python3.x 基础四:json与pickple
- 每次打开一个文件,只dump1次
- json.dump(dump的内容,文件句柄)
- json.load(文件句柄)
- json可以处理列表/字典/字符串等简单数据类型,但是不能处理复杂的数据类型,如函数的内存地址
- 不同语言间都可以用json文件
import json dict1={'name':'alex','age':22,'salary':1000} print('dict is %s\ndumping dict to file...' % (dict1)) fd = open('fd.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') # with open('fd.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as fd: # json.dump(dict1,fd) dict2={'name':'oldboy','age':32,'salary':2000} # with open('fd.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as fd: # json.dump(dict2,fd) json.dump(dict1,fd) fd.close() # json.dump(dict2,fd) fd = open('fd.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') print('load content from file...') print(json.load(fd)) fd.close()
dict is {'age': 22, 'salary': 1000, 'name': 'alex'}
dumping dict to file...
load content from file...
{'age': 22, 'salary': 1000, 'name': 'alex'}
dumping dict to file...
import json dict1={} def func(): print('in the func') dict1['name']=func fd = open('fdw.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') print('dumping dict to file...' % (dict1)) json.dumps(dict1,fd) fd.close()
TypeError: <function func at 0x7f0828c68488> is not JSON serializable
- pickle能处理python所有的数据类型
import pickle dict1={} def func(): print('in the func') dict1['name']=func fd = open('fdw.txt','wb') print('dumping dict to file... %s' % (dict1)) pickle.dump(dict1,fd) fd.close() fd = open('fdw.txt','rb') print(pickle.load(fd)) fd.close()
dumping dict to file... {'name': <function func at 0x7fa1904d4488>}
{'name': <function func at 0x7fa1904d4488>}
dumps(obj, *, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, **kw)
Serialize ``obj`` to a JSON formatted ``str``.
- 将一个对象转换成json格式的字符串
loads(s, *, encoding=None, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None, **kw)
Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str``, ``bytes`` or ``bytearray`` instance
containing a JSON document) to a Python object.
- 将一个json格式的对象反序列成python对象
import json l1 = ["alex", 123, "eric"] l2 = ["alex", 123, 'eric'] s1 = """ ["alex", 123, "eric"] """ s2 = """ ["alex", 123, 'eric'] """ print(json.dumps(l1),type(json.dumps(l1))) # list to str print(json.dumps(l2),type(json.dumps(l2))) # list to str print(json.dumps(s1),type(json.dumps(s1))) # still str print(json.dumps(s2),type(json.dumps(s2))) # still str # 四个正确 # print(json.loads(l1)) # json格式需要字符串,这是列表 # print(json.loads(l2)) # 同上 print(json.loads(s1),type(json.loads(s1))) # str to list,json格式需要双引号 # print(json.loads(s2)) # 格式错误,有单引号 dict1={} dict1["name"]="xxx" print(json.dumps(dict1),type(json.dumps(dict1))) # str1='''dict1["name"]="xxx"''' # print(json.loads(str)) l = ['iplaypython', [1, 2, 3], {'name':'xiaoming'}] encoded_json = json.dumps(l) print(encoded_json,type(encoded_json)) decode_json = json.loads(encoded_json) print(decode_json,type(decode_json))
["alex", 123, "eric"] <class 'str'>
["alex", 123, "eric"] <class 'str'>
" [\"alex\", 123, \"eric\"] " <class 'str'>
" [\"alex\", 123, 'eric'] " <class 'str'>
['alex', 123, 'eric'] <class 'list'>
{"name": "xxx"} <class 'str'>
["iplaypython", [1, 2, 3], {"name": "xiaoming"}] <class 'str'>
['iplaypython', [1, 2, 3], {'name': 'xiaoming'}] <class 'list'>