类CreateSequence表明了如何将一系列服务串联起来,并自动产生一个描述新服务的profile,这个类假定每个服务都是单输入单输出的(除了第一个服务和最后一个服务),这样前面的服务的输出将作为后一个服务的输入。第一个服务不需要有输入,最后一个服务不需要有输出。组合服务的名字命名为[Service1 + Service2 + ... + ServiceN]。最后在main函数中进行测试,将BookFinder.owl和BNPrice.owl进行组合,输入"City of Glass",先查通过BookFinder.owl查到书号,然后将书号输入BNPrice.owl,得到输出:
Book Price =
     currency: USD
     amount: 14.00


import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.mindswap.owl.EntityFactory;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLFactory;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLIndividual;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLKnowledgeBase;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLOntology;
import org.mindswap.owls.OWLSFactory;
import org.mindswap.owls.grounding.Grounding;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.AtomicProcess;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.CompositeProcess;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Input;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Output;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Perform;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Process;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.ProcessList;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Result;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Sequence;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.execution.ProcessExecutionEngine;
import org.mindswap.owls.profile.Profile;
import org.mindswap.owls.service.Service;
import org.mindswap.query.ValueMap;
import org.mindswap.utils.URIUtils;
import org.mindswap.utils.Utils;

 * An example to show how service descriptions can be created on the fly, saved and executed.
 * @author Evren Sirin
public class CreateSequence {
    public static final URI baseURI = URI.create("http://www.example.org/BookPrice.owl#");
    OWLOntology ont;
    public CreateSequence() {       
  * Create a new Sequence from the processes of the given services and put them in a new
  * Service object with a automatically generated Profile. This function assumes that
  * each service in the list has exactly one input and one output (except the first and
  * last one) such that in the resulting Service the output of each service will be fed
  * as input to the next one. The first service does not have to have an input and the
  * last one does not need to have an output. The resulting service will have an input
  * (or an output) depending on this.
  * @param services List of Service objects
  * @param baseURI The base URI for the generated service
  * @return The Service which is a Sequence of the given services
 Service createSequenceService(List services) {
  Service service = ont.createService(URIUtils.createURI(baseURI, "TestService"));
  CompositeProcess process = ont.createCompositeProcess(URIUtils.createURI(baseURI, "TestProcess"));   
  Profile profile = ont.createProfile(URIUtils.createURI(baseURI, "TestProfile"));
  Grounding grounding = ont.createGrounding(URIUtils.createURI(baseURI, "TestGrounding"));
  createSequenceProcess(process, services);
  createProfile(profile, process);

  ProcessList list = process.getComposedOf().getAllProcesses();
  for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { 
   Process pc = list.processAt(i);
   if(pc instanceof AtomicProcess) {
  return service;
  * Create a label for the composite service based on the labels of services. Basically
  * return the string [Service1 + Service2 + ... + ServiceN] as the label
  * @param services List of Servie objects
  * @return
 String createLabel(List services) {
  String label = "[";
  for(int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) { 
   Service s = (Service) services.get(i);
   if(i > 0) label += " + ";      

   label += s.getLabel();
  label += "]";
  return label;

  * Create a Profile for the composite service. We only set the input and output of the profile
  * based on the process.
  * @param profile
  * @param process
  * @return
 Profile createProfile(Profile profile, Process process) {
  for(int i = 0; i < process.getInputs().size(); i++) {
   Input input = process.getInputs().inputAt(i);
  for(int i = 0; i < process.getOutputs().size(); i++) {
   Output output = process.getOutputs().outputAt(i);

  return profile;

