Oracle项目OBIEE11G ---结构和加载


Oracle Business Intelligence Logical Architecture.JPG


  WeblogicDomain 是BIEE的发布容器,同时为了支持第三方开发集成了J2EE的模块,

其中可以看到 其中的 RTD (实时决策,我没有搞懂),BIPublisher,ActionService, Action Framework Service, BI SAW Bridge Plugin,BI Office这些 使应用更加灵活 。

  SystemComponents(BI Instance) 是BI同DataWareHouse 的接口。 其中


   OPMN 估计也就是同RCU 中的那些 Schema的接口。



Typical Oracle Business Intelligence Directory Structure.JPG

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■ wlserver_10.3: The WebLogic Server home, which contains Java components,
one Administration Server, and one or more Managed Servers.
■ user_projects: The User Projects directory, which contains product domains,
including one or more Oracle Business Intelligence domains.
■ Oracle_BI1: The Oracle home, which contains all the binary files (read-only) that
are specific to Oracle Business Intelligence.

Middleware Home         \\yourbihome    (for example) Top level location for installation
BI Oracle Home                 \\yourbihome\Oracle_BI1 Contains core Oracle BI components and template files used by the configuration phase of the install process
Common Oracle Home         \\yourbihome\Oracle_Common Contains general Oracle files
WebLogic Server                 \\yourbihome\wlserver_10.3 Contains the Oracle WebLogic Server binaries
BI WebLogic Domain        \\yourbihome\user_projects\domains\                                 bifoundation_domain Contains the WebLogic Admin and Managed Servers that host the Oracle J2EE components
Instance Home                \\yourbihome\instances\instance1 Contains subdirectories that hold the Oracle BI system components, OPMN control, configuration files (e.g. NQSConfig.INI and instanceconfig.xml), RPD, Webcat and diagnostic logfiles. In this case, the name of the instance is ‘instance1’。


   {instance_home}//bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreappliation_obips1\catalog 中。


 还有一些RPD 文件的位置也在bifoundation 的目录下。






   2.启动Weblogic Node Manager



    {MW_HOME}/instance/instances1/bin/opmnctl startall

  启动所有的OBIEE使用的核心服务,其中主要有,BI Server,BI JAVAHOSTSERVER,BI PRESENTATIONServer 这几个服务尤其重要。


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posted @ 2012-08-17 16:04  jerry_xing8  阅读(1503)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报