Tinylog (一个UNIX环境下轻量级的C/C++高性能异步日志组件)

# Tinylog




[2018-04-03 21:52:13,485][ INFO][ example.c:7 ] This is a log message.


root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/code/tiny-log/test # ls log/ -l
total 11564
-rw-r----- 1 root root 8754060 Apr 20 21:48 test.log
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1543852 Apr 20 21:48 test.log-20180420-214824.gz
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1539119 Apr 20 21:48 test.log-20180420-214830.gz

## 特性

1. 日志压缩归档。
2. 日志级别输出。
3. 日志格式定制。
4. 异步日志输出。
5. 多日志文件支持。
6. printf,vprintf类似接口,易于扩展。
7. 非阻塞日志。
8. 多线程并发写。
9. 多进程并发写。
10. c++流风格日志输出。

## 使用

1. 将日志头文件`tlog.h`包含到C代码的中。
2. 调用`tlog_init`初始化日志模块。
3. 调用`tlog`或`tlog_[debug|info|notice|warn|error|fatal]`日志输出函数输出日志。
4. c++使用cout风格输出日志到`tlog_info`。
5. 调用`tlog_exit`退出关闭日志组件。

## 例子

1. 输出日志

#include <stdio.h>
#include "tlog.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tlog_init("example.log", 1024 * 1024, 8, 0, 0);
tlog(TLOG_INFO, "This is a log message.\n");
tlog_info("This is another log message.\n");
return 0;

1. c++流日志

#include <stdio.h>
#include "tlog.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tlog_init("example.log", 1024 * 1024, 8, 0, 0);
tlog_info << "This is a c++ cout style log message.\n";
return 0;

1. 独立日志流

c printf风格

#include <stdio.h>
#include "tlog.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tlog_log *log = NULL;
tlog_init("example.log", 1024 * 1024, 8, 0, 0);
log = tlog_open("another.log", 1024 * 1024, 8, 0, TLOG_SEGMENT);
tlog_printf(log, "This is a separate log stream.\n");
return 0;

c++ std::out 风格

#include <stdio.h>
#include "tlog.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tlog_log *log = NULL;
tlog_init("example.log", 1024 * 1024, 8, 0, 0);
log = tlog_open("another.log", 1024 * 1024, 8, 0, TLOG_SEGMENT);
tlog_out(log) << "This is a separate log stream.\n";
return 0;


CFLAGS += -DBASE_FILE_NAME=\"$(notdir $<)\"


set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -DBASE_FILE_NAME='\"$(notdir $<)\"'")

## API说明

1. int tlog_init(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag);

`功能`: 初始化日志模块
`logfile`: 日志文件。
`maxlogsize`: 单个日志文件最大大小。
`maxlogcount`: 归档日志个数。
`buffsize`: 缓冲区大小。
* `TLOG_MULTI_WRITE`: 启用多进程写单个日志模式. (注意: 当使用此模式时,所有进程的maxlogsize参数必须一样)
* `TLOG_NOCOMPRESS`: 归档日志不进行压缩。
* `TLOG_SEGMENT`: 日志分段,用于注册回调函数后,返回一条完整的日志用于后续处理。
* `TLOG_NONBLOCK`: 缓冲区不足时,不阻塞。
* `TLOG_SCREEN`: 输出日志到屏幕。
* `TLOG_SUPPORT_FORK`: 支持fork运行的进程。

1. tlog(level, format, ...)

`功能`: 打印日志
`level`: 当前日志级别
`format`: 日志格式。

1. tlog_debug, tlog_info, tlog_notice, tlog_warn, tlog_error, tlog_fatal

`功能`: 打印日志, c++使用`<<`输出日志。
`format`: 日志格式。

1. tlog_exit()

`功能`: 日志组件退出。

1. tlog_reg_format_func(tlog_format_func func)

`功能`: 注册自定义格式函数,回调函数定义为: tlog_format_func

1. int tlog_reg_log_output_func(tlog_log_output_func output, void *private)
`功能`: 注册自定义日志输出函数,回调函数定义为:tlog_log_output_func, 可在日志初始化时设置TLOG_SEGMENT标志使回调返回一条独立完整日志。

1. tlog_setlevel(tlog_level level)


1. tlog_getlevel(tlog_level level)

`功能`: 获取设置的日志级别。

1. tlog_set_logfile(const char *logfile)

`功能`: 设置日志文件。
`logfile`: 日志文件。

1. tlog_setlogscreen(int enable)

`功能`: 设置日志是否输出到屏幕。
`enable`: 是否启用。

1. tlog_open(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag);

`功能`:  初始化一个新的日志流,完成后,使用tlog_cloese关闭。
`logfile`: 日志文件。
`maxlogsize`: 单个日志文件最大大小。
`maxlogcount`: 归档日志个数。
`buffsize`: 缓冲区大小。
* `TLOG_MULTI_WRITE`: 启用多进程写单个日志模式. (注意: 当使用此模式时,所有进程的maxlogsize参数必须一样)
* `TLOG_NOCOMPRESS`: 归档日志不进行压缩。
* `TLOG_SEGMENT`: 日志分段,用于注册回调函数后,返回一条完整的日志用于后续处理。
* `TLOG_NOBLOCK`: 缓冲区不足时,不阻塞。
* `TLOG_SCREEN`: 输出日志到屏幕。
`返回值`: 日志流句柄。

1. tlog_close(tlog_log *log)

`功能`: 关闭日志流。
`log`: 日志流句柄。

1. tlog_printf(tlog_log *log, const char *format, ...)

`功能`: 打印日志到指定日志流
`log`: 日志流句柄。
`format`: 日志格式。

1. tlog_out(tlog_log *log)

`功能`: c++风格打印日志到指定日志流,使用`<<`输出日志
`log`: 日志流句柄。

1. tlog_vprintf(tlog_log *log, const char *format, va_list ap)

`功能`: 打印日志到指定日志流
`log`: 日志流句柄。
`format`: 日志格式。
`ap`: 参数列表。

1. tlog_logscreen(tlog_log *log, int enable)

`功能`: 设置日志流是否输出到屏幕
`log`: 日志流句柄。
`enable`: 是否启用。

1. tlog_localtime(struct tlog_time *tm)

`功能`: 获取本地时间。
`tm`: 本地时间输出。

1. int tlog_reg_output_func(tlog_log *log, tlog_output_func output)

`功能`: 注册日志流输出回调函数,指定后,内置的写本地文件接口将失效; 可在日志流初始化时设置TLOG_SEGMENT标志使回调返回一条独立完整日志。

1. void tlog_set_private(tlog_log *log, void *private)

`功能`: 设置私有参数,供回调函数中获取。
`log`: 日志流句柄。
`private`: 私有参数。

1. void tlog_get_private(tlog_log *log)

`功能`: 获取私有参数,供回调函数中获取。
`log`: 日志流句柄。
`返回值`: 私有参数。

1. tlog_rename_logfile(tlog_log *log, const char *logfile)

`功能`: 重命名日志文件。
`log`: 日志流句柄。
`logfile`: 日志文件。

## License

MIT License


 * tinylog
 * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Nick Peng <pymumu@gmail.com>
 * https://github.com/pymumu/tinylog
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "tlog.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#ifndef likely
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)

#ifndef unlikely
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)