  * Create a Sequence process for the processes of given services. Creates the DataFlow asssuming each
  * service has one output and one intput (except first and last one).
  * @param compositeProcess
  * @param grounding
  * @param services
  * @return
 CompositeProcess createSequenceProcess(CompositeProcess compositeProcess, List services) {
  Sequence sequence = ont.createSequence();
  Perform[] performs = new Perform[services.size()];
  for(int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) { 
   Service s = (Service) services.get(i);
   Process p = s.getProcess();
   performs[i] = ont.createPerform();

   if(i > 0) {
    Perform prevPerform = performs[i - 1];
    Input input = p.getInputs().inputAt(0);
    Output output = prevPerform.getProcess().getOutputs().outputAt(0);
    // the value of 'input' is the value of 'output' from 'prevPerform'
    performs[i].addBinding(input, prevPerform, output);

  Perform firstPerform = performs[0];
  Perform lastPerform = performs[services.size()-1];
  boolean createInput = firstPerform.getProcess().getInputs().size() > 0;  
  boolean createOutput = lastPerform.getProcess().getOutputs().size() > 0;

  if(createInput) {
   Input input = firstPerform.getProcess().getInputs().inputAt(0);
   Input newInput = ont.createInput(URIUtils.createURI(baseURI, "TestInput"));
   // input of the first perform is directly read from the input of the
   // composite process
   performs[0].addBinding(input, Perform.TheParentPerform, newInput);
  if(createOutput) {
   Output output = lastPerform.getProcess().getOutputs().outputAt(0);
   Output newOutput = ont.createOutput(URIUtils.createURI(baseURI, "TestOutput"));

   // the output of the composite process is the output pf last process
   Result result = ont.createResult();
   result.addBinding(newOutput, lastPerform, output);
  return compositeProcess;

 public void runTest() throws Exception {
  // create an OWL-S knowledge base
  OWLKnowledgeBase kb = OWLFactory.createKB();

  // create an empty ontology in this KB
  ont = kb.createOntology();
  // create an execution engine
  ProcessExecutionEngine exec = OWLSFactory.createExecutionEngine();
  // load two services
  Service s1 = kb.readService("http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/BookFinder.owl#");
  Service s2 = kb.readService("http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/BNPrice.owl#");
  // put the services in a list
  List services = new ArrayList();
  // create a new service as a sequence of the list
  Service s = createSequenceService(services);
  // print the description of new service to standard output
  ont.write(System.out, baseURI);
  // get the process of the new service
  Process process = s.getProcess();
  // initialize the input values to be empty
  ValueMap values = new ValueMap();
  // get the parameter using the local name
  values.setValue(process.getInputs().inputAt(0), EntityFactory.createDataValue("City of Glass"));
  // execute the service
  values = exec.execute(process, values);
  // get the output param using the index  
  OWLIndividual outValue = values.getIndividualValue(process.getOutput());
  // display the result
  System.out.println("Book Price = ");

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
  CreateSequence test = new CreateSequence();




import impl.owls.process.execution.ProcessExecutionEngineImpl;

import java.net.URI;

import org.mindswap.owl.OWLClass;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLDataProperty;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLFactory;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLIndividual;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLKnowledgeBase;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLOntology;
import org.mindswap.owl.list.RDFList;
import org.mindswap.owls.OWLSFactory;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.CompositeProcess;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.ForEach;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Input;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Local;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Perform;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Process;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.execution.ProcessExecutionEngine;
import org.mindswap.owls.service.Service;
import org.mindswap.owls.vocabulary.OWLS;
import org.mindswap.query.ValueMap;

 * Example to show how to create and execute a forEach control construct.
 * @author Evren Sirin
public class ForEachExample {
 public void run() throws Exception {
  String ns = "http://www.example.org/test#";  
  // print the inputs and outputs during each iteration of the loop
  ProcessExecutionEngineImpl.DEBUG = true;
  ProcessExecutionEngine exec = OWLSFactory.createExecutionEngine(); 
  OWLKnowledgeBase kb = OWLFactory.createKB();  
  Service service = kb.readService("http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/FindLatLong.owl");
  Process process = service.getProcess();
  OWLOntology ont = kb.createOntology();
  CompositeProcess cp = ont.createCompositeProcess();
  Input in = ont.createInput(URI.create( ns + "in" ));

