Production Order Phases

Production Order Phases

Production orders go through different phases that follow on from one another. These phases are represented by the production order status:

1. First, production orders are created (CRTD).
2. Production orders are released (REL).
3. Shop floor papers are printed (PRT).
4. Production orders are executed. The quantities produced, the activities and the dates are continually confirmed (PCNF).
5. Eventually, final confirmation takes place (CNF).
6. The production orders are technically completed (TECO).
7. Finally, the production orders are flagged for deletion (DLFL).

A workflow can be started when a production order is created. It continually informs the MRP controller about the phase in which the production order is currently to be found.

Note that in this scenario a lot of work items may be created. Therefore, if there are a lot of production orders in your active system, you should not use this scenario.

If the existing scenario does not meet your requirements, you can use it as a template for creating your own scenario.


1. Maintain processor assignment
Link the standard tasks TS20000634, TS20000636, TS20000637, TS20000638, TS0000639, TS20000640 with your possible processors.
2. Link MRP controllers with the organizational management
If you only want the MRP controller who is responsible for the production order to receive a work item, rather than all possible processors assigned to the standard tasks, link the MRP controller (organizational object type T024D) with the SAP organizational management.
3. Activate event linkage
Activate event linkage between the workflow template WS20000387 and the event BUS2005.Created.
4. Ensure event creation via status management
Enter the following for status object type ORH and for business object type BUS2005:
  • Event Created, status restrictions SysStatus = I0001 CRTD
  • Event Released, status restrictions SysStatus = I0002 REL
  • Event Printed, status restrictions SysStatus = I0007 PRT
  • Event Confirmed, status restrictions SysStatus = I0010 PCNF
  • Event FinallyConfirmed, status restrictions SysStatus = I0009 CNF
  • Event TechnicallyCompleted, status restrictions SysStatus = I0045 TECO
  • Event Deleted, status restrictions SysStatus = I0076 DLFL

Further Notes

For more information, for example, about how to inform the production scheduler instead of the MRP controller, refer to the component BC - Basis by choosing Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Reference Documentation -> Workflow Scenarios in Applications -> Production Planning and Control -> Production Order Phases (PP-SFC).



posted @ 2013-09-23 09:23  jefflu99  阅读(738)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报