Basics of MD04 (How to read with hints MRP elemnt )
This is important transaction to view current status of the material - MD04 - Stock Requirements List.
It will display planning parameters maintained material master like MRP type, MRP controller, Procurement Type, Strategy group, availability check and Lot size etc at header level for the respective plant.
It will display the current stock available as on date and time.
There are 5 important fields as given below:
Date : Indicates requirement date
MRP Element : Defines Type of requirement.
- If PIR is maintained for the Material then it will display as IndReq
- Is sales order is created or material then CustSt
- If production order is created then PrdOrd
- If process order is created then PrcOrd
- If planned order is created then PldOrd
- If it is dependend requirement for some other demand then DepReq
- If it is reservation generated for some other order then OrdRes (Order Reservation )
- Similarly for Raw materials if Purchase requsition created then PurRqs
- If PO is generated then POitem
Various requirements for the material like PIR, sales order, production order, planned orders etc are displayed in MD04
MRP Element data: Defines against the MRP element relevent data.
- In case of PIR it displays the requirement type or requirement plan if demand is created against the plan
- In case of Sales Order (CustSt) - Displays respective sales order number which is created for the material
- In case of production order PrdOrd - It displays the respective production order number
- In case of planned order PldOrd - Displays planned order number which was generated after MRP run.
- In case of purchase requsition it displays the PR number or PO number if converted to PO.
Receipt/Requirement qty: Quality Received or quantity required based on MRP element.
- In case of purchase requsition it is required.
- In case of process order/prduction order it is received
Available Quantity ; Defines the system calculated quantity available considering the receipts,issues and current stock
In nut shell MD04 display all the current demand/requirements for the material along with current stock situation.
Also read SAP help more understanding.There are Traffic lights, Messages etc which you need to read.
Screen shot shared for your understanding ;
Also go through the below link on MD04 Issues.
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