Delphi - 操作Excel数据公式的实现
procedure TF_SMP_FT_NEW.RzBitBtn_StartToChangeClick(Sender: TObject); var i, j, ni, nj, iRows, iCol, iCol_flag: Integer; T_DATE, T_LC, T_CP, T_FN, T_Row_Flag, T_sl, Data_Flag, New_Path_Flag, Warning_Flag: string; ApplicationSheet: variant; nArr: array[0..5] of Integer; mArr: array[0..4] of Integer; begin if RzOpenDialog1.FileName <> '' then begin RzEdit_Status.Text := '文件正在被转换,请稍后!'; if RzEdit_FileName.Text <> '' then begin try ApplicationSheet := Createoleobject('Excel.Application'); //创建工作表 ApplicationSheet.Visible := false; //Excel不可见 ApplicationSheet.Workbooks.Open(RzOpenDialog1.FileName); //打开Excel并且导入文件 ApplicationSheet.WorkSheets[1].activate; //设置第一页当前页 New_Path_Flag := 'C:\Temp\' +'EX_'+ RzEdit_FileName.Text; Warning_Flag := '文件已保存到:C:\temp\'+'EX_'+ RzEdit_FileName.Text +#13+ '请注意查看!谢谢'; //Operating the sheet. T_DATE := ApplicationSheet.Cells[4, 9].Value; //缓存日期 for i := 41 to 50 do begin if ApplicationSheet.Cells[14, i].Value = '' then begin if ApplicationSheet.Cells[14, i - 2].Value <> '' then begin T_Row_Flag := ApplicationSheet.Cells[14, i - 2].Value; //列数标记 end; end; end; T_sl := StringReplace(T_Row_Flag, 'T', '', [rfReplaceAll]); iCol_flag := StrToInt(T_sl) + 2; //列数 j := StrToInt(T_sl) + 3; for i := 4 to j do begin ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Columns[i].Delete; //把空白的列删除掉 end; //asheet.Cells[16, 1].Value := 'Limit'; //先把格式规范化 ApplicationSheet.Cells[17, 1].Value := 'Bias1'; //先把格式规范化 ApplicationSheet.Cells[18, 1].Value := 'Bias2'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[19, 1].Value := 'Bias3'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[22, 1].Value := 'Min Limit'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[23, 1].Value := 'Max Limit'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[24, 1].Value := 'Average'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[25, 1].Value := 'STDEV'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[26, 1].Value := 'Min Data'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[27, 1].Value := 'Max Data'; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[32].Delete; //行的处理:从下向上 for i := 1 to 2 do begin ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[28].Delete; end; ApplicationSheet.Cells[29, 1].Value := 'Serial#'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[29, 2].Value := 'Bin#'; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[20].Delete; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[20].Delete; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[14].Delete; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[14].Delete; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[14].Delete; for i := 1 to 7 do begin ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows[4].Delete; end; ApplicationSheet.Cells[1, 1].Value := 'LotCode'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[1, 2].Value := ''; ApplicationSheet.Cells[1, 3].Value := 'CUSTOMER_Production'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[1, 4].Value := 'TestFileName'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[5, 1].Value := 'Parameter'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[5, 2].Value := ''; ApplicationSheet.Cells[6, 1].Value := 'Unit'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[6, 2].Value := ''; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Range['A2:E4'].Value := ''; ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Range['A16:E16'].Value := ''; T_FN := RzEdit_FileName.Text; T_CP := Copy(T_FN, Pos('_', T_FN) + 1, 50); T_CP := Copy(T_CP, 1, Pos('_', T_CP) - 1); //产品名称 T_LC := Copy(T_FN, 1, Pos('_', T_FN) - 1); //周记 ApplicationSheet.Cells[2, 1].Value := T_LC; ApplicationSheet.Cells[2, 3].Value := T_CP; ApplicationSheet.Cells[2, 4].Value := RzEdit_FileName.Text; OraQuery_Tmp.Close; OraQuery_Tmp.Open; Oraquery_Tmp.First; i := 3; while not Oraquery_Tmp.Eof do begin ApplicationSheet.Cells[5, i].Value := Oraquery_Tmp.FieldByName('CGCS').AsString; ApplicationSheet.Cells[6, i].Value := Oraquery_Tmp.FieldByName('CGDW').AsString; ApplicationSheet.Cells[10, i].Value := Oraquery_Tmp.FieldByName('MinLimit').AsString; ApplicationSheet.Cells[11, i].Value := Oraquery_Tmp.FieldByName('MaxLimit').AsString; i := i + 1; Oraquery_Tmp.Next; end; //修改时间:20140924 //增加功能:单位进一步转换达到测试要求 iRows := 100; //从100行开始 Data_Flag := ApplicationSheet.Cells[iRows, 3].Value; while Data_Flag <> '' do begin iRows := iRows + 1; Data_Flag := ApplicationSheet.Cells[iRows, 3].Value; end; iRows := iRows - 1; //计算行数 OraQuery_Tmp.Close; OraQuery_Tmp.Open; Oraquery_Tmp.First; i := 0; while not Oraquery_Tmp.Eof do begin mArr[i] := Oraquery_Tmp.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger + 2; i := i + 1; Oraquery_Tmp.Next; end; ni := i - 1; for iCol := 0 to ni do begin for i := 18 to iRows do begin Data_Flag := ApplicationSheet.Cells[i, mArr[iCol]].Value; if Data_Flag = 'Untested' then begin Continue; end else begin ApplicationSheet.Cells[i, mArr[iCol]].Value := ApplicationSheet.Cells[i, mArr[iCol]].Value * 1000; end; end; end; OraQuery_Tmp.Close; OraQuery_Tmp.Open; Oraquery_Tmp.First; j := 0; while not Oraquery_Tmp.Eof do begin nArr[j] := Oraquery_Tmp.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger + 2; j := j + 1; Oraquery_Tmp.Next; end; nj := j - 1; for iCol := 0 to nj do begin for i := 18 to iRows do begin Data_Flag := ApplicationSheet.Cells[i, nArr[iCol]].Value; if Data_Flag = 'Untested' then begin Continue; end else begin ApplicationSheet.Cells[i, nArr[iCol]].Value := ApplicationSheet.Cells[i, nArr[iCol]].Value * 1000000000; end; end; end; //修改时间:2014-12-16 //公式的实现 for j := iCol_flag downto 3 do begin ApplicationSheet.Cells[12, j].Value := '=AVERAGE(' + INDEX(18, j) + ':' + INDEX(iRows, j) + ')'; //Average ApplicationSheet.Cells[13, j].Value := '=STDEVP(' + INDEX(18, j) + ':' + INDEX(iRows, j) + ')'; //STDEVP ApplicationSheet.Cells[14, j].Value := '=MIN(' + INDEX(18, j) + ':' + INDEX(iRows, j) + ')'; //MinDate ApplicationSheet.Cells[15, j].Value := '=MAX(' + INDEX(18, j) + ':' + INDEX(iRows, j) + ')'; //MaxDate end; //修改时间:2014-10-24 //删除相同栏位,满足客户要求 //测试程序 for i := iCol_flag downto 3 do begin Data_Flag := ApplicationSheet.Cells[5, i].Value; if Data_Flag = 'N/A' then begin ApplicationSheet.ActiveSheet.Columns[i].Delete; end; end; ApplicationSheet.Cells[1, 5].Value := 'DATE'; ApplicationSheet.Cells[1, 6].Value := 'TEST TIME'; ApplicationSheet.WorkSheets[1].Columns.NumberFormatLocal := 'G/通用格式'; //格式设置 ApplicationSheet.Cells[2, 5].Value := T_DATE; ApplicationSheet.Cells.Item[2, 5].NumberFormatLocal := 'YYYYMMDD'; ApplicationSheet.DisplayAlerts := False; //不显示保存替换对话框 ApplicationSheet.WorkBooks[1].SaveAs(New_Path_Flag); ApplicationSheet.activeWorkBook.saved := True; //忽略保存 except ApplicationSheet.Workbooks[1].close(True); end; ApplicationSheet.Workbooks[1].close(True); RzEdit_Status.Text := '文件已转换完成!'; Application.MessageBox('文件已转换完成!', '提示', 0 + mb_iconinformation); ShowMessage(Warning_Flag); end; end else begin Application.MessageBox(' 请您先打开要操作的文件!', '提示', 0 + mb_iconinformation); Abort; end; end; end.
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