09 2012 档案
摘要:SD (Sales and Distribution) : 销售和分销 Sold-to-party : 下订单客户 售达方Ship-to-party : 收货之客户 收货方Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户 开票方Payer-to-party : 付款人 付款方Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路 分销渠道Division : 产品别 生产线Sales Areas : 销售网 , 销售业务组织 + 销售通路 + 产品别Company Code : 公
摘要:没有想到的是竟然出现在ORACLE的官方文档里面Oracle® Application Server Adapter for SAP R/3 User's Guide10g Release 2 (10.1.2)B14061-03http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B14099_19/integrate.1012/b14061/processing.htm
摘要:Industry Best Practice to migrate project failure riskTop 10 most utilized practices in IT projectsRegularly use project management methodologies: 96%经常使用项目管理的方法,手段Conduct regular strategic planning meetings to achieve alignment: 93%为了达到一致性定期召开战略计划会议Conduct internal customer satisfaction surveys: 86
摘要:An Introduction to German for ABAP/4 ProgrammerA note by Michael DavidsonThe purpose of this paper is to introduce German to ABAP/4 programmers who may be curious about the language which appears from place to place in their work. SAP is a very international system and community with installations .
摘要:In sap there is specific transaction flow for a particular Manufacturing Process. It all depends upon the requirement of client and process.Here is the basic flow of transactions which is req. for creating master data, planning and order processing…The Made TO Order Cycle:The sale department passes
摘要:The classification data is used when searching for materials. The characteristic values into the classes for each material can be used to search for material with that set of characteristics.Class TypeThe classification entry screen after the basic data entry allows information to be entered into us
摘要:Enable RowMovement.I’m trying to share one of my past experience with “row movement” in my early career days…An Application deleted about 80 million rows (approx) in a table where the table had just above 87 million rows. This was a routine activity for them at their business EOD.And they saw perfor
摘要:Hanging around in my hotel in Chicago because it is raining, I have been cruising around in the OTN forums which inspired me to write something about the High Watermark and the Oracle 10gR1 New Feature SEGMENT SHRINKING.The High Watermark is the maximum fill-grade a table has ever reached.Above the
摘要:最近用了Putty来远程连接Linux,其中的X11 forwarding的使用很有意思,其中的配置转载国外的;X Forwarding with Putty on WindowsIntro to X ForwardingUnix machines have been able to run software on a remote machine and display the GUI locally for almost two decades. Linux and Mac OS X support X Forwarding with no extra software. Any term
摘要:It's Oracle official document about oracle memory :http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e16638/memory.htm
摘要:Starting Oracle 11.2.0.x, Oracle has introduced two new hidden parameters which indeed brings a change in the instance abort and memory setting behaviour.1. _datafile_write_errors_crash_instanceThe above parameter is “TRUE” by default and cause the instance to be aborted if any write to a datafile w
摘要:最近在做DW的设计的时候,考虑到使用oracle的Bigfile的tablespace --大文件 (Bigfile) 表空间 , 因为它对性能方面确实有不一样的impact;先看看高人写的吧 !好好学习一下 ; [Oracle 10g] 大文件表空间 作者:Fenng 简单介绍Oracle 10g 的存储能力有了显著的增强。这表现在很多方面,下面介绍 10g 新增的表空间类型:大文件 (Bigfile) 表空间。 大文件表空间从某种角度来说提高了 Oracle 在 VLDB 上的管理能力。 只有自动段空间管理的 LMT (Locally Managed Tablespaces ) 支持 BI
摘要:RAIDRAID is an acronym for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks. These provide a mechanism for load balancing and securing your data across multiple disks. In this article I'll give a brief explanation of the most commonly used RAID levels and how they should be used with Oracle.RAID LevelsOrac
摘要:最近在搞Data Guard为了项目的需求,这个正好是为了OLAP服务的,其中的运算量都很大,数据量也是相当的大.在网上google了一篇文章;觉得挺有帮助的,转来学习一下,我们在部署服务器时通常都免不了RAID阵列级别的选择,RAID技术发展到今天已经有数十种之多了,但我们在生产系统上常用的也就只有几种,如 0,1,5,0+1。读者朋友可能对各个级别的RAID原理已经非常熟悉了,甚至能背诵出来,但面临真正在生产系统中选择最适合应用系统的RAID级别 时,可能没多少心理有底,本文就oracle数据库服务器在选择RAID阵列级别时做一个介绍,希望对还心存疑虑的人们吃一粒定心丸。首先,还是来看看常
摘要:今天在安装linux_11gR2_examples遇到了一个奇怪的问题,google了一把,看到一外国oracle爱好者,发现了这个solution,特地学习一下;Error during Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Examples InstallationHi AllThis is the error that I got during the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Examples.Reproduce Issue:1. Download and extract theOracle Dat
摘要:Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide11g Release 2 (11.2)Part Number E10595-04Creating a Password File with ORAPWDThe syntax of the ORAPWD command is as follows:ORAPWD FILE=filename [ENTRIES=numusers] [FORCE={Y|N}] [IGNORECASE={Y|N}]Command arguments are summarized in the following table.
摘要:2011 年最常用的软件Firefox 这个不消说 FF主要是用在办公上,使用ScrapBook保存了大量有用的诊断资料,目前已经Scrapbook的数据量已经有十多个G了Chrome 主要是用来娱乐, 因为我是只使用web版的gmail作为邮箱,所以chrome 的OFFLINE GMAIL功能对我来说是不可或缺的Safari 用在ipad 上Gtalk & QQ Gtalk 让我认识了不少国外的DBA同学,这让我在研究一些oracle专题时不至于觉得孤单SecureCRT 可能是 Unix/Oracle领域 俗话说的 吃饭家伙, 现在几乎不能脱离这个terminal 工具了,相对而