[Kubeflow] 02 - Standalone Mode

Ref: Kubeflow Pipelines standalone

  其实我关心的是:Local Deployment

Release Schedule

The full Kubeflow is released quarterly. It has a significant delay in receiving Kubeflow Pipelines updates.
Kubeflow VersionKubeflow Pipelines Version
0.7.0 0.1.31
1.0.0 0.2.0
1.0.2 0.2.5
1.1.0 1.0.0
1.2.0 1.0.4
1.3.0 1.5.0
1.4.0 1.7.0

Note: Google Cloud, AWS, and IBM Cloud have supported Kubeflow Pipelines 1.0.0 with multi-user separation. Other platforms might not be up-to-date for now, refer to this GitHub issue for status.


kind, K3s, K3ai

Ref: [K8S] 01 - MiniKube or K3S

Information about local Deployment of Kubeflow Pipelines (kind, K3s, K3ai)

This guide shows how to deploy Kubeflow Pipelines standalone on a local Kubernetes cluster using:

    • kind
    • K3s
    • K3s on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
    • K3ai [alpha]


注意:两者都是为了方便测试 kubernetes 集群,切不可用于生产环境。所以造成SaaS还是得用SageMaker等cloud solution。

Kind 顾名思义 Kubernetes in docker,是一个使用 docker 容器在本地运行 Kubernetes 集群的工具。其本身就是为了测试 Kubernetes 而设计,所以天生就和 CI 紧密关联,广泛应用于各种云原生项目的 CI 中,同时因为其可以快速拉起集群和操作简单,深受开发者喜爱,可谓是“有 Kind 不思 Minikube”。

Kind 使用 kubeadm 进行集群的创建,内部使用 containerd 运行组件容器,可以通过指定配置文件 config.yaml 来拉起相应配置的集群,支持多节点集群,同时也可以把本地的镜像加载到集群中,实现测试镜像无需上传镜像仓库的功能。并且之前国内拉取不到镜像的问题已经解决,直接在 dockerhub 拉取 kindest/node 镜像,镜像中均已包含创建 Kubernetes 集群所需的全部资源,无需再额外下载。


Ref: 使用Kubeflow Pipelines






MiniKF? Kubeflow on kinD.

A fast and easy way to deploy Kubeflow on your laptop

Ref: https://v0-6.kubeflow.org/docs/other-guides/virtual-dev/getting-started-minikf/

Ref: Installing Kubeflow Locally with MiniKF and Vagrant

Ref: 带你玩转kubeflow on Kind:使用安装教程【实践出真知】

Ref: End-to-end Kubeflow installation on your personal computer with Kind【实践出真知】

Ref: How to run Kubernetes locally with Kind

Ref: How to run local multi-node Kubernetes clusters using kind


安装 Go

安装 Docker

安装 Kubectl

安装 Kind

安装 Kubeflow




MicroK8S,Ubuntu 自家的孩子

Ref: https://microk8s.io/?ref=thechiefio

Install: https://charmed-kubeflow.io/docs/install 


$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

Ref: Fixing - connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused-did you specify the right host or port?

提供了一点提示。 还是下面的更有效果。



Ref: 使用二进制方式安装 K8S 时使用 kubectl 命令报错:The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused -...

microk8s config > ~/.kube/config


Ref: MicroK8s basics: MicroK8s installation & simple commands

Addon中没有看到 kubeflow。

$ microk8s.enable kubeflow
Addon kubeflow was not found in any repository

$ microk8s.status
microk8s is running
high-availability: no
datastore master nodes:
datastore standby nodes: none
ha-cluster # (core) Configure high availability on the current node
community # (core) The community addons repository
dashboard # (core) The Kubernetes dashboard
dns # (core) CoreDNS
gpu # (core) Automatic enablement of Nvidia CUDA
helm # (core) Helm 2 - the package manager for Kubernetes
helm3 # (core) Helm 3 - Kubernetes package manager
host-access # (core) Allow Pods connecting to Host services smoothly
hostpath-storage # (core) Storage class; allocates storage from host directory
ingress # (core) Ingress controller for external access
mayastor # (core) OpenEBS MayaStor
metallb # (core) Loadbalancer for your Kubernetes cluster
metrics-server # (core) K8s Metrics Server for API access to service metrics
prometheus # (core) Prometheus operator for monitoring and logging
rbac # (core) Role-Based Access Control for authorisation
registry # (core) Private image registry exposed on localhost:32000
storage # (core) Alias to hostpath-storage add-on, deprecated
View Code

Ref: Add-on: Kubeflow

Note: The add-on to install Kubeflow is no longer the recommended way to get up and running. Instead there is a complete end-to-end tutorial on deploying Kubeflow on MicroK8s now published in the Charmed Kubeflow documentation.









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