#define TLOG_BUFF_SIZE (1024 * 128)
#define TLOG_TMP_LEN 128
#define TLOG_LOG_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 50)
#define TLOG_LOG_COUNT 32
#define TLOG_LOG_NAME_LEN 128
#define TLOG_SUFFIX_GZ ".gz"
#define TLOG_SUFFIX_LOG ""
#define TLOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE_SET (1024 * 8)
#define TLOG_MIN_LINE_SIZE_SET (128)

#define TLOG_SEGMENT_MAGIC 0xFF446154

struct tlog_log {
    char *buff;
    int buffsize;
    int start;
    int end;
    int ext_end;

    int fd;
    int fd_lock;

    off_t filesize;
    char logdir[PATH_MAX];
    char logname[TLOG_LOG_NAME_LEN];
    char suffix[TLOG_LOG_NAME_LEN];
    char pending_logfile[PATH_MAX];
    int rename_pending;
    int fail;
    int logsize;
    int logcount;
    int block;
    int dropped;
    int nocompress;
    int zip_pid;
    int multi_log;
    int logscreen;
    int segment_log;
    unsigned int max_line_size;

    tlog_output_func output_func;
    void *private_data;

    time_t last_try;
    time_t last_waitpid;

    int waiters;
    int is_exit;
    struct tlog_log *next;
    pthread_mutex_t lock;
    pthread_cond_t client_cond;

struct tlog {
    struct tlog_log *root;
    struct tlog_log *log;
    struct tlog_log *notify_log;
    int run;
    pthread_t tid;
    pthread_mutex_t lock;
    pthread_cond_t cond;
    tlog_log_output_func output_func;
    struct tlog_log *wait_on_log;
    int is_wait;

struct tlog_segment_log_head {
    struct tlog_loginfo info;
    unsigned short len;
    char data[0];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct tlog_segment_head {
    unsigned int magic;
    unsigned short len;
    char data[0];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct oldest_log {
    char name[TLOG_LOG_NAME_LEN];
    time_t mtime;
    struct tlog_log *log;

struct count_log {
    int lognum;
    struct tlog_log *log;

struct tlog_info_inter {
    struct tlog_loginfo info;
    void *userptr;

typedef int (*list_callback)(const char *name, struct dirent *entry, void *user);
typedef int (*vprint_callback)(char *buff, int maxlen, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap);

static struct tlog tlog;
static int tlog_disable_early_print = 0;
static tlog_level tlog_set_level = TLOG_INFO;
static tlog_format_func tlog_format;
static unsigned int tlog_localtime_lock = 0;

static const char *tlog_level_str[] = {

static inline void _tlog_spin_lock(unsigned int *lock)
    while (1) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(lock, 0, 1)) {

static inline void _tlog_spin_unlock(unsigned int *lock)
    __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(lock, 1, 0);

static int _tlog_mkdir(const char *path)
    char path_c[PATH_MAX];
    char *path_end;
    char str;
    int len;
    if (access(path, F_OK) == 0) {
        return 0;

    while (*path == ' ' && *path != '\0') {

    strncpy(path_c, path, sizeof(path_c) - 1);
    path_c[sizeof(path_c) - 1] = '\0';
    len = strnlen(path_c, sizeof(path_c) - 1);
    path_c[len] = '/';
    path_c[len + 1] = '\0';
    path_end = path_c;

    /* create directory recursively */
    while (*path_end != 0) {
        if (*path_end != '/') {

        if (path_end == path_c) {

        str = *path_end;
        *path_end = '\0';
        if (access(path_c, F_OK) == 0) {
            *path_end = str;

        if (mkdir(path_c, 0750) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "create directory %s failed, %s\n", path_c, strerror(errno));
            return -1;

        *path_end = str;

    return 0;

static struct tm *_tlog_localtime(time_t *timep, struct tm *tm)
    static time_t last_time;
    static struct tm last_tm;

    /* localtime_r has a global timezone lock, it's about 8 times slower than gmtime
     * this code is used to speed up localtime_r call.
    if (*timep == last_time) {
        *tm = last_tm;
    } else {
        tm = localtime_r(timep, tm);
        if (tm) {
            last_time = *timep;
            last_tm = *tm;

    return tm;

static int _tlog_getmtime(struct tlog_time *log_mtime, const char *file)
    struct tm tm;
    struct stat sb;

    if (stat(file, &sb) != 0) {
        return -1;

    if (_tlog_localtime(&sb.st_mtime, &tm) == NULL) {
        return -1;

    log_mtime->year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
    log_mtime->mon = tm.tm_mon + 1;
    log_mtime->mday = tm.tm_mday;
    log_mtime->hour = tm.tm_hour;
    log_mtime->min = tm.tm_min;
    log_mtime->sec = tm.tm_sec;
    log_mtime->usec = 0;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_gettime(struct tlog_time *cur_time)
    struct tm tm;
    struct timeval tmval;

    if (gettimeofday(&tmval, NULL) != 0) {
        return -1;

    if (_tlog_localtime(&tmval.tv_sec, &tm) == NULL) {
        return -1;

    cur_time->year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
    cur_time->mon = tm.tm_mon + 1;
    cur_time->mday = tm.tm_mday;
    cur_time->hour = tm.tm_hour;
    cur_time->min = tm.tm_min;
    cur_time->sec = tm.tm_sec;
    cur_time->usec = tmval.tv_usec;

    return 0;

void tlog_set_maxline_size(struct tlog_log *log, int size)
    if (log == NULL) {

    if (size < TLOG_MIN_LINE_SIZE_SET) {
        size = TLOG_MIN_LINE_SIZE_SET;
    } else if (size > TLOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE_SET) {
        size = TLOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE_SET;

    log->max_line_size = size;

int tlog_localtime(struct tlog_time *tm)
    return _tlog_gettime(tm);

tlog_log *tlog_get_root()
    return tlog.root;

void tlog_set_private(tlog_log *log, void *private_data)
    if (log == NULL) {

    log->private_data = private_data;

void *tlog_get_private(tlog_log *log)
    if (log == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    return log->private_data;

static int _tlog_format(char *buff, int maxlen, struct tlog_loginfo *info, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
    int len = 0;
    int total_len = 0;
    struct tlog_time *tm = &info->time;
    void *unused __attribute__((unused));

    unused = userptr;

    if (tlog.root->multi_log) {
        /* format prefix */
        len = snprintf(buff, maxlen, "[%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d,%.3d][%5d][%4s][%17s:%-4d] ",
            tm->year, tm->mon, tm->mday, tm->hour, tm->min, tm->sec, tm->usec / 1000, getpid(),
            tlog_get_level_string(info->level), info->file, info->line);
    } else {
        /* format prefix */
        len = snprintf(buff, maxlen, "[%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d,%.3d][%5s][%17s:%-4d] ",
            tm->year, tm->mon, tm->mday, tm->hour, tm->min, tm->sec, tm->usec / 1000,
            tlog_get_level_string(info->level), info->file, info->line);

    if (len < 0 || len >= maxlen) {
        return -1;
    buff += len;
    total_len += len;
    maxlen -= len;

    /* format log message */
    len = vsnprintf(buff, maxlen, format, ap);
    if (len < 0 || len == maxlen) {
        return -1;
    buff += len;
    total_len += len;

