SAP PO three Decimal place

Currency and Decimal Places in SAP

The number of decimal places varies for currencies. Currencies which do not have two decimal places must be defined in SAP in table TCURX (decimal places for currency codes).

You can maintain this table in the IMG as follows: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide–>SAP NetWeaver–>General Settings–>Currencies–>Set Decimal Places for Currencies. (Transaction code Oy04)

Never delete a currency or change the decimal place value of a currency in SAP.

Some common Customizing settings for table TCURX:

ISO Currency Decimal places 


In case if you are already working in production remember that decimal places should not change. It will affect all previous data.

For your problem best solution is make order unit as 1000. So that your problem will solve

e.g. instead of 4.289 $ for 1 Unit use 4289.00 $ for 1000 unit. TH(thousands) and KPC can be created for this case.


>>>>>>Order Unit and OPU (order price unit)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Purchase Order Unit of Measure

Specifies the unit of measure in which the material is ordered.


Material with master record:
Info record exists for relevant vendor and material:


posted @ 2014-08-15 10:44  jefflu99  阅读(423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报