  // create a ForEach construct
  ForEach forEach = ont.createForEach();
  Local loopVar = ont.createLocal( URI.create( ns + "loopVar") );
  forEach.setListValue( Perform.TheParentPerform, in );
  forEach.setLoopVar( loopVar );

  // perform the process by passing the loop variable
  Perform perform = ont.createPerform();
  perform.addBinding(process.getInput(), Perform.TheParentPerform, loopVar);
  // display how the construct looks like in RDF/XML
  // create some zip code values
     String zipcodeOnt = "http://www.daml.org/2001/10/html/zipcode-ont#";
     OWLClass ZipCode = kb.getClass(URI.create(zipcodeOnt + "ZipCode"));
     OWLDataProperty zip = kb.getDataProperty(URI.create(zipcodeOnt + "zip"));
     OWLIndividual zip1 = ont.createInstance(ZipCode);
     zip1.setProperty(zip, "20740");
     OWLIndividual zip2 = ont.createInstance(ZipCode);
     zip2.setProperty(zip, "11430");
     OWLIndividual zip3 = ont.createInstance(ZipCode);
     zip3.setProperty(zip, "94102");
     // put them in a list
     RDFList list = ont.createList(zip1).add(zip2).add(zip3);
     ValueMap values = new ValueMap();
  values.setValue(cp.getInput("in"), list);
  exec.execute( cp , values );
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
  ForEachExample test = new ForEachExample();


Executing AtomicProcess http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/FindLobjectatLong.owl#FindLatLongProcess
Invoking http://cheeso.members.winisp.net/zips/ZipService.asmx?WSDL

Executing AtomicProcess http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/FindLobjectatLong.owl#FindLatLongProcess
Invoking http://cheeso.members.winisp.net/zips/ZipService.asmx?WSDL

Executing AtomicProcess http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/FindLobjectatLong.owl#FindLatLongProcess
Invoking http://cheeso.members.winisp.net/zips/ZipService.asmx?WSDL


Matchmaker这个例子说明了如何对服务进行匹配,实现服务的组合。服务的输出与服务的输入进行匹配,分别运用"EXACT, SUBSUME以及RELAXED"作为匹配标准。这里应用了Pellet推理机。


Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/BNPrice.owl
Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/BookFinder.owl
Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/CurrencyConverter.owl
Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/Dictionary.owl
Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/ZipCodeFinder.owl
Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/FindLatLong.owl
Reading http://www.mindswap.org/2004/owl-s/1.1/BabelFishTranslator.owl#
Computing matches...

EXACT BNPriceService.BookPrice -> CurrencyConverterService.InputPrice
EXACT BookFinderService.BookInfo -> BNPriceService.BookInfo
EXACT CurrencyConverterService.OutputPrice -> CurrencyConverterService.InputPrice
EXACT DictionaryService.OutputString -> BookFinderService.BookName
EXACT DictionaryService.OutputString -> DictionaryService.InputString
EXACT DictionaryService.OutputString -> ZipCodeFinderService.City
EXACT DictionaryService.OutputString -> ZipCodeFinderService.State
EXACT DictionaryService.OutputString -> BabelFishTranslatorService.InputString
EXACT ZipCodeFinderService.ZipCode -> FindLatLongService.ZipCode
EXACT BabelFishTranslatorService.OutputString -> BookFinderService.BookName
EXACT BabelFishTranslatorService.OutputString -> DictionaryService.InputString
EXACT BabelFishTranslatorService.OutputString -> ZipCodeFinderService.City
EXACT BabelFishTranslatorService.OutputString -> ZipCodeFinderService.State
EXACT BabelFishTranslatorService.OutputString -> BabelFishTranslatorService.InputString



import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.mindswap.owl.OWLFactory;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLIndividual;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLKnowledgeBase;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLType;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Input;
import org.mindswap.owls.process.Output;
import org.mindswap.owls.service.Service;
import org.mindswap.query.ValueMap;

