SAP项目管理---Project Charter .vs. Project Scope(含有English)

我们都知道SAP的项目里面有一套项目实施的方法论 ASAP(Accelerated SAP) ;

This package consists of three components: (1)ASAP Roadmap, (2) Tools, (3) R/3 Services & Training.
Let’s further explore what the three components consist of and how they help expedite the implementation process for each SAP Client.

• Project Preparation
• Business Blueprint
• Realization
• Final Preparation
• Go-live, support, and continuous improvement

在SAP项目的实施准备阶段,我们会准备N多的文档,其中的 Project Charter 和 Project Scope就是其中的一部分 ; (SAP Project Charter 的中文意思是:SAP项目章程)

来看看Project Charter是如何定义的 ;

What is the purpose of Project Charter ?

  A project charter is a control document that provides a problem statement, along with an overview of the scope, goals, participants and requirements of a project.

  The project charter should be used to guide the general direction of a project, and once approved serves as a contract between all participants.

    The project charter provides authorization for the start of a new project. Additionally, the project charter grants the project manager authority to complete the project and identifies the roles and responsibilities of all other involved parties.

    The project manager can create the project charter with the assistance of the project team members. However, the charter must be issued by a project sponsor with sufficient authority to support and sign-off on the project.

    Upon approval, project charters should remain relatively unchanged. Minor modifications can occur at a later date, but only with the approval of all involved parties. The project manager is then responsible for ensuring all project participants receive a copy of the new charter, with a documented date of the modification.

Contents of a Project Charter
When a project is being ordered between organizations and clients, the group creates a project charter to document the agreement. Project charters outline the terms of the project. They are used as planning tools and references to refer back to during the course of a project. If you want to put together an effective project charter, you must know what specific contents to include.

Background Information

    A project charter must contain information about the background of the project. That is, it must state the reasons as to why the project is being initiated and who came to the decision to execute the project. You can tie the background information to particular business goals or economic trends, as well as list the parties in agreement of the project.

Project Scope

    A project charter must describe the project to be carried out. It must state the time frame for which the project will run, what the expectations are for those working on the project, how the communication will work and outline the individuals that will be responsible for executing particular tasks. The scope of the project must be included in the project charter. The scope refers to the actual work that shall be done to complete the project. This section of the charter outlines the tasks, steps, functions and features of the project, along with what the end result of the project is to be.


    The budget and budget schedule for the project shall be worked into the project charter. The budget tells project managers how much money they have to work with to execute the project. The budget schedule lets the group know when it can expect to receive the funds at various points throughout the project course.

Project Goals

    Project goals are identified within project charters. This section discusses what the objectives are and how the goals are beneficial to the businesses involved. Include information about the impact that the finished project will have on other systems, processes or profitability.


    A project charter must clearly state who has the final ownership of the project after it is fully executed. The contents of this section shall identify the stakeholders, sponsors and others who have a financial investment in the project. You can include information about the contributions that each entity shall make for the project and the share that they get back in return after the project is finished.

Project Deliverables

    Project deliverables must be included within a project charter. Deliverables identify the key milestones that project managers are expected to meet to prove that the project is moving along timely. Such deliverables also provide project evaluators with a means of checking the progress of the project against the expectations. Each deliverable should have its own objective to help project managers stay on track.

Organizational Chart

    Include an organizational chart in your project charter. An organization chart outlines the order, or chain, of commands as they relate to the project being implemented. This designation helps others identify who is in charge of doing what on a project and what the reporting and oversight order is for communication purposes.

Risk Management

    Project charters contain risk management sections that discuss the identified risks to the projects and what to do to manage those risks. A risk management plan can be written into the charter to identify how threats to the project will be mitigated or minimized and what the backup plans are for becoming vulnerable to a project threat.

How to Identify & Clarify a Project Scope

Identifying and clarifying a project's scope is often the difference between successfully completing a project and disastrous failure. How does a project become years overdue and millions of dollars over-budget? One day and one dollar at a time, says David Allen, in his landmark book Getting Things Done. By purposefully identifying and clarifying project scope, you will have a potent tool to keep projects on-schedule and under-budget; which can lead to not only a sense of accomplishment, but also professional acclaim and financial rewards.

Purpose of Project Scope

    Project scope documents have two purposes: they define what a project will deliver and what a project will not deliver. Two ways to establish a project's scope are to list the deliverables provided by the project management and to list the items it is assumed the client will provide. It is also wise to specifically state what will not be included in the finished project. Demarcating these lines early in the project prevents the expansion of the project beyond its initial scale.

Writing a Project Scope

    Include a brief overview of the project's purpose in a scope document. Identify the critical elements of the project. Describe what the client will receive in specific, measurable terms. Define terms which may be ambiguous. Set specific milestones for accomplishing the scope's goal's; these milestones will correlate to payments discussed in the statement of work's payment schedule. Ask for client input and approval before continuing with the statement of work.

Difference Between Project Charter & Project Scope

Good project management means documenting what you will do as well as what has been done. Both the project charter and project scope are created early in the initiation phase of a project, and they each help steer the project in the right direction. While both of these documents are crucial to getting a project off the ground, they have vastly different purposes, audiences and content.












我们通过下面的PPT diagram来看一下这里面有哪些东西 :


首先Project scope是包含在Project Charter里面的一部分 ,下图是Project charter的key steps :

posted @ 2013-07-06 00:51  jefflu99  阅读(2399)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报