    /* return total length */
    return total_len;

static int _tlog_root_log_buffer(char *buff, int maxlen, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
    int len = 0;
    int log_len = 0;
    struct tlog_info_inter *info_inter = (struct tlog_info_inter *)userptr;
    struct tlog_segment_log_head *log_head = NULL;
    int max_format_len = 0;

    if (tlog_format == NULL) {
        return -1;

    if (tlog.root->segment_log) {
        log_head = (struct tlog_segment_log_head *)buff;
        len += sizeof(*log_head);
        memcpy(&log_head->info, &info_inter->info, sizeof(log_head->info));

    max_format_len = maxlen - len - 2;
    buff[maxlen - 1] = 0;
    log_len = tlog_format(buff + len, max_format_len, &info_inter->info, info_inter->userptr, format, ap);
    if (log_len < 0) {
        return -1;
    } else if (log_len >= max_format_len) {
        buff[len + max_format_len - 2] = '.';
        buff[len + max_format_len - 3] = '.';
        buff[len + max_format_len - 4] = '.';
        log_len = max_format_len - 1;
    len += log_len;

    /* add new line character*/
    if (*(buff + len - 1) != '\n' && len + 1 < maxlen - 1) {
        *(buff + len) = '\n';

    if (tlog.root->segment_log) {
        if (len + 1 < maxlen - 1) {
            *(buff + len) = '\0';
        log_head->len = log_len;

    return len;

static int _tlog_print_buffer(char *buff, int maxlen, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
    int len;
    int total_len = 0;
    void *unused __attribute__((unused));

    unused = userptr;

    /* format log message */
    len = vsnprintf(buff, maxlen, format, ap);
    if (len < 0 || len == maxlen) {
        return -1;
    buff += len;
    total_len += len;

    /* return total length */
    return total_len;

static int _tlog_need_drop(struct tlog_log *log)
    int maxlen = 0;
    int ret = -1;
    if (log->block) {
        return -1;

    if (log->end == log->start) {
        if (log->ext_end == 0) {
            /* if buffer is empty */
            maxlen = log->buffsize - log->end;
    } else if (log->end > log->start) {
        maxlen = log->buffsize - log->end;
    } else {
        /* if reverse */
        maxlen = log->start - log->end;

    /* if free buffer length is less than min line length */
    if (maxlen < log->max_line_size) {
        ret = 0;
    return ret;

static int _tlog_vprintf(struct tlog_log *log, vprint_callback print_callback, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
    int len;
    int maxlen = 0;
    struct tlog_segment_head *segment_head = NULL;

    if (log == NULL || format == NULL) {
        return -1;

    char buff[log->max_line_size];

    if (log->buff == NULL) {
        return -1;

    if (_tlog_need_drop(log) == 0) {
        return -1;

    len = print_callback(buff, sizeof(buff), userptr, format, ap);
    if (len <= 0) {
        return -1;
    } else if (len >= log->max_line_size) {
        strncpy(buff, "[LOG TOO LONG, DISCARD]\n", sizeof(buff));
        buff[sizeof(buff) - 1] = '\0';
        len = strnlen(buff, sizeof(buff));

    do {
        if (log->end == log->start) {
            if (log->ext_end == 0) {
                /* if buffer is empty */
                maxlen = log->buffsize - log->end;
        } else if (log->end > log->start) {
            maxlen = log->buffsize - log->end;
        } else {
            /* if reverse */
            maxlen = log->start - log->end;

        /* if free buffer length is less than min line length */
        if (maxlen < log->max_line_size) {
            if (log->end != log->start) {
                tlog.notify_log = log;

            /* if drop message, increase statistics and return */
            if (log->block == 0) {
                return -1;

            /* block wait for free buffer */
            int ret = pthread_cond_wait(&log->client_cond, &log->lock);
            if (ret < 0) {
                return -1;

    } while (maxlen < log->max_line_size);

    if (log->segment_log) {
        segment_head = (struct tlog_segment_head *)(log->buff + log->end);
        memcpy(segment_head->data, buff, len);
        log->end += len + sizeof(*segment_head) + 1;
        segment_head->len = len + 1;
        segment_head->data[len] = '\0';
        segment_head->magic = TLOG_SEGMENT_MAGIC;
    } else {
        /* write log to buffer */
        memcpy(log->buff + log->end, buff, len);
        log->end += len;

    /* if remain buffer is not enough for a line, move end to start of buffer. */
    if (log->end > log->buffsize - log->max_line_size) {
        log->ext_end = log->end;
        log->end = 0;
    if (tlog.is_wait) {
        tlog.notify_log = log;

    return len;

int tlog_vprintf(struct tlog_log *log, const char *format, va_list ap)
    return _tlog_vprintf(log, _tlog_print_buffer, NULL, format, ap);

int tlog_printf(struct tlog_log *log, const char *format, ...)
    int len;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, format);
    len = tlog_vprintf(log, format, ap);

    return len;

static int _tlog_early_print(const char *format, va_list ap)
    char log_buf[TLOG_MAX_LINE_LEN];
    size_t len = 0;
    size_t out_len = 0;
    int unused __attribute__((unused));

    if (tlog_disable_early_print) {
        return 0;

    len = vsnprintf(log_buf, sizeof(log_buf), format, ap);
    out_len = len;
    if (len <= 0) {
        return -1;
    } else if (len >= sizeof(log_buf)) {
        out_len = sizeof(log_buf);

    unused = write(STDOUT_FILENO, log_buf, out_len);
    if (log_buf[out_len - 1] != '\n') {
        unused = write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1);

    return len;

int tlog_vext(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
    struct tlog_info_inter info_inter;

    if (level < tlog_set_level) {
        return 0;

    if (tlog.root == NULL) {
        return _tlog_early_print(format, ap);

    if (unlikely(tlog.root->logsize <= 0)) {
        return 0;

    if (level >= TLOG_END) {
        return -1;

    info_inter.info.file = file;
    info_inter.info.line = line;
    info_inter.info.func = func;
    info_inter.info.level = level;
    info_inter.userptr = userptr;
    if (_tlog_gettime(&info_inter.info.time) != 0) {
        return -1;

    return _tlog_vprintf(tlog.root, _tlog_root_log_buffer, &info_inter, format, ap);

int tlog_ext(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr, const char *format, ...)
    int len;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, format);
    len = tlog_vext(level, file, line, func, userptr, format, ap);

    return len;

static int _tlog_rename_logfile(struct tlog_log *log, const char *log_file)
    char archive_file[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];
    struct tlog_time logtime;
    int i = 0;

    if (_tlog_getmtime(&logtime, log_file) != 0) {
        return -1;

    snprintf(archive_file, sizeof(archive_file), "%s/%s-%.4d%.2d%.2d-%.2d%.2d%.2d%s",
        log->logdir, log->logname, logtime.year, logtime.mon, logtime.mday,
        logtime.hour, logtime.min, logtime.sec, log->suffix);

    while (access(archive_file, F_OK) == 0) {
        snprintf(archive_file, sizeof(archive_file), "%s/%s-%.4d%.2d%.2d-%.2d%.2d%.2d-%d%s",
            log->logdir, log->logname, logtime.year, logtime.mon,
            logtime.mday, logtime.hour, logtime.min, logtime.sec, i, log->suffix);

    if (rename(log_file, archive_file) != 0) {
        return -1;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_list_dir(const char *path, list_callback callback, void *userptr)
    DIR *dir = NULL;
    struct dirent *ent;
    int ret = 0;
    const char *unused __attribute__((unused)) = path;

    dir = opendir(path);
    if (dir == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "open directory failed, %s\n", strerror(errno));
        goto errout;

    while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
        if (strncmp(".", ent->d_name, 2) == 0 || strncmp("..", ent->d_name, 3) == 0) {
        ret = callback(path, ent, userptr);
        if (ret != 0) {
            goto errout;

    return 0;
    if (dir) {
        dir = NULL;
    return -1;

static int _tlog_count_log_callback(const char *path, struct dirent *entry, void *userptr)
    struct count_log *count_log = (struct count_log *)userptr;
    struct tlog_log *log = count_log->log;
    char logname[TLOG_LOG_NAME_LEN * 2];
    const char *unused __attribute__((unused)) = path;

    if (strstr(entry->d_name, log->suffix) == NULL) {
        return 0;

    snprintf(logname, sizeof(logname), "%s-", log->logname);
    int len = strnlen(logname, sizeof(logname));
    if (strncmp(logname, entry->d_name, len) != 0) {
        return 0;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_get_oldest_callback(const char *path, struct dirent *entry, void *userptr)
    struct stat sb;
    char filename[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];
    struct oldest_log *oldestlog = (struct oldest_log *)userptr;
    struct tlog_log *log = oldestlog->log;
    char logname[TLOG_LOG_NAME_LEN * 2];

