[Full-stack] 前端框架鼻祖 - React.js
[1] 博客笔记结合《React快速上手开发》再次系统地、全面地走一遍。
[2] React JS Tutorials:包含了JS --> React --> Redux --> Mobx
[3] 重新学习,不得不学:【尚硅谷】2021 React全家桶【React17】
HTML, CSS, JS 等基础知识 |
高级一点儿的语法 |
可以开始看React |
尽量过一遍并实战 |
有能力系统系统学习React 17 |
有了之前的Django基础,现在也有了React基础,现进入冲刺阶段 |
React, Next.js, NextUI, TypeScript, Django, AWS |
The platform is already operational and making an impact in the field. Mission objectives: Construct and maintain their exceptional, scaling development platform using Next.js, React.js, Node.js, and TypeScript Operate with Figma and Chakra UI to create agent-friendly interfaces and superior user experiences Utilize GraphQL Code Generator, Apollo GraphQL, and Hasura to construct powerful APIs and data models Utilize Prisma and PostgreSQL for database management and to optimize data retrieval and storage Develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions and utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS) to manage serverless architectures Implement GraphQL to streamline data querying and mutation processes Agent requirements: An experienced operative in Software Engineering Proven experience in Full Stack development, with a focus on generative AI/ML Proficiency in Next.js, React.js, Node.js, TypeScript, and GraphQL Experience with Figma, Chakra UI, Apollo GraphQL, Hasura, Prisma, PostgreSQL, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Ability to operate independently and as part of a team
The platform is already operational and making an impact in the field. Mission objectives: Construct and maintain their exceptional, scaling development platform using Next.js, React.js, Node.js, and TypeScript Operate with Figma and Chakra UI to create agent-friendly interfaces and superior user experiences Utilize GraphQL Code Generator, Apollo GraphQL, and Hasura to construct powerful APIs and data models Utilize Prisma and PostgreSQL for database management and to optimize data retrieval and storage Develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions and utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS) to manage serverless architectures Implement GraphQL to streamline data querying and mutation processes Agent requirements: An experienced operative in Software Engineering Proven experience in Front End development, with a focus on generative AI/ML Proficiency in Next.js, React.js, Node.js, TypeScript, and GraphQL Experience with Figma, Chakra UI, Apollo GraphQL, Hasura, Prisma, PostgreSQL, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Ability to operate independently and as part of a team
Doc: React Tutorial 文档
[ts] Advanced Basic [JS TS 语法基础]
[React] Review, 讲解了基本的组件用法。
[React] 09 - Tutorial: components [结合小马技术重新整理下组件的高级知识点]
[React] 08 - Tutorial: evolution of code-behind
[React] 01 - Intro: javaScript library for building user interfaces
[React] 02 - Intro: react component and Design pattern
[React] 03 - Intro: react.js in twelve demos
[React] 04 - Intro: MongoDB becomes popular
[React] 05 - Route: connect with ExpressJS 【Nodejs + Express + MongoDB 基础篇】
[React] 10 - Tutorial: router [前端路由]
[React] Hook - extension & optimization [类组件 to 函数组件]
[React] 11 - Redux: review [入门部分]
[React] 13 - Redux: react-redux [高级部分]
[React] 12 - Redux: async & middleware, container component [after 13,高级部分,逻辑与UI分离]
[React] 14 - Redux: add more components [Create a new project]