07 2013 档案
摘要:在自己的系统中创建work center的时候,出现了下面的错误;这个错误的代码是Message no. CR091。这个错误说明教材中的activity types在我的系统中没有与cost center进行assign维护。看来我需要作一下维护操作在命令行输入KP26,或在路径中寻找这个Tcode:
摘要:Goods Receipt Process for Inbound DeliveriesPurposeThe goods receipt process for inbound deliveries is an essential part of the supply chain. This process includes the steps after creation of the purchase order: notification, the inbound delivery, subsequent putaway of goods, and the goods receipt p
摘要:Inbound and Outbound delivery are not the same as GR and GI. Inbound is related to MM module and Outbound is related to SD module.Inbound delivery is part of vendor confirmation and is used for optimised purchasing. It is a notification of delivery of goods from a vendor against a PO at a specific d
摘要:内向交货单inbound delivery note---- VL31N/VL32N/VL33N内向交货单:如果是采购那边的交货的话,一种是可以根据采购订单进行收货;一种是可以根据内向交货单进行交货;这种交货单的好处就是输单员在做收货过帐的时候,可以一目了然知道该收多少货,也可以根据这张内向交货单进行装车送货,即先装好车,然后再打内向交货单,这样保持一车货与单据上的数量相一致,减少了许多工作上不必浪费的时间。 1.1内向交货单(InboundDelivery)的删除 我们知道依照下述流程创建内向交货单,同时参照该单据所参照PO明细行存在收货的话,则该内向交货单无法删除。订单->内向交货单
摘要:问:内向交货和外向交货有什么区别?答:模块用途经查阅SAP的有关文献,出埠交货(outbound delivery)是用在客户customer与企业company之间的交货单delivery note,而入埠交货(inbound delivery)则是用在供应商vendor与企业之间的交货单delivery note;换言之,出埠交货多用于SD模块,而入埠交货单则用于MM模块。(outbound delivery in SD ; inbound delivery used in MM)有一个概念必须强调:判断一个交货单到底是出埠还是入埠,其唯一的依据是看交货当事人主体的对应关系,而不是货物的流
摘要:Background .Customer Master is Primary master data in SAP SD. To create Customer Master we need Account Group.Account Group: Account Group isaccumulationof similar accounts. The master records in the customerhierarchy are controlled by their account groups.It determines Optional, Mandatory and Not R
摘要:Definition很多时候,下了PO都希望知道Vendor是否能够按照我们PO要求交货,这里就需要Vendor给一个确认。Order Acknowledgement就是在PO中维护这些确认信息的功能。当然这些信息可以手动维护,也可以透过EDI有Vendor的系统回传回来。Acknowledgement信息包括1. order acknowledgements2. loading or transport confirmations3. shipping notificationsPurpose1. 使用确认(Confirmations),会比单纯依据MRP自动生成的数量与交期资讯更为精准,亦
摘要:李嘉诚演讲| 打工是浪费青春,最愚蠢的投资 很多人会认为打工是在赚钱。其实打工才是最大最愚蠢的投资。人生最宝贵的是什么?除了我们的青春还有什么更宝贵?!很多人都抱怨穷,抱怨没钱想做生意又找不到资金。多么的可笑!其实你自己就是一座金山(无形资产),只是你不敢承认。宁可埋没也不敢利用。宁可委委屈屈地帮人打工,把你的资产双手拱让给了你的老板。 我们试想一下,有谁生下来上天就会送给他一大堆金钱的?有谁是准备非常齐全了完美了再去创业就成功了?含着金汤匙出生的毕竟是极少数、富不过三代,许多伟业都是平凡人创造出来的。计划赶不上变化,特别是在如今这个信息高度快速传播的年代!我曾经问过我的一个朋友为什么不去打.