    /* if not a log file, skip */
    if (strstr(entry->d_name, log->suffix) == NULL) {
        return 0;

    /* if not tlog log file, skip */
    snprintf(logname, sizeof(logname), "%s-", log->logname);
    int len = strnlen(logname, sizeof(logname));
    if (strncmp(logname, entry->d_name, len) != 0) {
        return 0;

    /* get log file mtime */
    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name);
    if (stat(filename, &sb) != 0) {
        return -1;

    if (oldestlog->mtime == 0 || oldestlog->mtime > sb.st_mtime) {
        oldestlog->mtime = sb.st_mtime;
        strncpy(oldestlog->name, entry->d_name, sizeof(oldestlog->name) - 1);
        oldestlog->name[sizeof(oldestlog->name) - 1] = '\0';
        return 0;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_remove_oldestlog(struct tlog_log *log)
    struct oldest_log oldestlog;
    oldestlog.name[0] = 0;
    oldestlog.mtime = 0;
    oldestlog.log = log;

    /* get oldest log file name */
    if (_tlog_list_dir(log->logdir, _tlog_get_oldest_callback, &oldestlog) != 0) {
        return -1;

    char filename[PATH_MAX * 2];
    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", log->logdir, oldestlog.name);

    /* delete */

    return 0;

static int _tlog_remove_oldlog(struct tlog_log *log)
    struct count_log count_log;
    int i = 0;
    count_log.lognum = 0;
    count_log.log = log;

    /* get total log file number */
    if (_tlog_list_dir(log->logdir, _tlog_count_log_callback, &count_log) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "get log file count failed.\n");
        return -1;

    /* remove last N log files */
    for (i = 0; i < count_log.lognum - log->logcount; i++) {

    return 0;

static void _tlog_log_unlock(struct tlog_log *log)
    char lock_file[PATH_MAX * 2];
    if (log->fd_lock <= 0) {

    snprintf(lock_file, sizeof(lock_file), "%s/%s.lock", log->logdir, log->logname);
    log->fd_lock = -1;

static int _tlog_log_lock(struct tlog_log *log)
    char lock_file[PATH_MAX * 2];
    int fd;

    if (log->multi_log == 0) {
        return 0;

    snprintf(lock_file, sizeof(lock_file), "%s/%s.lock", log->logdir, log->logname);
    fd = open(lock_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "create pid file failed, %s", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    if (lockf(fd, F_TLOCK, 0) < 0) {
        goto errout;

    log->fd_lock = fd;
    return 0;

    if (fd > 0) {
    return -1;

static void _tlog_wait_pid(struct tlog_log *log, int wait_hang)
    int status;
    if (log->zip_pid <= 0) {

    int option = (wait_hang == 0) ? WNOHANG : 0;
    /* check and obtain gzip process status*/
    if (waitpid(log->zip_pid, &status, option) <= 0) {

    /* gzip process exited */
    log->zip_pid = -1;
    char gzip_file[PATH_MAX * 2];

    /* rename ziped file */
    snprintf(gzip_file, sizeof(gzip_file), "%s/%s.pending.gz", log->logdir, log->logname);
    if (_tlog_rename_logfile(log, gzip_file) != 0) {

    /* remove oldes file */

static void _tlog_close_all_fd_by_res(void)
    struct rlimit lim;
    int maxfd = 0;
    int i = 0;

    getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lim);

    maxfd = lim.rlim_cur;
    if (maxfd > 4096) {
        maxfd = 4096;

    for (i = 3; i < maxfd; i++) {

static void _tlog_close_all_fd(void)
    char path_name[PATH_MAX];
    DIR *dir = NULL;
    struct dirent *ent;
    int dir_fd = -1;

    snprintf(path_name, sizeof(path_name), "/proc/self/fd/");
    dir = opendir(path_name);
    if (dir == NULL) {
        goto errout;

    dir_fd = dirfd(dir);

    while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
        int fd = atoi(ent->d_name);
        if (fd < 0 || dir_fd == fd) {
        switch (fd) {
        case STDIN_FILENO:
        case STDOUT_FILENO:
        case STDERR_FILENO:



    if (dir) {


static int _tlog_archive_log_compressed(struct tlog_log *log)
    char gzip_file[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];
    char gzip_cmd[PATH_MAX * 2];
    char log_file[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];
    char pending_file[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];

    snprintf(gzip_file, sizeof(gzip_file), "%s/%s.pending.gz", log->logdir, log->logname);
    snprintf(pending_file, sizeof(pending_file), "%s/%s.pending", log->logdir, log->logname);

    if (_tlog_log_lock(log) != 0) {
        return -1;

    /* if pending.zip exists */
    if (access(gzip_file, F_OK) == 0) {
        /* rename it to standard name */
        if (_tlog_rename_logfile(log, gzip_file) != 0) {
            goto errout;

    if (access(pending_file, F_OK) != 0) {
        /* rename current log file to pending */
        snprintf(log_file, sizeof(log_file), "%s/%s", log->logdir, log->logname);
        if (rename(log_file, pending_file) != 0) {
            goto errout;

    /* start gzip process to compress log file */
    snprintf(gzip_cmd, sizeof(gzip_cmd), "gzip -1 %s", pending_file);
    if (log->zip_pid <= 0) {
        int pid = vfork();
        if (pid == 0) {
            execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", gzip_cmd, NULL);
        } else if (pid < 0) {
            goto errout;
        log->zip_pid = pid;

    return 0;

    return -1;

static int _tlog_archive_log_nocompress(struct tlog_log *log)
    char log_file[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];
    char pending_file[TLOG_BUFF_LEN];

    snprintf(pending_file, sizeof(pending_file), "%s/%s.pending", log->logdir, log->logname);

    if (_tlog_log_lock(log) != 0) {
        return -1;

    if (access(pending_file, F_OK) != 0) {
        /* rename current log file to pending */
        snprintf(log_file, sizeof(log_file), "%s/%s", log->logdir, log->logname);
        if (rename(log_file, pending_file) != 0) {
            goto errout;

    /* rename pending file */
    if (_tlog_rename_logfile(log, pending_file) != 0) {
        goto errout;

