

mysql 存储过程简单使用 :

 * 生成分表查询语句
 * sqls:原始sql,带有占位符
 * tableNums: 分表个数
 * skipType: 跳过分表类型 0.不跳过 1.跳过奇数表 2.跳过偶数表
 * replaceStr: 替换占位符
 * @date 2021-11-08
 * @author fdh
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `buildSql`(sqls varchar(1000), tableNums int(3), skipType int(1), replaceStr varchar(100)) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8
  set @oriSql = sqls;
    set @oriReplaceStr = replaceStr;
    set @i = 0;
    set @tempSql = '';
    set @replaceSql = '';
    -- 循环开始
    while @i<tableNums DO 
        if (skipType = 1 and mod(@i, 2) = 0) then 
            set @replaceSql := replace(@oriSql, @oriReplaceStr, @i);
        elseif (skipType = 2 and mod(@i, 2) = 1) then 
            set @replaceSql := replace(@oriSql, @oriReplaceStr, @i);
        end if;
        if (skipType = 0 and @replaceSql = '') then
                set @replaceSql := replace(@oriSql, @oriReplaceStr, @i);
        end if;
      if (@tempSql = '' and @replaceSql != '') then 
            set @tempSql := CONCAT(@replaceSql, '\n');
        elseif (@tempSql != '' and @replaceSql != '') then
            set @tempSql := CONCAT(@tempSql, 'union all\n', @replaceSql, '\n');
        end if;
        -- 重置
        set @i := @i + 1;
        set @replaceSql := '';
    end while; 
    -- 循环结束
    RETURN @tempSql;


select buildSql("select DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y-%m') as months, count(1) as counts from crm_clue_call_record*prefix* where create_time > '2021-11-01 00:00:00' and create_time < '2021-11-08 00:00:00' group by DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y-%m')", 32, 2, "*prefix*");


posted @ 2021-11-08 18:22  不喝北冰洋  阅读(472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报