Planned Delivery Time as Work Days (SCN discussion)


Planned Delivery Time as Work Days

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Kevin Van Oordt Glass

My company has been struggling for years looking for a safe way to get the planned delivery time value to be interpretted as "work days" instead of calendar days for MRP planning purposes. Modifying SAP's MRP code was not an option.

Recently, we've had the breakthrough we've been looking for and have successfully altered SAP logic to interpret a planned delivery time value as "work days". This has been achieved using SAP provided user exits and BADIs. We've even made the logic configurable by plant code.

My question to the SAP community is whether the solution our company has developed is of interest to others? If you're intested, respond to this post. If there is enough interest, it will be motivation to submit a whitepaper explaining our solution.

Thanks, Kevin.

Re: Planned Delivery Time as Work Days
Nabil Nait Glass

Hi Kevin,

I have this problem about delivery time in calendar day that is disturbing.

could you explain to me your solution please.



Re: Planned Delivery Time as Work Days
Kevin Van Oordt Glass

The basic concept of our user exit logic is to dynamically calculate, for each supply element, what the planned delivery time value needs to be in calendar days for MRP to determine the delivery date you want according to a work day definition. 

For example, if the material master contains the value of 3 and you want this to be 3 work days, MRP needs to use a value of 3 calendars if you are forward scheduling from a normal Monday.  But, if you are forward scheduling from a normal Friday, our user exit determines that MRP needs a value of 5 calendars days to make the delivery date the following Wednesday.

This is the concept.  I'm working on a whitepaper that would explain this solution in more detail.

Re: Planned Delivery Time as Work Days
karthick PP Gold

Check this


1) Maintain the Calendar via the following path: SPRO -

> General Settings -

> Maintain Calendar. This step will help define the appropriate calendar that you would prefer to set.


2) Define the Plant parameters via the following path: SPRO -

> Enterprise Structure -

> Definition -

> Logistics - General -

> Define, copy, delete, check plant. Select the Plant that you would like to define the Plnd Delivery Time and then, in the Factory Calendar, select the calendar that you have defined in step 1.



You can control planned delivery time (MARC-PLIFZ; workday / calendar day) in 4.7 as per OSS note 603098




posted @ 2013-07-14 13:59  jefflu99  阅读(866)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报