
问个问题 ,指点一下 物料库存信息存了那个表里面? MARD只是非限制库存 其他库存存在那个表里面? MARD (Storage Location Data for Material)

MSEG 是物料凭证明细--Document Segment: Material

Current stock is available in MBEW and MARD.

For historical data, check MBEWH and MARDH.

For the stock in a previous date, you have t go with the reverse calculation from the current stock with the logic

Stock at that date=current stock+issues (from that day till date)-receipts(from that day till date).

Also check the standard report MB5B and MC.9.


请教一下大家,成本控制订单 结算不了   没有估算额;不可能结算,,订单状态改为TECO也这样,是什么原因呢?
posted @ 2013-07-02 00:15  jefflu99  阅读(384)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报