摘要:Please find all tables in MM-PUR (Purchasing) :EBAN - Purchase Requisition EBKN - Purchase Requisition Account AssignmentEBUB - Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for MateriEINA - Purchasing Info Record: General DataEINE - Purchasing Info Record: Purchasing OrganizationDEIPA - Order Price Histor
摘要:Tcode Usage: ME91F and ME92FME91F is used to create dunning letters (reminders) to your vendor, if he is late with delivery or late with sending you order acknowledgements. this is based on the procurement key settingsin material master and reminder day entries in info record and purchase order.A re
摘要:What is blanket purchase order?The use of blanket purchase orders enables you to procure a variety of consumable materials or services from a vendor up to a predefined value limit. Most companies have recurring requirements for minor items (such asoffice supplies, screws, small parts, cleaning work
摘要:Activity Type Master in SAPActivity Type describe the activity carried out by production cost center and are measured in units of time or quantity. Activity type is defined to collect activities performed in Cost centre with respect to work center.Following are the activity type categories example d
摘要:Question:在SAP中会将Work Center中的工时,费用等归结Cost Center中,对于这种关系几它们之间的数据传送关系,哪位可以介绍以下 或者如何维护Work Center and Rounting以及如何在两者之间建立联系,在Work Center and Rounting需要维护哪些需要的资料万分感谢!!Answer :你的问题比较复杂:costomize 部分:1,你要定义work center categories.2,定义work center的usage,standard value key,operation control key.系统应用方面cost要定义a
摘要:Activity TypesActivity types are used to describe the various forms of activity that are performed at a cost center.Activity types are valuated for each cost center and period with a charge rate that consists of a fixed portion and a variable (work-related) portion. Thus the costs incurred at a cost
摘要:在对一笔production order进行手动做confirm的时候,跳出了下面的错误 :点开看了其中的错误原因,需要到后台进行配置为这个plant和order type:SPRO-- > Production --> Shop floor control -->Operations --> Confirmation --> Define confirmation parameters
摘要:Stock posting (BSX) - This transaction is used for all postings to stock accounts. Such postings are effected, for example: In inventory management in the case of goods receipts to own stockand goods issues from own stock.In invoice verification, if price differences occur in connection withincoming
摘要:今天在手动创建production order的时候,系统给了如下的错误: no cost element segment exists for 799999 on date 2013-xx-xx , 去查了一下具体的原因,查找原因的时候当然要结合到FI的account(FS00)的设置 和OBYC里面的accout posting的配置 。 从给出的提示我们可以猜到--某个消耗性账户没有define成本要素部分,也就是没有为这个account来定义一个成本要素 ; 看起来原因是很明显的。对应于生产订单的消耗性账户,对应到SAP的科目分配必须是损益类科目(P&L account)请看下
摘要:When I am going to save the production order after released carried out . see the screen-shot below , the error is about the costing of productionmore details as below (see screenshot)
摘要:SAP MRP4 View:MRP4 View contains the following fields:Selection Method:This field determines which Alternative Bill of Material the system selects during the MRP run. It is a Standard SAP Pre-configured selection. With Selection by order quantity, the system chooses the alternative BOM into whose lo
摘要:Work Scheduling View: To produce an assembly or subassembly, youneed to maintain a work scheduling view for the material. Production Scheduler:They have to be configured in SAP IMG as required.Production Scheduler is the scheduler responsible for a material in production activity control. The produc
摘要:MRP 1 ViewThe MRP 1 View is a place holder for defining the Planning methods and lot sizing procedures of a give material at a plant/storage location level. If you are going to have a particular material planned in SAP, then you can go ahead and create a MRP views (MRP 1, 2, 3, and 4) MRP typeThe MR
摘要:SAP MRP 2 View: Procurement Type (Plant Specific):Procurement type indicator defines how the material is procured. The following procurements types are possibleE = material is produced in-house, F = material is procured externally, X = material can be both produced in-house and procured externally X
摘要:MRP 3 View:The following are the fields in MRP 3 View:Strategy Group:A Strategy Group represents the procedure used for planning a material. Primarily for Made to Stock the strategy is “10” in SAP and for Made to Order the Strategy is “20” in SAP. There are many other strategies in the system other
摘要:今天在保存一个production order的时候,报出了如下的错误;No valuation variant found for valuation area T666Message no. C6015DiagnosisThe system could not find a valid valuation variant for valuation area T666.If the valutaion variant is not assigned to a valuation area, this will have the following effect on the valuati
摘要:Bill of Material (BOM) is a base functionality of setting up production module of an ERP system. A manufactured item consists of components, which are used to build the product through production operation(s). The main use of BOM is to define product structure of a manufactured end item.Routing is a
摘要:巴菲特的投资策略简单易懂易行,为什么却很少人真正做到?原因是习惯的力量。决定我们命运的不是知识、不是思维,而是习惯。尽管我们的脑子很明白,但我们操作时会不由自主地继续用多年习惯的方式去做投资。这很像减肥,尽管你下定决心要减肥,也非常清楚如何减肥,但是你的心管不住你的身,嘴上还在说我要减肥,但手中的筷子已经伸向红烧肉。积习难改,正如巴菲特所说:“习惯的锁链总是轻得难以察觉,等到后来察觉时却已经重得难以挣断。”别说是我们这些凡人,即使是巴菲特本人,非常聪 明、非常坚韧、非常理性,改掉自己只买便宜货的投资习惯,转变为只买超级明星公司,就花了20多年。巴菲特的经验表明,改变老习惯,形成新习惯,有三大困
摘要:Calculation of Lot Sizes for the Procurement ProposalsAfter analysing the shortage quantities (in the last step), SAP MRP run starts the process of creation ofthe requirement proposal/procurement proposalfor the shortage quantity (where the available quantity is short).When creating the procurement
摘要:Replenishment up to Maximum Stock LevelUseYou use the lot-sizing procedure Replenishment up to maximum stock level if you want to fill the stock up to the highest possible level or if you can only store a certain quantity of a material due to the container size. This applies to a tank, for example..
