Keep Healthy

The speech given on June 23th, 2010. It's not good from my opinion.


Keep Healthy


Good afternoon, everyone.

I'm very glad to be here to give my first speech on Toastmaster stage.

At the same time, I'm very nervous because just only a girl named Jessica is standing on the stage and most of you are looking at her.

Ok, please give me a little time to introduce Jessica to you before the speech start.

I am Jessica and I come from IVS. My Chinese name is Wanghui. My father named me hui, he hoped that I could be a person with wide wisdom. Actually I can't say I'm a smart person but I can say that I'm a healthy one. I am healthy in physically and mentality.

So today's speech starts now-- Keep healthy!

First we can see a period of time from the word “keep''.

What can we get from the word “healthy''? From my opinion, ''healthy'' means robust body/ sunshine/activated action/ smiling faces and etc. I'd like to say that any words with positive meanings can stand for healthy.

Keep Healthy is a process; during this process you will feel happy, satisfied and hopeful.

Today I don't want to take much time on talking about how to keep our body healthy. I'd like to tell you something about how to keep our mentality healthy. 

Mental health is being more and more important, partly entered people's daily schedule. Many people are studying how to keep mental health nowadays. Of course the study is necessary. Actually there are a lot of ways to keep mentality healthy.  The following 3 ways are from my experiences and they really do work. I want to share them with you. 

First of all is to keep moods steady.

You know there are too many reasons to make us lose our tempers in daily life.  We are human; we have feelings; in some situation we cannot control ourselves for anger, worry, and sadness and so on. Keeping these uncomfortable feelings inside takes extra energy and also can cause problems in our relationship at work or school. So when I meet this situation I try to express my feelings in appropriate ways and try to understand others.

Now I can give an example. One day, after a hard-working day I finally got on the bus with tired body. But the ticket seller was so rude to me and shouted at me with bad temper ''Buy ticket! Buy ticket!'' oh, my god. The voice was so loud and she was so impolite. I got angry at that time but I am a polite person so I did not shout at her. I bought the ticket unhappily. The whole thing made me uncomfortable.

But how did I make myself comfortable soon? Then I typed a message to my hubby with the content '' I met a very rude woman in the bus, she made me unhappy, please prepare a joke for me when I get home''. Then I stared at the ticket seller, she was not young and she had no expression in her face. I said inside ''oh, she must be very jealous of my youth and my dress and my beauty''. After that I felt better. But at last I forgave her because I thought that as a ticket seller she had to deal with so many tickets stuff everyday and she was also very exhausted after one day work. She was more tired than me at that time. Maybe she was not in good mood at that time. So after a while, I was calm again.

So when you meet such situations you just need to express your feelings in appropriate ways and try to understand others from his side, remember don't keep unhappy for long time.


Secondly, don't impose too much on yourself or others. Don't care too much about your obtaining or loss. We don't know which day is our last day in the world. Maybe 2012 is the last year, who knows. As we all know, someone often compares himself or herself with others, which will make him or her be more happy or more sad. I don't do that, I just compare now Jessica with yesterday's Jessica. I often tell myself that you should keep learning from anything and anybody. So I often feel happy because now Jessica is better than previous one. This attitude is healthy, right?

Third way is to find a hobby or interest to release the stress.

We are not superman or superwoman, we don't have special power to control everything. We don't have enough confidence and ability to complete the work as schedule; we need to learn new technology for the serious competition, so the stress comes.

How to release the stress and relax ourselves? I often tell my friend that you don't need to work in weekends because you are not the BOSS. We have our own life; we should take more time to focus on family and ourselves.

But if you are a person with so much responsibility, you think about the company like a BOSS and you can't stop yourself from worrying. Now you need to find a hobby or interest. When you spend time on your hobby or interest, you will not think of the working stuff or the project's issues. Meanwhile you can get more fun and relaxation from it.

For example, Every Saturday morning, I do one-hour jogging along the river. Listening my favorite songs, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the sweating, what a wonderful morning to me! I really love it. Nowadays I am learning playing Ping bang, which is another interest for me. So I will spend some time in weekend to practice it and during that time I don't think of anything of the work, I just focus on the Pingbang ball.


At last, I think there are so many ways to keep our mentality healthy and to keep us live happily. So just try to find the best ways for you. Ok, everybody, let's enjoy our life from now on and let's keep healthy all the time!

That's all, thank you.



The evaluation team gives advices after the speech: 

  1. Time control problem:

I did not finish all my speech in the limited time. When the red card shows, I should start to conclude my speech, not continue the left speech.

  1. Pay attention to the gesture.

I could exaggerate a little of my gesture or my expression.

  1. Duplicated words:

Make me angry.


posted @ 2010-07-01 12:28  Jessica's World  阅读(1538)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报