    /* remove oldes file */

    return 0;

    return -1;

static int _tlog_archive_log(struct tlog_log *log)
    if (log->nocompress) {
        return _tlog_archive_log_nocompress(log);
    } else {
        return _tlog_archive_log_compressed(log);

void _tlog_get_log_name_dir(struct tlog_log *log)
    char log_file[PATH_MAX];
    if (log->fd > 0) {
        log->fd = -1;

    strncpy(log_file, log->pending_logfile, sizeof(log_file) - 1);
    log_file[sizeof(log_file) - 1] = '\0';
    strncpy(log->logdir, dirname(log_file), sizeof(log->logdir));
    log->logdir[sizeof(log->logdir) - 1] = '\0';
    strncpy(log_file, log->pending_logfile, PATH_MAX);
    log_file[sizeof(log_file) - 1] = '\0';
    strncpy(log->logname, basename(log_file), sizeof(log->logname));
    log->logname[sizeof(log->logname) - 1] = '\0';

static int _tlog_write(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen)
    int len;
    int unused __attribute__((unused));

    if (bufflen <= 0 || log->fail) {
        return 0;

    if (log->rename_pending) {
        log->rename_pending = 0;

    /* output log to screen */
    if (log->logscreen) {
        unused = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buff, bufflen);

    /* if log file size exceeds threshold, start to compress */
    if (log->multi_log && log->fd > 0) {
        log->filesize = lseek(log->fd, 0, SEEK_END);

    if (log->filesize > log->logsize && log->zip_pid <= 0) {
        if (log->filesize < lseek(log->fd, 0, SEEK_END) && log->multi_log == 0) {
            const char *msg = "[Auto enable multi-process write mode, log may be lost, please enable multi-process write mode manually]\n";
            log->multi_log = 1;
            unused = write(log->fd, msg, strlen(msg));
        log->fd = -1;
        log->filesize = 0;

    if (log->fd <= 0) {
        /* open a new log file to write */
        static int print_errmsg = 1;
        time_t now;

        if (now == log->last_try) {
            return -1;
        log->last_try = now;

        char logfile[PATH_MAX * 2];
        if (_tlog_mkdir(log->logdir) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "create log dir %s failed.\n", log->logdir);
            return -1;
        snprintf(logfile, sizeof(logfile), "%s/%s", log->logdir, log->logname);
        log->filesize = 0;
        log->fd = open(logfile, O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC, 0640);
        if (log->fd < 0) {
            if (print_errmsg == 0) {
                return -1;

            fprintf(stderr, "open log file %s failed, %s\n", logfile, strerror(errno));
            print_errmsg = 0;
            return -1;

        log->last_try = 0;
        print_errmsg = 1;
        /* get log file size */
        log->filesize = lseek(log->fd, 0, SEEK_END);

    /* write log to file */
    len = write(log->fd, buff, bufflen);
    if (len > 0) {
        log->filesize += len;
    } else {
        if (log->fd > 0 && errno == ENOSPC) {
            log->fd = -1;
    return len;

int tlog_write(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen)
    return _tlog_write(log, buff, bufflen);

static int _tlog_has_data(struct tlog_log *log)
    if (log->end != log->start || log->ext_end > 0) {
        return 1;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_any_has_data_locked(void)
    struct tlog_log *next = NULL;

    next = tlog.log;
    while (next) {
        if (_tlog_has_data(next) == 1) {
            return 1;
        next = next->next;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_any_has_data(void)
    int ret = 0;
    ret = _tlog_any_has_data_locked();

    return ret;

static int _tlog_wait_pids(void)
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    struct tlog_log *next = NULL;
    static struct tlog_log *last_log = NULL;

    for (next = tlog.log; next != NULL; next = next->next) {
        if (next->zip_pid <= 0) {

        if (next == last_log) {

        if (next->last_waitpid == now) {

        last_log = next;
        next->last_waitpid = now;
        _tlog_wait_pid(next, 0);
        return 0;
    last_log = NULL;

    return 0;

static int _tlog_close(struct tlog_log *log, int wait_hang)
    struct tlog_log *next = tlog.log;

    if (log == NULL) {
        return -1;

    if (log->zip_pid > 0) {
        _tlog_wait_pid(log, wait_hang);
        if (log->zip_pid > 0) {
            return -1;

    if (log->fd > 0) {
        log->fd = -1;


    if (log->buff != NULL) {
        log->buff = NULL;

    if (next == log) {
        tlog.log = next->next;
        return 0;

    while (next) {
        if (next->next == log) {
            next->next = log->next;
            return -1;
        next = next->next;


    return 0;

static struct tlog_log *_tlog_next_log(struct tlog_log *last_log)
    if (last_log == NULL) {
        return tlog.log;

    return last_log->next;

static struct tlog_log *_tlog_wait_log_locked(struct tlog_log *last_log)
    int ret = 0;
    struct timespec tm;
    struct tlog_log *log = NULL;

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tm);
    tm.tv_sec += 2;
    tlog.is_wait = 1;
    tlog.wait_on_log = last_log;
    ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&tlog.cond, &tlog.lock, &tm);
    tlog.is_wait = 0;
    tlog.wait_on_log = NULL;
    errno = ret;
    if (ret == 0 || ret == ETIMEDOUT) {
        log = tlog.notify_log;
        tlog.notify_log = NULL;

    return log;

static void _tlog_wakeup_waiters(struct tlog_log *log)
    if (log->waiters > 0) {
        /* if there are waiters, wakeup */

static void _tlog_write_one_segment_log(struct tlog_log *log, char *buff, int bufflen)
    struct tlog_segment_head *segment_head = NULL;
    int write_len = 0;

    segment_head = (struct tlog_segment_head *)buff;
    for (write_len = 0; write_len < bufflen;) {
        if (segment_head->magic != TLOG_SEGMENT_MAGIC) {

        log->output_func(log, segment_head->data, segment_head->len - 1);
        write_len += segment_head->len + sizeof(*segment_head);
        segment_head = (struct tlog_segment_head *)(buff + write_len);

static void _tlog_write_segments_log(struct tlog_log *log, int log_len, int log_extlen)
    _tlog_write_one_segment_log(log, log->buff + log->start, log_len);
    if (log_extlen > 0) {
        /* write extend buffer log */
        _tlog_write_one_segment_log(log, log->buff, log_extlen);

static void _tlog_write_buff_log(struct tlog_log *log, int log_len, int log_extlen)
    log->output_func(log, log->buff + log->start, log_len);
    if (log_extlen > 0) {
        /* write extend buffer log */
        log->output_func(log, log->buff, log_extlen);

static void _tlog_work_write(struct tlog_log *log, int log_len, int log_extlen, int log_dropped)
    /* write log */
    if (log->segment_log) {
        _tlog_write_segments_log(log, log_len, log_extlen);
    } else {
        _tlog_write_buff_log(log, log_len, log_extlen);

    if (log_dropped > 0) {
        /* if there is dropped log, record dropped log number */
        char dropmsg[TLOG_TMP_LEN];
        snprintf(dropmsg, sizeof(dropmsg), "[Totoal Dropped %d Messages]\n", log_dropped);
        log->output_func(log, dropmsg, strnlen(dropmsg, sizeof(dropmsg)));

static int _tlog_root_write_log(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen)
    struct tlog_segment_log_head *head = NULL;
    static struct tlog_segment_log_head empty_info;
    if (tlog.output_func == NULL) {
        if (log->segment_log) {
            head = (struct tlog_segment_log_head *)buff;
            return _tlog_write(log, head->data, head->len);
        return _tlog_write(log, buff, bufflen);

    if (log->segment_log && tlog.root == log) {
        head = (struct tlog_segment_log_head *)buff;
        return tlog.output_func(&head->info, head->data, head->len - 1, tlog_get_private(log));

    return tlog.output_func(&empty_info.info, buff, bufflen, tlog_get_private(log));

