MRP group的设置对Run MRP的直接影响

可能有些在做PP的consultant会忽略了MRP group这个东东,其实他的作用还是很大的..............当然impact最大的还是run MRP的时候......;)

MRP的配置在IMG里面的Tcode是OPPR ; IMG Navigation: SPRO> Production> Material Requirements Planning> Plant Parameters> MRP Groups> Carry Out Overall Maintenance of MRP Groups

今天遇到的问题就是关于消耗模式和调整的设置,导致在RUN MRP的时候跑出来的planned order出了点问题,最后发现原来是这个东西引起的。。。

需要用到MRP strategy group为11 (Make-to-stock prod./gross reqmts plnning) ,它是不会考虑到任何的库存的。

在配置策略组11的时候,需要设置MRP3里面的mixed MRP为2(gross requirements planning),同时assign MRP group。


Strategy 11 - PIR Type - BSF

  • Gross requirement planning. Warehouse / storage location stock is not considered, and only planned receipts / issues are considered. Also Planned Independent Required quantity is reduced during Goods Receips for production / planned order (Repetitive).  It is generally recommended for mass production industries and process oriented industries where the production has to be carried on, regardless of the stock available. The constraint in such industries is that it is not economically viable / possible to stop production.

然后开始测试,手动给demand 用MD61,其中user parameters里面的requirements type为BSF

然后开始RUN MRP ;







posted @ 2013-07-03 00:48  jefflu99  阅读(2091)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报