
def binary_search(arr, item):
    low = 0
    high = len(arr) - 1
    while low <= high:
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        guess = arr[mid]
        if item == guess:
            return mid
        if item < guess:
            high = mid - 1
            low = mid + 1
    return None

selection sort

def find_smallest(arr):
    smaller = arr[0]
    smaller_index = 0
    for i in range(1, len(arr)):
        if arr[i] < smaller:
            smaller = arr[i]
            smaller_index = i
    return smaller_index

def selection_sort(arr):
    sorted_arr = []
    while arr:
        smaller_index = find_smallest(arr)
    return sorted_arr

quick sort

def quick_sort(arr):
    if len(arr) < 2:
        return arr
    pivot = arr[0]
    less = [item for item in arr[1:] if item <= pivot]
    more = [item for item in arr[1:] if item > pivot]
    return quick_sort(less) + [pivot] + quick_sort(more)
from collections import deque

graph = {}
graph['you'] = ['alice', 'bob', 'claire']
graph['bob'] = ['anuj', 'peggy']
graph['alice'] = ['peggy']
graph['claire'] = ['thom', 'jonny']
graph['anuj'] = []
graph['peggy'] = []
graph['thom'] = []
graph['jonny'] = []

def check(name):
    return name[-1] == 'm'

def breadth_first_search(name):
    search_queue = deque()
    search_queue += graph[name]
    searched = []
    while search_queue:
        person = search_queue.popleft()
        if person not in searched:
            if check(person):
                print(person + ' is a mango seller!')
                return True
            search_queue += graph[person]
    return False

Dijkstra’s algorithm

Four steps to Dijkstra's algorithm

  1. Find the “cheapest” node. This is the node you can get to in the least amount of time.
  2. Update the costs of the neighbors of this node.
  3. Repeat until you’ve done this for every node in the graph.
  4. Calculate the final path.
graph = {}
graph['start'] = {'a': 6, 'b': 2}
graph['a'] = {'finish': 1}
graph['b'] = {'a': 3, 'finish': 5}
graph['finish'] = {}

costs = {'a': 6, 'b': 2, 'finish': float('inf')}

processed = []

def find_lowest_cost_node(costs):
    lowest_cost = float('inf')
    lowest_cost_node = None
    for node in costs:
        if costs[node] < lowest_cost and node not in processed:
            lowest_cost = costs[node]
            lowest_cost_node = node
    return lowest_cost_node

node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)

while node:
    neighbors = graph[node]
    for item in neighbors:
        new_cost = costs[node] + neighbors[item]
        if new_cost < costs[item]:
            costs[item] = new_cost
    node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)


greedy algorithm

states_needed = {'mt', 'wa', 'or', 'id', 'nv', 'ut', 'ca', 'az'}

stations = {}
stations['kone'] = {'id', 'nv', 'ut'}
stations['ktwo'] = {'wa', 'id', 'mt'}
stations['kthree'] = {'or', 'nv', 'ca'}
stations['kfour'] = {'nv', 'ut'}
stations['kfive'] = {'ca', 'az'}

final_stations = set()

while states_needed:
    station_covered = set()
    best_station = None
    for station, states_for_station in stations.items():
        covered = states_needed & states_for_station
        if len(covered) > len(station_covered):
            station_covered = covered
            best_station = station
    states_needed -= station_covered


dynamic programming

  • Dynamic programming is useful when you’re trying to optimize something given a constraint.
  • You can use dynamic programming when the problem can be broken into discrete subproblems.
  • Every dynamic-programming solution involves a grid.
  • The values in the cells are usually what you’re trying to optimize.
  • Each cell is a subproblem, so think about how you can divide your problem into subproblems.
  • There’s no single formula for calculating a dynamic-programming solution.
posted @ 2018-10-03 00:14  Jeffrey_Yang  阅读(605)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报