static void *_tlog_work(void *arg)
    int log_len = 0;
    int log_extlen = 0;
    int log_end = 0;
    int log_extend = 0;
    int log_dropped = 0;
    struct tlog_log *log = NULL;
    struct tlog_log *loop_log = NULL;
    void *unused __attribute__((unused));

    unused = arg;

    while (1) {
        log_len = 0;
        log_extlen = 0;
        log_extend = 0;
        if (tlog.run == 0) {
            if (_tlog_any_has_data() == 0) {


        if (loop_log == NULL) {
            loop_log = log;

        log = _tlog_next_log(log);
        if (log == NULL) {

        /* if buffer is empty, wait */
        if (_tlog_any_has_data_locked() == 0 && tlog.run) {
            log = _tlog_wait_log_locked(log);
            if (log == NULL) {
                if (errno != ETIMEDOUT && tlog.run) {

        if (_tlog_has_data(log) == 0) {
            if (log->is_exit) {
                if (_tlog_close(log, 0) == 0) {
                    log = NULL;
                    loop_log = NULL;

        loop_log = NULL;

        if (log->ext_end > 0) {
            log_len = log->ext_end - log->start;
            log_extend = log->ext_end;
        if (log->end < log->start) {
            log_extlen = log->end;
        } else if (log->end > log->start) {
            log_len = log->end - log->start;
        log_end = log->end;
        log_dropped = log->dropped;
        log->dropped = 0;

        /* start write log work */
        _tlog_work_write(log, log_len, log_extlen, log_dropped);

        /* release finished buffer */
        log->start = log_end;
        if (log_extend > 0) {
            log->ext_end = 0;


    return NULL;

void tlog_set_early_printf(int enable)
    tlog_disable_early_print = (enable == 0) ? 1 : 0;

const char *tlog_get_level_string(tlog_level level)
    if (level >= TLOG_END) {
        return NULL;

    return tlog_level_str[level];

static void _tlog_log_setlogscreen(struct tlog_log *log, int enable)
    if (log == NULL) {

    log->logscreen = (enable != 0) ? 1 : 0;

void tlog_setlogscreen(int enable)
    _tlog_log_setlogscreen(tlog.root, enable);

int tlog_write_log(char *buff, int bufflen)
    if (unlikely(tlog.root == NULL)) {
        return -1;

    return _tlog_write(tlog.root, buff, bufflen);

void tlog_logscreen(tlog_log *log, int enable)
    if (log == NULL) {

    _tlog_log_setlogscreen(log, enable);

int tlog_reg_output_func(tlog_log *log, tlog_output_func output)
    if (log == NULL) {
        return -1;

    if (output == NULL) {
        log->output_func = _tlog_write;
        return 0;

    log->output_func = output;

    return 0;

int tlog_reg_format_func(tlog_format_func callback)
    tlog_format = callback;
    return 0;

int tlog_reg_log_output_func(tlog_log_output_func output, void *private_data)
    tlog.output_func = output;
    tlog_set_private(tlog.root, private_data);
    return 0;

int tlog_setlevel(tlog_level level)
    if (level >= TLOG_END) {
        return -1;

    tlog_set_level = level;
    return 0;

tlog_level tlog_getlevel(void)
    return tlog_set_level;

void tlog_set_logfile(const char *logfile)
    tlog_rename_logfile(tlog.root, logfile);

tlog_log *tlog_open(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag)
    struct tlog_log *log = NULL;

    if (tlog.run == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "tlog is not initialized.");
        return NULL;

    log = (struct tlog_log *)malloc(sizeof(*log));
    if (log == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "malloc log failed.");
        return NULL;

    memset(log, 0, sizeof(*log));
    log->start = 0;
    log->end = 0;
    log->ext_end = 0;
    log->dropped = 0;
    log->buffsize = (buffsize > 0) ? buffsize : TLOG_BUFF_SIZE;
    log->logsize = (maxlogsize >= 0) ? maxlogsize : TLOG_LOG_SIZE;
    log->logcount = (maxlogcount > 0) ? maxlogcount : TLOG_LOG_COUNT;
    log->fd = -1;
    log->filesize = 0;
    log->zip_pid = -1;
    log->is_exit = 0;
    log->fail = 0;
    log->waiters = 0;
    log->block = ((flag & TLOG_NONBLOCK) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    log->nocompress = ((flag & TLOG_NOCOMPRESS) == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    log->logscreen = ((flag & TLOG_SCREEN) == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    log->multi_log = ((flag & TLOG_MULTI_WRITE) == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    log->segment_log = ((flag & TLOG_SEGMENT) == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    log->max_line_size = TLOG_MAX_LINE_LEN;
    log->output_func = _tlog_write;

    tlog_rename_logfile(log, logfile);
    if (log->nocompress) {
        strncpy(log->suffix, TLOG_SUFFIX_LOG, sizeof(log->suffix));
    } else {
        strncpy(log->suffix, TLOG_SUFFIX_GZ, sizeof(log->suffix));

    log->buff = (char *)malloc(log->buffsize);
    if (log->buff == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "malloc log buffer failed, %s\n", strerror(errno));
        goto errout;

    if (tlog.log == NULL) {
        tlog.log = log;
    } else {
        log->next = tlog.log;
        tlog.log = log;

    return log;

    if (log) {
        log = NULL;

    return NULL;

void tlog_close(tlog_log *log)
    if (log == NULL) {

    log->is_exit = 1;

void tlog_rename_logfile(struct tlog_log *log, const char *logfile)
    strncpy(log->pending_logfile, logfile, sizeof(log->pending_logfile) - 1);
    log->rename_pending = 1;

static void tlog_fork_prepare()
    if (tlog.root == NULL) {


static void tlog_fork_parent()
    if (tlog.root == NULL) {


static void tlog_fork_child()
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    tlog_log *next;
    if (tlog.root == NULL) {

    int ret = pthread_create(&tlog.tid, &attr, _tlog_work, NULL);
    if (ret != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "create tlog work thread failed, %s\n", strerror(errno));
        goto errout;

    goto out;
    next = tlog.log;
    while (next) {
        next->fail = 1;
        next = next->next;

int tlog_init(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    int ret;
    struct tlog_log *log = NULL;

    if (tlog_format != NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "tlog already initilized.\n");
        return -1;

    if (buffsize > 0 && buffsize < TLOG_MAX_LINE_SIZE_SET * 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "buffer size is invalid.\n");
        return -1;

    tlog_format = _tlog_format;

    memset(&tlog, 0, sizeof(tlog));
    tlog.is_wait = 0;

    pthread_cond_init(&tlog.cond, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&tlog.lock, NULL);
    tlog.run = 1;

    log = tlog_open(logfile, maxlogsize, maxlogcount, buffsize, flag);
    if (log == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "init tlog root failed.\n");
        goto errout;
    tlog_reg_output_func(log, _tlog_root_write_log);

    ret = pthread_create(&tlog.tid, &attr, _tlog_work, NULL);
    if (ret != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "create tlog work thread failed, %s\n", strerror(errno));
        goto errout;

    tlog.root = log;
    if (flag & TLOG_SUPPORT_FORK) {
        pthread_atfork(&tlog_fork_prepare, &tlog_fork_parent, &tlog_fork_child);
    return 0;
    if (tlog.tid > 0) {
        void *retval = NULL;
        tlog.run = 0;
        pthread_join(tlog.tid, &retval);

    tlog.run = 0;

    _tlog_close(log, 1);

    return -1;

void tlog_exit(void)
    if (tlog.tid > 0) {
        void *ret = NULL;
        tlog.run = 0;
        pthread_join(tlog.tid, &ret);

    tlog.root = NULL;
    while (tlog.log) {
        _tlog_close(tlog.log, 1);