摘要:GR processing time and planning calendarby stratus1 » Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:16 pmOK, not new topic but I didn't see resolution. Perhaps I missed in other posts.In more details: Here's detailsMy Eropean supplier delivers only on Mondayss so my lot size is PK on MRP1 view and I put a plannin
摘要:下面的这个问题是来自SCN,同样的你也会对这个问题正在烦着或者也会遇到,所以请看下面的solution是怎么解决的;Planned Delivery Time as Work Days此问题被 假设已回答。 Kevin Van Oordt 2009-1-12 下午4:13 My company has been struggling for years looking for a safe way to get the planned delivery time value to be interpretted as "work days" instead of calen
摘要:计划策略70是一个好策略。但是也需要 Mixed MRP 的配合。策略组70的能办的事:的核心目标为:为产成品的下一阶物料做中长期计划(PIR),对应的业务场景为,核心物料为半成品,而产成品则是在核心物料基础上增减、修改配置。 可以这样理解,半成品占据了整个物料成本的(绝)大部分,并且也占了整个生产周期的大部分,由于成品订单的多样性(或不确定性),因此,最恰当的方式是为 半成品而不是成品做中长期备货计划。 Mixed MRP 能办的事:Mixed MRP 为空的情况下,即缺省的情况下,只在销售订单(SO)能够冲减PIR,其它的MRP元素比如U1:库存转储订单, DepReq:相关需求等并不能消
摘要:生產工單流程中主要步驟如圖所示。首先為生產工單的產生,在此階段可由規劃中工單自動轉換或以手動輸入產生;生產工單的產生時,ERP系統會執行物料可獲 得性確認,以確保有足夠的物料以執行此工單的生產;預留機器產能,以確保機器於所需的時間內不為它用;於此之前的生產工單狀態為created。生產工單 發放則將工單狀態轉為released,工單發放後才可列印如各工作站的確認單 (Confirmation slip)、揀貨單 (Pick list)、控制單據 (Control ticket)、看板卡 (Kanban card)、發貨單 (Goods issue slip) 等等,相關單位再據以進行相關活動,
摘要:Planned Delivery Time as WorkdaysIs there a way to change the planned delivery time to workdays instead of calendar days? If not, does anyone have a way (other than adding two days to all planned delivery times) to start the planning process two days earlier when a weekend is involved in planning.Ye
摘要:[原创]Make to stock & Make to orderSAP提供的经典生产策略有make to stock和make to order。在传统的make to stock环境中,生产计划只由独立需求触发。这样,需求计划就显得 十分重要了。而sales order只是提供一些信息来监控forecase的预测数量是否恰当。使用make to stock最多的是消费品行业。因为这些产品会卖给很多客户,并且sales order的周期都很短,但生产交付时间周期相对较长。反之,make to order的行业一般都有指定的客户群,并且sales order的周期会比较长。例如,造飞机
摘要:Introduction.The processes of make-to-order and make-to-stock are similar at first sight. The major difference is that in make-to-order, production orders are linked to one or more sales orders whereas in make-to-stock production, orders are the result of production planning, which in its turn is ba
摘要:SAP计算产品成本的方法有三种,按期间计算成本,按工单计算成本,按销售单(sales order)计算成本。其中,按工单计算成本最为常见,很多公司采用,我们也以此为例说明SAP产品计算的流程。一、SAP产品成本计算与常规成本计算的不同点:1. 常规成本计算的方法是月底一次性计算,但SAP提供在工单建立时就可计算出目标成本。公司日常业务操作,比如发料,报工时等,成本会立即计入工单之中,即时性较好,标准术语叫Simultaneous Costing.2. 常规成本计算的方法在发料时,将物料从原材料(RM)科目转到在产品(WIP),收料时再转到半成品或产成品科目。SAP不同,发料时先计入损益科目,月
摘要:Production Order System StatusTell the difference between TECHO and CLOSED.TECO means Technically completed order, means with out full completion of order. That production order stopped because of some reasons. CLOSED means after completion of confirmation and settlement the order is fully closed fo
摘要:Question: 我用CO41把计划订单转为生产订单之后可以reverse这个动作,让这个计划订单重新出现在CO41的list 里面吗?Answer: 删除生产工单,重新run MRPCO41--计划订单批量转换为生产订单
摘要:Production Order StatusThe prerequisite to DLFL an order is that the cost balance is zero. This can be achieved either by not posting any activity to the order, or by settling the cost. Settlement can only occur oncethe order has been received into stock (DLV), so if there is aproblem TECO is used t
摘要:生产订单的状态变化 Status change to Production Order生产订单中常见状态如下:随着业务的变化生产订单的状态也随之变化,如下:相关介绍1.重读主数据的作用和限制 master data 生产订单创建之后BOM或工艺路线发生了变更,此时希望已创建的生产订单能使用更改后的主数据,就可以使用重读主数据功能; 注:1.当生产订单存在GMPS状态时系统订单不能使用重读主数据功能 2.生产订单处于REL状态时,在重读主数据之后订单状态变为CTRD2.修改生产订单取消TECO之后依然可以差异计算的错误 原则:当财务对生产订单进行差异计算时生产订单状态必须为DLV或TECO...
