside of the editor.
Do you want to reload the file and lose changes made here?
Confirm by typing 'yes' below:


最终扛不住了,在网上搜了下,找到答案了,原来是source insight版本号太老的问题。

 引用source insight 3.50.0051 update log 

    Fix: Sometimes files were said to be modified outside of SI, but they were not. This most likely happened on network drives. Under some conditions, the Windows directory information can lag for remote drives. SI now uses a better method of getting file information.

于是乎。将source insight更新到最新版本号3.50.0072 (曾经使用的是0038),问题解决。



posted @ 2017-08-16 21:14  jhcelue  阅读(1385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报