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摘要:For this you have to carry following steps:1. Create the PORT in WE21 ( Transactional port ).2. In WE20 create the partner profile for vendor for which you are creating the PO. In this profile in outbound parameter accessing the message type ORDERS. In basic type assign /NFM/ORDERS05. In port, assig
摘要:Frequently Used TablesGroupTable NameDescriptionClassification Tablesand OthersAUSPCharacteristic ValuesClassification Tablesand OthersCABNCharacteristicsClassification Tablesand OthersCABNTCharacteristic DescriptionsClassification Tablesand OthersJCDSChange Documents for System/User Statuses (Table
摘要:Link:: http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ERPLO/MD04-NAVIGATION+PROFILEMD04-NAVIGATION PROFILE Skip to end of metadataPage restrictions apply Attachments:12 Added by Girish Adaviswamy, last edited by Girish Adaviswamy on Apr 17, 2009 (view change)show comment hide commentComment: Migrated to Confl
摘要:问:内向交货和外向交货有什么区别?答:模块用途经查阅SAP的有关文献,出埠交货(outbound delivery)是用在客户customer与企业company之间的交货单delivery note,而入埠交货(inbound delivery)则是用在供应商vendor与企业之间的交货单delivery note;换言之,出埠交货多用于SD模块,而入埠交货单则用于MM模块。(outbound delivery in SD ; inbound delivery used in MM)有一个概念必须强调:判断一个交货单到底是出埠还是入埠,其唯一的依据是看交货当事人主体的对应关系,而不是货物的流
摘要:Tcode Usage: ME91F and ME92FME91F is used to create dunning letters (reminders) to your vendor, if he is late with delivery or late with sending you order acknowledgements. this is based on the procurement key settingsin material master and reminder day entries in info record and purchase order.A re
摘要:Calculation of Lot Sizes for the Procurement ProposalsAfter analysing the shortage quantities (in the last step), SAP MRP run starts the process of creation ofthe requirement proposal/procurement proposalfor the shortage quantity (where the available quantity is short).When creating the procurement
摘要:GR processing time and planning calendarby stratus1 » Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:16 pmOK, not new topic but I didn't see resolution. Perhaps I missed in other posts.In more details: Here's detailsMy Eropean supplier delivers only on Mondayss so my lot size is PK on MRP1 view and I put a plannin
摘要:下面的这个问题是来自SCN,同样的你也会对这个问题正在烦着或者也会遇到,所以请看下面的solution是怎么解决的;Planned Delivery Time as Work Days此问题被 假设已回答。 Kevin Van Oordt 2009-1-12 下午4:13 My company has been struggling for years looking for a safe way to get the planned delivery time value to be interpretted as "work days" instead of calen
摘要:生產工單流程中主要步驟如圖所示。首先為生產工單的產生,在此階段可由規劃中工單自動轉換或以手動輸入產生;生產工單的產生時,ERP系統會執行物料可獲 得性確認,以確保有足夠的物料以執行此工單的生產;預留機器產能,以確保機器於所需的時間內不為它用;於此之前的生產工單狀態為created。生產工單 發放則將工單狀態轉為released,工單發放後才可列印如各工作站的確認單 (Confirmation slip)、揀貨單 (Pick list)、控制單據 (Control ticket)、看板卡 (Kanban card)、發貨單 (Goods issue slip) 等等,相關單位再據以進行相關活動,
摘要:Planned Delivery Time as WorkdaysIs there a way to change the planned delivery time to workdays instead of calendar days? If not, does anyone have a way (other than adding two days to all planned delivery times) to start the planning process two days earlier when a weekend is involved in planning.Ye
摘要:在创建工厂间的stock transport order的时候,报出了如下的错误message :再去仔细检查了一下IMG的配置,发现在 IMG > Logistics general > material master > Basic Settings > material type > Define Attributes of Material Types发现其中一个plant的material type and click Quantity/Value update没有选中 。选中之后,问题就solved 。
摘要:SD (Sales and Distribution) : 销售和分销 Sold-to-party : 下订单客户 售达方Ship-to-party : 收货之客户 收货方Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户 开票方Payer-to-party : 付款人 付款方Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路 分销渠道Division : 产品别 生产线Sales Areas : 销售网 , 销售业务组织 + 销售通路 + 产品别Company Code : 公
摘要:没有想到的是竟然出现在ORACLE的官方文档里面Oracle® Application Server Adapter for SAP R/3 User's Guide10g Release 2 (10.1.2)B14061-03http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B14099_19/integrate.1012/b14061/processing.htm
摘要:In sap there is specific transaction flow for a particular Manufacturing Process. It all depends upon the requirement of client and process.Here is the basic flow of transactions which is req. for creating master data, planning and order processing…The Made TO Order Cycle:The sale department passes