


Named Pipe

    CreateNamedPipe                                    CreateFile
Access/Open Mode--The open handle's read/write permission to pipe GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ
Type Mode--controls WriteFile uses Byte or Message type N/A
Read Mode--controls ReadFile uses Byte or Message type N/A

    The type modes must be the same for all instances of a pipe.

Server Client
CreateNamedPipe CreateFile
ConnectNamedPipe WaitNamedPipe
ReadFile/WriteFile    ReadFile/WriteFile 
DisconnectNamedPipe CloseHandle

3. FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH affects only write operations to byte-type pipes between pipe clients and pipe servers on different computers.
    The write-through mode of a pipe handle cannot be changed after the pipe handle has been created. 
    The write-through mode can be different for server and client handles to the same pipe instance.

4. For a message-type pipe, the read mode can be different for server and client handles to the same pipe instance.

6. For a pipe client, a pipe handle returned by CreateFile is always in byte-read mode initially.

7. The nonblocking-wait mode is supported for compatibility with Microsoft® LAN Manager version 2.0. This mode should not be used to achieve overlapped input and output (I/O) with named pipes.

8. A client that is forced off a pipe by DisconnectNamedPipe must still use the CloseHandle function to close its end of the pipe. This is because the pipe exists as long as a server or client process has an open handle to the pipe.

9. ConnectNamedPipe can be used to connect to a newly created pipe instance or an instance that was previously connected to another client process.(The hPipe that is disconnected but not closed by CloseHandle)

10. ConnectNamedPipe will return
        @ERROR_NO_DATA --server did not call DisconnectNamedPipe and the client has closed its handle.
        @ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED--if a client connects in the interval between the call to CreateNamedPipe and the call to ConnectNamedPipe. Or server did not call DisconnectNamedPipe and the client has not closed its handle.
        @ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING--no client  is connected while server in nonblocking mode.

11. server's ReadFile will return ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE if the client uses CloseHandle to close the pipe, which be used to notify the server the connection can over now.

posted on 2006-06-08 14:44  比尔盖房  阅读(1175)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报