 * tinylog
 * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Ruilin Peng (Nick) <pymumu@gmail.com>
 * https://github.com/pymumu/tinylog

#ifndef TLOG_H
#define TLOG_H
#include <stdarg.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
extern "C" {
#endif /*__cplusplus */

typedef enum {
    TLOG_DEBUG = 0,
    TLOG_INFO = 1,
    TLOG_NOTICE = 2,
    TLOG_WARN = 3,
    TLOG_ERROR = 4,
    TLOG_FATAL = 5,
    TLOG_END = 6
} tlog_level;

struct tlog_time {
    int year;
    unsigned int usec;
    unsigned char mon;
    unsigned char mday;
    unsigned char hour;
    unsigned char min;
    unsigned char sec;
} __attribute__((packed));

#define TLOG_MAX_LINE_LEN (1024)

/* set tlog not compress file when archive */
#define TLOG_NOCOMPRESS (1 << 0)

/* Set the segmentation mode to process the log, Used by the callback function to return a full log*/
#define TLOG_SEGMENT (1 << 1)

 multiwrite: enable multi process write mode.
            NOTICE: maxlogsize in all prcesses must be same when enable this mode.
#define TLOG_MULTI_WRITE (1 << 2)

/* Not Block if buffer is insufficient. */
#define TLOG_NONBLOCK (1 << 3)

/* enable log to screen */
#define TLOG_SCREEN (1 << 4)

/* enable suppport fork process */
#define TLOG_SUPPORT_FORK (1 << 5)

struct tlog_loginfo {
    tlog_level level;
    const char *file;
    const char *func;
    int line;
    struct tlog_time time;
} __attribute__((packed));

Function: Print log
level: Current log Levels
format: Log formats
#define tlog(level, format, ...) tlog_ext(level, BASE_FILE_NAME, __LINE__, __func__, NULL, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

extern int tlog_ext(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr, const char *format, ...)
    __attribute__((format(printf, 6, 7))) __attribute__((nonnull(6)));
extern int tlog_vext(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap);

/* write buff to log file */
extern int tlog_write_log(char *buff, int bufflen);

/* set log level */
extern int tlog_setlevel(tlog_level level);

/* get log level */
extern tlog_level tlog_getlevel(void);

/* set log file */
extern void tlog_set_logfile(const char *logfile);

/* enalbe log to screen */
extern void tlog_setlogscreen(int enable);

/* enalbe early log to screen */
extern void tlog_set_early_printf(int enable);

/* Get log level in string */
extern const char *tlog_get_level_string(tlog_level level);

Function: Initialize log module
logfile: log file.
maxlogsize: The maximum size of a single log file.
maxlogcount: Number of archived logs.
buffsize: Buffer size, zero for default (128K)
flag: read tlog flags
extern int tlog_init(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag);

/* flush pending log message, and exit tlog */
extern void tlog_exit(void);

customize log output format
1. define format function, function must be defined as tlog_format_func, use snprintf or vsnprintf format log to buffer
2. call tlog_reg_format_func to register format function.
read _tlog_format for example.
typedef int (*tlog_format_func)(char *buff, int maxlen, struct tlog_loginfo *info, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap);
extern int tlog_reg_format_func(tlog_format_func func);

/* register log output callback 
 Note: info is invalid when flag TLOG_SEGMENT is not set.
typedef int (*tlog_log_output_func)(struct tlog_loginfo *info, const char *buff, int bufflen, void *private_data);
extern int tlog_reg_log_output_func(tlog_log_output_func output, void *private_data);

struct tlog_log;
typedef struct tlog_log tlog_log;

/* get root log handler */
extern tlog_log *tlog_get_root();

Function: open a new log stream, handler should close by tlog_close
logfile: log file.
maxlogsize: The maximum size of a single log file.
maxlogcount: Number of archived logs.
buffsize: Buffer size, zero for default (128K)
flag: read tlog flags
return: log stream handler.
extern tlog_log *tlog_open(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag);

/* write buff to log file */
extern int tlog_write(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen);

/* close log stream */
extern void tlog_close(tlog_log *log);

/* change log file */
extern void tlog_rename_logfile(struct tlog_log *log, const char *logfile);

Function: Print log to log stream
log: log stream
format: Log formats
extern int tlog_printf(tlog_log *log, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) __attribute__((nonnull(1, 2)));

Function: Print log to log stream with ap
log: log stream
format: Log formats
va_list: args list
extern int tlog_vprintf(tlog_log *log, const char *format, va_list ap);

/* enalbe log to screen */
extern void tlog_logscreen(tlog_log *log, int enable);

/* register output callback */
typedef int (*tlog_output_func)(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen);
extern int tlog_reg_output_func(tlog_log *log, tlog_output_func output);

/* set private data */
extern void tlog_set_private(tlog_log *log, void *private_data);

/* get private data */
extern void *tlog_get_private(tlog_log *log);

/* get local time */
extern int tlog_localtime(struct tlog_time *tm);

/* set max line size */
extern void tlog_set_maxline_size(struct tlog_log *log, int size);

#ifdef __cplusplus
class Tlog {
    using Stream = std::ostringstream;
    using Buffer = std::unique_ptr<Stream, std::function<void(Stream *)>>;

    Tlog() { }
    ~Tlog() { }

    static Tlog &Instance()
        static Tlog logger;
        return logger;

    Buffer LogStream(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr)
        return Buffer(new Stream, [=](Stream *st) {
            tlog_ext(level, file, line, func, userptr, "%s", st->str().c_str());
            delete st;

class TlogOut {
    using Stream = std::ostringstream;
    using Buffer = std::unique_ptr<Stream, std::function<void(Stream *)>>;

    TlogOut() { }
    ~TlogOut() { }

    static TlogOut &Instance()
        static TlogOut logger;
        return logger;

    Buffer Out(tlog_log *log)
        return Buffer(new Stream, [=](Stream *st) {
            tlog_printf(log, "%s", st->str().c_str());
            delete st;

#define Tlog_logger (Tlog::Instance())
#define Tlog_stream(level)        \
    if (tlog_getlevel() <= level) \
    *Tlog_logger.LogStream(level, BASE_FILE_NAME, __LINE__, __func__, NULL)
#define tlog_debug Tlog_stream(TLOG_DEBUG)
#define tlog_info Tlog_stream(TLOG_INFO)
#define tlog_notice Tlog_stream(TLOG_NOTICE)
#define tlog_warn Tlog_stream(TLOG_WARN)
#define tlog_error Tlog_stream(TLOG_ERROR)
#define tlog_fatal Tlog_stream(TLOG_FATAL)

#define Tlog_out_logger (TlogOut::Instance())
#define tlog_out(stream) (*Tlog_out_logger.Out(stream))

} /*__cplusplus */
#define tlog_debug(...) tlog(TLOG_DEBUG, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define tlog_info(...) tlog(TLOG_INFO, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define tlog_notice(...) tlog(TLOG_NOTICE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define tlog_warn(...) tlog(TLOG_WARN, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define tlog_error(...) tlog(TLOG_ERROR, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define tlog_fatal(...) tlog(TLOG_FATAL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#endif // !TLOG_H