 * An example that finds service matches for composition. The outputs of services are matched with
 * the inputs of services using one of EXACT, SUBSUME and RELAXED match criteria. Pellet reasoner is
 * used to find matches but can be replaced with any other reasoner.
 * @author Evren Sirin
public class Matchmaker {   
    OWLKnowledgeBase kb;
    public static class Match {
        public static String[] MATCHES = {"EXACT", "SUBSUME", "RELAXED", "FAIL"};
        public static int EXACT   = 0;
        public static int SUBSUME = 1;
        public static int RELAXED = 2;
        public static int FAIL    = 3;       
        int matchType;
        boolean listMatch;
        Service outputService;
        Output output;
        Service inputService;
        Input input;
        public Match(int matchType, Output output, Input input) {
            this.matchType = matchType;
            this.outputService = output.getService();
            this.output = output;
            this.inputService = input.getService();
            this.input = input;
        public String toString() {
            String str = "";
            str += MATCHES[matchType] + " ";
                str += ".LIST";
            str += outputService.getLocalName() + "." + output.getLocalName();
            str += " -> ";
            str += inputService.getLocalName() + "." + input.getLocalName();
            return str;
    public Matchmaker() {
        kb = OWLFactory.createKB();

    public void addOntology( String ont )  throws FileNotFoundException, URISyntaxException {
        System.out.println( "Reading " + ont );
        kb.read( new URI( ont ) );
    public void addOntology( URI ont )  throws FileNotFoundException {
        System.out.println( "Reading " + ont );
        kb.read( ont );
    public List findServices(boolean getProducers) {
        String hasParameter = getProducers ? "process:hasOutput" : "process:hasInput";
        String queryString =
            "SELECT * " +           
            "WHERE " +
            "    (?process rdf:type process:Process)" +
            "    (?process " + hasParameter + " ?param)" +
            "USING " +
            "      process FOR <http://www.daml.org/services/owl-s/1.1/Process.owl#>";
        return kb.query( queryString );

    public List findOutputs() {
        return findServices(true);
    public List findInputs() {
        return findServices(false);       
    public int getMatchType(OWLType outputType, OWLType inputType) {
           return Match.EXACT;
        else if(outputType.isSubTypeOf(inputType))
           return Match.SUBSUME;       
        else if(inputType.isSubTypeOf(outputType))
            return Match.RELAXED;
            return Match.FAIL;

 public List displayAllMatches() {
  List matches = new ArrayList();
  System.out.println( "Computing matches..." );
  List producers = findOutputs();
  List consumers = findInputs();
  Iterator i = producers.iterator();
  while( i.hasNext() ) {
      ValueMap binding = (ValueMap) i.next();
      Output output = (Output) ((OWLIndividual) binding.getValue("param")).castTo(Output.class);
      OWLType outputType = output.getParamType();
      Iterator j = consumers.iterator();
      while( j.hasNext() ) {
          binding = (ValueMap) j.next() ;
       Input input = (Input) ((OWLIndividual) binding.getValue("param")).castTo(Input.class);
       OWLType inputType = input.getParamType();
//       System.out.println("Trying " +
//           URIUtils.getLocalName(outputType.getURI()) + " " +
//           URIUtils.getLocalName(inputType.getURI()) + " " +
//           producer.getLocalName() + " " +
//           output.getLocalName() + " " +
//           consumer.getLocalName() + " " +
//           input.getLocalName()
//       );
          int matchType = getMatchType(outputType, inputType);
          if(matchType != Match.FAIL)
              matches.add(new Match(matchType, output, input));          
  return matches;

    public static void printIterator(Iterator i) {
        if(i.hasNext()) {
         while (i.hasNext())
             System.out.println( i.next() );
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, URISyntaxException {
        Matchmaker matchmaker = new Matchmaker();
        List matches = matchmaker.displayAllMatches();



Translator主要是对不同版本的service description进行转换,以保证兼容性。

posted on 2007-05-23 19:27  小姜  阅读(1312)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报