摘要:In simple terms SAP Batch Handling means an additional keys fields for users to identify the same materials.For e.g. Normal Control : Plant + Material + Storage Location Batch Hanlding : Plant + Material + Storage Location + Batch NumberThe structure of the material master record allows you to manag
摘要:If you google it, you will get valuable EWMinformation on the Internet with articles from SAP, Catalyst and other Implementation partners. Now a day’s more consultants are taking EWMtrainingin North America and Europe due to the demand of EWMprojects.Being a SAP WM Consultant, I could see SAP EWMwas
摘要:近期要测试的场景是工厂间的库存转储。工厂间的库存转储在SAP中有几种方式,在SAP Library中有相应的描述:1 Stock Transfer Between Plants in One Step2 Stock Transfer Between Plants in Two Steps3 Stock Transport Order Without Delivery4 Stock Transport Order with Delivery via Shipping5 Stock Transport Order with Delivery and Billing Document/Invoice
摘要:Project Scope in Project ManagementWhat is Project Scope in Project Management?Without knowing what you need to do perfectly, you can’t really get success in the project. You need to know firstly what is the work required to accomplish the project objectives or project goals. Without this you can’t
摘要:今天在创建一个PO的时候,遇到了如下的一个问题, 原来是IMG里面的设置给定义了下图是IMG里面的设置 ,solution是这样的IMG>mm>purchasinlg>source list>define source list requiement at plant level.also check material master that you have not ticked source list
摘要:想必大家都知道或者听说过 80/20的原则 ,再看看如何让80/20更高效的利用起来 ;以及高效能人士的七个习惯
摘要:在创建工厂间的stock transport order的时候,报出了如下的错误message :再去仔细检查了一下IMG的配置,发现在 IMG > Logistics general > material master > Basic Settings > material type > Define Attributes of Material Types发现其中一个plant的material type and click Quantity/Value update没有选中 。选中之后,问题就solved 。
摘要:可能有些在做PP的consultant会忽略了MRP group这个东东,其实他的作用还是很大的..............当然impact最大的还是run MRP的时候......;)MRP的配置在IMG里面的Tcode是OPPR ; IMG Navigation: SPRO> Production> Material Requirements Planning> Plant Parameters> MRP Groups> Carry Out Overall Maintenance of MRP Groups今天遇到的问题就是关于消耗模式和调整的设置,导致在RU
摘要:Material Requirement Planning in SAPVs SAP SCM: Key words: SCM-APO , ECC-MRP , APO-finite capacity and constraintsThe SAP R/3 or ECC has a MRP system that plans for material and capacity (schedules) without consideringany constraintandby assuming availability ofinfinite capacity for the work centers
摘要:Made-to-stock Scenario:If a material is defined as a made-to-stock material, i.e., materials which are not marked with any strategy types or strategy groups in the SAP material master MRP 3 view or materials which are marked with collective requirements in the MRP 4 screen, the system calculates the
摘要:问个问题 ,指点一下 物料库存信息存了那个表里面? MARD只是非限制库存 其他库存存在那个表里面? MARD (Storage Location Data for Material)MSEG 是物料凭证明细--Document Segment: MaterialCurrent stock is available in MBEW and MARD.For historical data, check MBEWH and MARDH.For the stock in a previous date, you have t go with the reverse calculation from
摘要:我们看到 sale: sales org. 2的view里面有很多material group 物料组, 可以到下面的图中发现,其实就是SPRO