Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim oDs As MapXLib.Dataset
Dim oLayer As MapXLib.Layer
Dim oTheme As MapXLib.Theme
Dim oFields As New MapXLib.Fields
Dim oField As MapXLib.Field
Dim oCoordSys As MapXLib.CoordSys
Dim strLayerName As String
Dim nType As Integer
Dim s As Integer
Set oCoordSys = Map1.DisplayCoordSys.Clone
strLayerName = GetThemeLayerName()
If strLayerName = Then
MsgBox 请选择绑定图层
Exit Sub
End If
Set oLayer = Map1.Layers.Item(strLayerName)
Set oDs = Map1.DataSets.Add(miDataSetLayer, oLayer, oLayer.KeyField)
nType = GetThemeType
If nType = -1 Or nType = 9 Then
MsgBox 请选择专题类型
Exit Sub
End If
Set oField = oFields.Add(oDs.Fields.Item(2), data1
If nType = 1 Or nType = 2 Then
oFields.Add oDs.Fields.Item(3), data2
Set oTheme = oDs.Themes.Add(nType, oFields)
ElseIf nType = 9 Then
'Set oTheme = oDs.Themes.Add(nType)
Set oTheme = oDs.Themes.Add(nType, oField)
End If
Set Map1.DisplayCoordSys = oCoordSys
'Set Map1.NumericCoordSys = oCoordSys
Set Map1.NumericCoordSys = Map1.DisplayCoordSys
End Sub
Sub SetCoordsys()
Dim oDatum As New MapXLib.Datum
oDatum.Set 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Map1.DisplayCoordSys.Set miLongLat, oDatum, miUnitDegree
Set Map1.NumericCoordSys = Map1.DisplayCoordSys
End Sub
Private Function GetThemeType() As Integer
Dim nType As Integer, nIndex As Integer
nIndex = Combo1.ListIndex
Select Case nIndex
Case 0 '范围图
nType = 0
Case 1 '柱状图
nType = 1
Case 2 '饼状图
nType = 2
Case 3 '等级符号图
nType = 3
Case 4 '点密度图
nType = 4
Case 5 '独立值图
nType = 5
Case 6 '自动专题图
nType = 6
Case 7 '标注范围专题图
nType = 7
Case 8 '标注独立值专题图
nType = 8
Case 9 '非专题图
nType = 9
Case Else '提示用户选择专题类型
nType = -1
End Select
GetThemeType = nType
End Function
Private Function GetThemeLayerName() As String
Dim strLayerName As String
Dim nIndex As Integer
nIndex = Combo2.ListIndex
If nIndex < 0 Then
strLayerName =
strLayerName = Combo2.List(nIndex)
End If
GetThemeLayerName = strLayerName
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer, nLayerCount As Integer
Combo1.AddItem 范围图, 0
Combo1.AddItem 柱状图, 1
Combo1.AddItem 饼状图, 2
Combo1.AddItem 等级符号图, 3
Combo1.AddItem 点密度图, 4
Combo1.AddItem 独立值图, 5
Combo1.AddItem 自动专题图, 6
Combo1.AddItem 标注范围专题图, 7
Combo1.AddItem 标注独立值专题图, 8
Combo1.AddItem 非专题图, 9
If Map1.Layers.Count > 0 Then
nLayerCount = Map1.Layers.Count
For i = 1 To nLayerCount
Combo2.AddItem Map1.Layers.Item(i).Name, i - 1
End If
End Sub
Dim oDs As MapXLib.Dataset
Dim oLayer As MapXLib.Layer
Dim oTheme As MapXLib.Theme
Dim oFields As New MapXLib.Fields
Dim oField As MapXLib.Field
Dim oCoordSys As MapXLib.CoordSys
Dim strLayerName As String
Dim nType As Integer
Dim s As Integer
Set oCoordSys = Map1.DisplayCoordSys.Clone
strLayerName = GetThemeLayerName()
If strLayerName = Then
MsgBox 请选择绑定图层
Exit Sub
End If
Set oLayer = Map1.Layers.Item(strLayerName)
Set oDs = Map1.DataSets.Add(miDataSetLayer, oLayer, oLayer.KeyField)
nType = GetThemeType
If nType = -1 Or nType = 9 Then
MsgBox 请选择专题类型
Exit Sub
End If
Set oField = oFields.Add(oDs.Fields.Item(2), data1
If nType = 1 Or nType = 2 Then
oFields.Add oDs.Fields.Item(3), data2
Set oTheme = oDs.Themes.Add(nType, oFields)
ElseIf nType = 9 Then
'Set oTheme = oDs.Themes.Add(nType)
Set oTheme = oDs.Themes.Add(nType, oField)
End If
Set Map1.DisplayCoordSys = oCoordSys
'Set Map1.NumericCoordSys = oCoordSys
Set Map1.NumericCoordSys = Map1.DisplayCoordSys
End Sub
Sub SetCoordsys()
Dim oDatum As New MapXLib.Datum
oDatum.Set 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Map1.DisplayCoordSys.Set miLongLat, oDatum, miUnitDegree
Set Map1.NumericCoordSys = Map1.DisplayCoordSys
End Sub
Private Function GetThemeType() As Integer
Dim nType As Integer, nIndex As Integer
nIndex = Combo1.ListIndex
Select Case nIndex
Case 0 '范围图
nType = 0
Case 1 '柱状图
nType = 1
Case 2 '饼状图
nType = 2
Case 3 '等级符号图
nType = 3
Case 4 '点密度图
nType = 4
Case 5 '独立值图
nType = 5
Case 6 '自动专题图
nType = 6
Case 7 '标注范围专题图
nType = 7
Case 8 '标注独立值专题图
nType = 8
Case 9 '非专题图
nType = 9
Case Else '提示用户选择专题类型
nType = -1
End Select
GetThemeType = nType
End Function
Private Function GetThemeLayerName() As String
Dim strLayerName As String
Dim nIndex As Integer
nIndex = Combo2.ListIndex
If nIndex < 0 Then
strLayerName =
strLayerName = Combo2.List(nIndex)
End If
GetThemeLayerName = strLayerName
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer, nLayerCount As Integer
Combo1.AddItem 范围图, 0
Combo1.AddItem 柱状图, 1
Combo1.AddItem 饼状图, 2
Combo1.AddItem 等级符号图, 3
Combo1.AddItem 点密度图, 4
Combo1.AddItem 独立值图, 5
Combo1.AddItem 自动专题图, 6
Combo1.AddItem 标注范围专题图, 7
Combo1.AddItem 标注独立值专题图, 8
Combo1.AddItem 非专题图, 9
If Map1.Layers.Count > 0 Then
nLayerCount = Map1.Layers.Count
For i = 1 To nLayerCount
Combo2.AddItem Map1.Layers.Item(i).Name, i - 1
End If
End Sub