-- 通过聚集函数count
select sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age from Student sd,StudentTakeCourses stc
where sd.Tid=stc.Sid
group by sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age
having count(*)>=2
select * from Student where Tid in
(select stca.sid from StudentTakeCourses stca,StudentTakeCourses stcb
where stca.sid=stcb.sid and stca.cid>stcb.cid
) 问题(7):找到同时选取sqlserver和mysql课程的学生。
-- 通过聚集函数count
select sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age from Student sd,StudentTakeCourses stc
where sd.Tid=stc.Sid
and stc.cid in (select tid from Course where name='Sql Server' or name='My Sql')
group by sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age
having count(stc.cid) >=2
-- 通过聚集函数min和max
select sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age from Student sd,StudentTakeCourses stc
where sd.Tid=stc.Sid
and stc.cid in (select tid from Course where name='Sql Server' or name='My Sql')
group by sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age
having min(stc.cid) <>max(stc.cid)
select sd.* from Student sd,StudentTakeCourses stca,StudentTakeCourses stcb
where sd.Tid=stca.sid and stca.sid=stcb.sid
and stca.cid =(select tid from Course where name='Sql Server')
and stcb.cid=(select tid from Course where name='My Sql')
-- 通过聚集函数count
select sd.* from Student sd
where 2<=(select count(*) from Student sd1 where sd1.age<sd.age)
select distinct sd.* from Student sd,Student sd1,Student sd2
where sd.age>sd1.age and sd1.age>sd2.age 4.回答有关“准确”的问题
-- 通过聚集函数count
select pf.* from Professor pf,ProfessorTeachCourses ptc
where pf.Tid=ptc.pid
group by pf.Tid,pf.Name,pf.Dept,pf.Salary,pf.Age
having count(*)=1
select pf.* from Professor pf,ProfessorTeachCourses ptc
where pf.Tid=ptc.pid
and pf.Tid not in
( select ptc1.Pid from ProfessorTeachCourses ptc1,ProfessorTeachCourses ptc2
where ptc1.Pid=ptc2.Pid and ptc1.Cid >ptc2.Cid
) 问题(10):找到只选择sqlserver和mysql的学生(只选取了这两门课程,没有选择其他课程)
select sd.* from Student sd,StudentTakeCourses stc1,StudentTakeCourses stc2
where sd.Tid=stc1.Sid and stc1.Sid =stc2.Sid
and stc1.Cid=(select Tid from Course where Name='Sql Server')
and stc2.Cid=(select Tid from Course where Name='My Sql')
and sd.Tid not in(
select sd1.Tid from Student sd1,StudentTakeCourses stca,StudentTakeCourses stcb,StudentTakeCourses stcd
where sd1.Tid=stca.Sid
and sd1.Tid=stcb.Sid
and stca.Cid>stcb.Cid
and stcb.Cid>stcd.Cid
) 问题(11):找到只比两个学生大的学生(也就是找到第三年轻的学生)
-- 通过聚集函数count
select sd.* from Student sd
where 2=(select count(*) from Student sd1
where sd1.Age<sd.Age
select sd1.* from Student sd1,Student sd2,Student sd3
where sd1.age>sd2.age and sd2.age>sd3.age
and sd1.Tid not in
(select sd4.Tid from Student sd4,Student sd5,Student sd6,Student sd7
where sd4.age>sd5.age and sd5.age>sd6.age and sd6.age>sd7.age
select sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age from Student sd,StudentTakeCourses stc
where sd.Tid=stc.Sid
group by sd.Tid,sd.Name,sd.Age
having count(stc.Cid)=(select count(*) from course) --根据课程数排除课程没有都选的学生
select * from Student where Age=(select max(Age) from Student)
select * from Student where Age>=all (select Age from Student)
select * from Student
where Age not in
(select sd1.Age from Student sd1,student sd2
where sd1.Age<sd2.Age