  * tinylog
  * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Ruilin Peng (Nick) <pymumu@gmail.com>
  * https://github.com/pymumu/tinylog
  #ifndef TLOG_H
  #define TLOG_H
  #include <stdarg.h>
  #ifdef __cplusplus
  #include <functional>
  #include <iostream>
  #include <memory>
  #include <sstream>
  #include <string>
  extern "C" {
  #endif /*__cplusplus */
  typedef enum {
  TLOG_INFO = 1,
  TLOG_WARN = 3,
  TLOG_END = 6
  } tlog_level;
  struct tlog_time {
  int year;
  unsigned int usec;
  unsigned char mon;
  unsigned char mday;
  unsigned char hour;
  unsigned char min;
  unsigned char sec;
  } __attribute__((packed));
  #define TLOG_MAX_LINE_LEN (1024)
  /* set tlog not compress file when archive */
  #define TLOG_NOCOMPRESS (1 << 0)
  /* Set the segmentation mode to process the log, Used by the callback function to return a full log*/
  #define TLOG_SEGMENT (1 << 1)
  multiwrite: enable multi process write mode.
  NOTICE: maxlogsize in all prcesses must be same when enable this mode.
  #define TLOG_MULTI_WRITE (1 << 2)
  /* Not Block if buffer is insufficient. */
  #define TLOG_NONBLOCK (1 << 3)
  /* enable log to screen */
  #define TLOG_SCREEN (1 << 4)
  /* enable suppport fork process */
  #define TLOG_SUPPORT_FORK (1 << 5)
  struct tlog_loginfo {
  tlog_level level;
  const char *file;
  const char *func;
  int line;
  struct tlog_time time;
  } __attribute__((packed));
  Function: Print log
  level: Current log Levels
  format: Log formats
  #ifndef BASE_FILE_NAME
  #define BASE_FILE_NAME __FILE__
  #define tlog(level, format, ...) tlog_ext(level, BASE_FILE_NAME, __LINE__, __func__, NULL, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  extern int tlog_ext(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr, const char *format, ...)
  __attribute__((format(printf, 6, 7))) __attribute__((nonnull(6)));
  extern int tlog_vext(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap);
  /* write buff to log file */
  extern int tlog_write_log(char *buff, int bufflen);
  /* set log level */
  extern int tlog_setlevel(tlog_level level);
  /* get log level */
  extern tlog_level tlog_getlevel(void);
  /* set log file */
  extern void tlog_set_logfile(const char *logfile);
  /* enalbe log to screen */
  extern void tlog_setlogscreen(int enable);
  /* enalbe early log to screen */
  extern void tlog_set_early_printf(int enable);
  /* Get log level in string */
  extern const char *tlog_get_level_string(tlog_level level);
  Function: Initialize log module
  logfile: log file.
  maxlogsize: The maximum size of a single log file.
  maxlogcount: Number of archived logs.
  buffsize: Buffer size, zero for default (128K)
  flag: read tlog flags
  extern int tlog_init(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag);
  /* flush pending log message, and exit tlog */
  extern void tlog_exit(void);
  customize log output format
  1. define format function, function must be defined as tlog_format_func, use snprintf or vsnprintf format log to buffer
  2. call tlog_reg_format_func to register format function.
  read _tlog_format for example.
  typedef int (*tlog_format_func)(char *buff, int maxlen, struct tlog_loginfo *info, void *userptr, const char *format, va_list ap);
  extern int tlog_reg_format_func(tlog_format_func func);
  /* register log output callback
  Note: info is invalid when flag TLOG_SEGMENT is not set.
  typedef int (*tlog_log_output_func)(struct tlog_loginfo *info, const char *buff, int bufflen, void *private_data);
  extern int tlog_reg_log_output_func(tlog_log_output_func output, void *private_data);
  struct tlog_log;
  typedef struct tlog_log tlog_log;
  /* get root log handler */
  extern tlog_log *tlog_get_root();
  Function: open a new log stream, handler should close by tlog_close
  logfile: log file.
  maxlogsize: The maximum size of a single log file.
  maxlogcount: Number of archived logs.
  buffsize: Buffer size, zero for default (128K)
  flag: read tlog flags
  return: log stream handler.
  extern tlog_log *tlog_open(const char *logfile, int maxlogsize, int maxlogcount, int buffsize, unsigned int flag);
  /* write buff to log file */
  extern int tlog_write(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen);
  /* close log stream */
  extern void tlog_close(tlog_log *log);
  /* change log file */
  extern void tlog_rename_logfile(struct tlog_log *log, const char *logfile);
  Function: Print log to log stream
  log: log stream
  format: Log formats
  extern int tlog_printf(tlog_log *log, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) __attribute__((nonnull(1, 2)));
  Function: Print log to log stream with ap
  log: log stream
  format: Log formats
  va_list: args list
  extern int tlog_vprintf(tlog_log *log, const char *format, va_list ap);
  /* enalbe log to screen */
  extern void tlog_logscreen(tlog_log *log, int enable);
  /* register output callback */
  typedef int (*tlog_output_func)(struct tlog_log *log, const char *buff, int bufflen);
  extern int tlog_reg_output_func(tlog_log *log, tlog_output_func output);
  /* set private data */
  extern void tlog_set_private(tlog_log *log, void *private_data);
  /* get private data */
  extern void *tlog_get_private(tlog_log *log);
  /* get local time */
  extern int tlog_localtime(struct tlog_time *tm);
  /* set max line size */
  extern void tlog_set_maxline_size(struct tlog_log *log, int size);
  #ifdef __cplusplus
  class Tlog {
  using Stream = std::ostringstream;
  using Buffer = std::unique_ptr<Stream, std::function<void(Stream *)>>;
  Tlog() { }
  ~Tlog() { }
  static Tlog &Instance()
  static Tlog logger;
  return logger;
  Buffer LogStream(tlog_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, void *userptr)
  return Buffer(new Stream, [=](Stream *st) {
  tlog_ext(level, file, line, func, userptr, "%s", st->str().c_str());
  delete st;
  class TlogOut {
  using Stream = std::ostringstream;
  using Buffer = std::unique_ptr<Stream, std::function<void(Stream *)>>;
  TlogOut() { }
  ~TlogOut() { }
  static TlogOut &Instance()
  static TlogOut logger;
  return logger;
  Buffer Out(tlog_log *log)
  return Buffer(new Stream, [=](Stream *st) {
  tlog_printf(log, "%s", st->str().c_str());
  delete st;
  #define Tlog_logger (Tlog::Instance())
  #define Tlog_stream(level) \
  if (tlog_getlevel() <= level) \
  *Tlog_logger.LogStream(level, BASE_FILE_NAME, __LINE__, __func__, NULL)
  #define tlog_debug Tlog_stream(TLOG_DEBUG)
  #define tlog_info Tlog_stream(TLOG_INFO)
  #define tlog_notice Tlog_stream(TLOG_NOTICE)
  #define tlog_warn Tlog_stream(TLOG_WARN)
  #define tlog_error Tlog_stream(TLOG_ERROR)
  #define tlog_fatal Tlog_stream(TLOG_FATAL)
  #define Tlog_out_logger (TlogOut::Instance())
  #define tlog_out(stream) (*Tlog_out_logger.Out(stream))
  } /*__cplusplus */
  #define tlog_debug(...) tlog(TLOG_DEBUG, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  #define tlog_info(...) tlog(TLOG_INFO, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  #define tlog_notice(...) tlog(TLOG_NOTICE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  #define tlog_warn(...) tlog(TLOG_WARN, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  #define tlog_error(...) tlog(TLOG_ERROR, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  #define tlog_fatal(...) tlog(TLOG_FATAL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  #endif // !TLOG_H
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