10 2012 档案
摘要:Learn SAP MRP in 11 StepsAfterknowing- what is SAP MRP and its concept, SAP MRP configuration,Master Data involved in SAP MRP, we can jump to understanding the way in which the SAP MRP programs function. The following documentation arranged in links would take you through the 11 steps to understand
摘要:Explain the difference between MRP & MPS. Though both components gives you the requirement list, what we gain out of MPS run rather than running MRP. What is the main idea behind this?The following might help in explaining the difference between MPS and its counter part MRP.Master Production Sch
摘要:MPS即主生产计划。 MPS是确定每一具体的最终产品在每一具体时间段内生产数量的计划。这里的最终产品是指对于企业来说最终完成、要出厂的完成品,它要具体到产品的品种、型 号。这里的具体时间段,通常是以周为单位,在有些情况下,也可以是日、旬、月。主生产计划详细规定生产什么、什么时段应该产出,它是独立需求计划。主生产计划根据客户合同和市场预测(contract and marketing forecast),把经营计划或生产大纲中的产品系列具体化,使之成为展开物料需求计划的主要依据,起到了从综合计划向具体计划过渡的承上启下 作用。物料需求计划--MRP物资需求计划即(Material Require
摘要:MIGO operation --- material document and accounting document正常的收货产生物料凭证没有错,但是同时也会生成一张GR/IR的会计凭证是为了增加你的成本,发票校验时也是产生一张会计凭证是为了产生应付。 所有的物料移动都会产生物料凭证。因为物料是在工厂级别进行评估,所以一个工厂下的物料移动不会产生会计凭证,也可以认为如果产权没有改变,不会产生会计凭证Vendor consignment :根据创建的PO进行MIGO收货 , 保存后会产生物料凭证,但是没有会计凭证出现。并没有产生财务凭证,只有当物料转为自由库存或则物料被消耗时才会产生会计凭证
摘要:Customer MasterKNA1Customer Basic DataKNB1Customer Company Level Data客户的公司数据KNVVCustomer Sales Level Data 客户的销售数据KNVPCustomer Partnering Data客户合作伙伴KNKACustomer Credit Data - CentralizedKNKKCustomer Credit Data - Control Area LevelKNBKCustomer Bank DetailsKNVHCustomer HierarchiesKNVLCustomer Licenses