GenItemCatGroup and Item category group in Material Master

Item Category Group

This indicator is part of the link between the material master and the sales document. When you create a sales document item for this material, the combination of the item category group and the sales document type determine the item category. You can find this field on the Sales: Sales Org. view. We recommend the following settings for the field : Configuration (0002) or Milestone-Bill Plan (0005), depending on whether you want to use configuration or not.

Gen. Item and Item Category Group

Explain the difference between Gen. Item Category Group and Item Category Group in Material master.

General item category grp is used in the sales processes like BOM, where we have higher item category and the default item

General item category grp would refer to the higher level item category and item category grp would refer to the default item category

*General Item category Group* is an extension item category group. Example: if one select item catagory group as NORM, but under item category group, NORM can further be classified as Service item, packagaing item or Normal
item using "general item category group". 

Also, General item category group is maintained at client level, this field can be maintain from Basic Data View of Material Master. Thus in case item category group is missing, then general item category group is used for item category determination.

*Item category group* determines how a material is processed in the sales order. When processing sales and distribution
documents, the system uses the item category group to determine the item category and proposes it in the respective document. Item category group is defined in the Sales Org View 2 of Material Master Record.  

Example, in the standard SAP System, the item category group NORM is defined for materials kept in stock and the group DIEN for services and non-stock material

General item category grp is used in the sales processes like BOM, where we have higher item category and the default item



General item category grp would refer to the higher level item category and item category grp would refer to the default item category


General Item category Group is an extension item category group. Example: if one select item catagory group as NORM, but under item category group, NORM can further be classified as Service item, packagaing item or Normal

item using "general item category group". 


Also, General item category group is maintained at client level, this field can be maintain from Basic Data View of Material Master. Thus in case item category group is missing, then general item category group is used for item category determination.


Item category group determines how a material is processed in the sales order. When processing sales and distribution

documents, the system uses the item category group to determine the item category and proposes it in the respective document. Item category group is defined in the Sales Org View 2 of Material Master Record.  


Example, in the standard SAP System, the item category group NORM is defined for materials kept in stock and the group DIEN for services and non-stock material


In Simple:


Item Category determines the processing of any Item/material that we enter in a sales order and in this way it also effects the procesing of any sales doc in which it is used.


Item Category Group is one of the component which along with the Sales Doc Type, The Item Usage and Higher Level Item Category decide about the Item Category in a sales doc.


As per definition General Item Category Group & Item Category Group both are to detrmine Item Category in Sales Document.


the Item Category Group is used to determine Item Category.


General item category is a broader term and used other than SD processes

posted @ 2013-11-04 23:07  jefflu99  阅读(1897)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报