Oracle EBS GL 创建会计科目

   SELECT ct.trx_number
      ,fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', gcc.chart_of_accounts_id, l.code_combination_id) account_number
                                                ,l.code_combination_id) account_description
  FROM xla_ae_headers               h  --子分类帐头
      ,xla_ae_lines                 l  --子分类帐行
      ,xla_events                   e  --子分类帐表
      ,xla.xla_transaction_entities te --会计分录和事务处理关联的表
      ,ra_customer_trx_all          ct
      ,gl_code_combinations         gcc
 WHERE h.application_id = l.application_id
   AND h.ae_header_id = l.ae_header_id
   AND h.application_id = e.application_id
   AND h.event_id = e.event_id
   AND h.application_id = te.application_id
   AND h.entity_id = te.entity_id
   AND gcc.code_combination_id = l.code_combination_id
   AND te.application_id = 222
   AND te.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS'
   AND nvl(te.source_id_int_1, (-99)) = ct.customer_trx_id;


posted on 2018-11-23 14:21  Jenrry  阅读(2337)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报